I. Translate the following sentences from the text:
1. They successfully fought the damage suit that he brought when he came out of hospital. 2. He was making some sort of a basket and toiled on steadily while I talked with him. 3. He looked at me in a slow and pondering way ... 4. His mind was rather hazy concerning the suit for damages. 5. The testimony of the foremen and the superintendent had brought about the adverse decision of the court. 6. Jackson's lawyer was a weak and inefficient-looking man. 7. It dawned upon me that of course the company could afford finer legal talent than could a working-man like Jackson. 8. The witnesses ... knew which side their bread was buttered on. 9. Jackson had been
confused by Colonel Ingram, who was brilliant at cross-examination. 10. He had made Jackson answer damaging questions. 11. He waved his hand towards the crowded shelves of books in his tiny office. 12. The company's policy was to fight to the bitter end all suits for damages. 13. I testified to the effect that Jackson injured himself by neglect and carelessness. 14. He outlined the evidence I was to give.
II. Give (he principal forms of the following verbs?
to try; to lose; to shake; to break; to injure; to deny; to win; to pay; to testify; to grow
III. Find in the text English equivalents for the following Russian phrases and sentences and use them in situations based on the text:
вот, что я Вам скажу, мисс Каннингем...; за исключением некоторых подробностей; у него было такое чувство, что...; как это он выразился (сказал); он задолжал за квартиру; проиграть (выиграть) дело; давать показания
IV. Answer the following questions.
1. What was Jackson's occupation and how did it happen that he could not return to his job? 2. How did Jackson explain the cause of the accident? 3. What did Jackson think about the damage suit? 4. What do we know about Jackson's family? 5. What impression did Jackson's lawyer make on Avis? 6. How did he explain his failure to win Jackson's case? 7. What did the interview with Peter Donnelly prove to Avis? 8. Why do you think the superintendent refused to say anything concerning the trial and the testimony he gave? 9. Why did James Smith warn Avis that he would deny everything if she repeated anything he had said? 10. What was the result of Avis's investigation?
V. Mke up stories as they might have been told by:
a) Jackson
Suggested circumstances: On coming out of hospital Jackson learns that he has been fired. He is in despair. His only hope is that he will get some money by sueing the company for damages. However, he loses the case. He does not understand what has happened but he feels that the witnesses helped the other side. Now he is trying to support his family by making baskets and peddling them.
b) Jackson's lawyer
Suggested circumstances: The lawyer agrees to handle Jackson's case. He is convinced that the right is on Jackson's side. But at the trial he feels helpless: on the on'e hand, the witnesses give false evidence and he cannot, in questioning them, make them tell the truth. On the other hand, Jackson doesn't understand Colonel Ingram's questions, properly and gives answers which damage the case. The decision of the court deepens the lawyer's disillusion.
с) James Smith
Suggested circumstances: James Smith is a witness to Jackson's accident. He is summoned to the court to give evidence. James Smith sympathizes with Jackson but he testifies against him. He knows only too well what will happen if he tells the truth.
VI. Find evidence in the text to support the following statements:
1. Jackson's situation was wretched. 2. The company employed very efficient lawyers. 3. The witnesses were afraid to testify in Jackson's favour. 4. "Law is one thing and right is another thing," said Jackson's lawyer. 5. Avis was compelled to admit that Ernest was right.
VII. Suggest a title for the text and give reasons for your choice.
VIII. Give ail possible Russian equivalents for the parts in bold type;
1. We should teach children how to cross the street safely. 2. You should be doing your home-work instead of watching TV. 3. You are sure to meet interesting people there. You shouldn't miss the opportunity. 4. You don't look well. You should have stayed at home. 5. "I ought not to have obeyed Mrs. Clowes," Mr. Cowlishaw thought as he came to. 6, I happened to meet him in the Caucasus. 7. I happened to have heard about him 8. How did she happen to learn about it? 9. We happened to be studying the same problem. 10. He seemed to like our suggestion. 11. The witnesses seemed to have been bribed. 12. Bill should have gone to a doctor at once. 13. You might at least offer me a cup of tea. 14. Why didn't you come? You might have helped me. I had to move the heavy furniture by myself.
IX. Translate the following sentences using the structural patterns:
1. Ей не следует напоминать ему об этой ошибке. Это было так давно. 2. Мне жаль, что вы не пришли проводить его. Вам следовало бы отложить все. 3. Тебе не следовало бы сообщать ему эти новости. Теперь он очень огорчен. 4. Простите, мне не следовало бы этого говорить. 5. Она, вероятно, сердится на меня. Я не должна была говорить с ней так резко. 6. Я постучал несколько раз, прежде чем он впустил меня. "Почему ты так долго не открывал?" - спросил я. 7. Случилось так, что в этот момент мимо проходил наш учитель. 8. Я случайно знаю этого человека. 9. Каким образом вы заблудились вчера? 10. Вы, кажется, знаете здесь всех. 11. Ему, кажется, нравится его профессия. 12. Джон мог бы остаться дома и провести этот вечер с женой, но он все-таки ушел к друзьям. 13. "Вы хотя бы предложили мне стул". -"Ох, извините, пожалуйста". 14. Вы могли бы предупредить меня заранее. Я бы пришла пораньше. 15. "Мне могли бы дать работу сторожа, а они дали ее кому-то еще".
X. Give English equivalents for the following short sentences (see Vocabulary and; Ex. Ill):
1. Зрители тряслись от смеха. Дети дрожали от холода. У него дрожали руки от волнения. Он содрогнулся при этой мысли. 2. Она первая нарушила молчание. Он никогда не нарушал правил. Рассветало. Машина сломалась. У него ухудшилось здоровье. Когда вспыхнул пожар? Через несколько дней началась война. 3. После болезни девочка долго не могла ходить. Она была не в состоянии нести тяжелый чемодан. Она не способна на обман. Вы думаете, она способна на это? 4. Мне пришлось быть свидетелем забавной сцены. 5. Ему всегда давалась физика. Он хорошо решает кроссворды. Она не сразу поняла намек. Раздался телефонный звонок, но он долго не поднимал трубку. Они сразу заметили опасность. 6. Я хочу обратить ваше внимание на это правило. Вам следует уделять больше внимания орфографии. Эта картина привлекла всеобщее внимание. 7. Наводнение причинило большой ущерб городу. Пароход был сильно поврежден. Она повредила себе руку. Это может повредить его репутации. 8. Нам не в чем ее упрекнуть. Кто виноват в том, что произошло? 9. Вот что я вам скажу: так не ведут себя. Мне нравятся все его романы за исключением последнего. У Джейн было такое чувство, что от нее что-то скрывают. Мистер Каулишо был всего-навсего "любителем", как выразился Рэннок. Я запаздываю с этой работой. Я сомневаюсь, выиграет ли он дело. Он первым давал показания.
XI. Suggest Russian equivalents for the word combinations in bold type and explain the use of the synonyms in the following sentences:
1. "You are very young, Jane. That is why I fear for you." "I'm fairly experienced in the world and capable of taking care of myself." 2. Why it did not upset me, I am unable to offer any reason. 3. He had been unable to entertain as he had wished at Christmas, and he wanted to do something now. 4. We found there were cars at Vadheim and Jane was able to arrange for one of these to take us on to Olden. 5. Any day she might decide to go, and I wouldn't be able to think of an excuse to hold her back. 6. "I suppose you are incapable of appreciating what a fine piece of work it was." 7. Was it possible that someone in this house could treat me kindly? I measured Jan Pryott with more caution than I would have been capable of only a few hours before. 8. I saw then that he was trembling with fright ... His hands were shaking and his eyes were fixed on mine. 9. Favel looked grey, rather shaken. I noticed his hands trembling as he held the match. 10. She stood with her bare feet upon the floor and shivered. 11. A little wind sprang from nowhere and blew into my face. I shivered for no reason. 12. Mrs. Danvers took hold of my arm and walked me towards the bed. The touch of her hand made me shudder. 13. I can see him now shaking with silent laughter. 14. He looked up at the pantry ceiling, which was shaking with the stamping and shuffling of feet on the floor above. 15. Weeping hysterically, his body shaking,
the boy reached up and threw his arms round his father's neck. 16. He lay for a moment, then quickly, reaching with trembling fingers for a sheet of paper on the table, he took a pencil and scribbled several lines. 17. It was difficult to open the door without attracting some attention. 18. The carriage attracted young Jolyon's attention; and suddenly on the back seat he recognized his Uncle James. 19. "If you've come here merely to say unpleasant things you'd better go! I don't enjoy your company." She paid no attention to this. 20. I paid little attention to his words of warning when he insisted that I was not under any circumstances to go there.
XII. Translate the following situations. Use the active vocabulary of Unit Six for the words and word combinations in bold type:
1. "Ты должна быть очень внимательной на работе и не нарушать правил, - сказал Кэрри мастер. - Если будешь работать недостаточно быстро, ты можешь повредить себе пальцы". 2. Уже рассвело, а Кэрри все еще не могла заснуть. У нее болела голова, и ее всю трясло. Всю неделю стояла холодная, сырая погода, а у нее не было подходящей одежды. Не удивительно, что она простудилась! "Пожалуй, я останусь дома. Я совершенно не в состоянии идти на работу, - думала Кэрри. - А что если меня уволят, и мне придется опять искать работу!?" Она содрогнулась при этой мысли. 3. Кэрри была хорошенькой и всегда привлекала к себе внимание. Однако она не могла позволить себе хорошо одеваться, и ей недоставало хороших манер. 4. Однажды она познакомилась с молодым человеком. Он был хорошо одет и произвел на нее большое впечатление. Он пообещал ей, что свяжется с ней, как только вернется из деловой поездки. 5. Прошло уже больше двух недель, а Кэрри ничего не слышала о нем. "Как бы мне хотелось увидеть его поскорее", -думала Кэрри. 6. Наконец пришло долгожданное письмо! Дрожащими руками Кэрри вскрыла конверт. 7. Друэ (Drouet) предложил Кэрри уйти от сестры и снять комнату. Он был готов оплачивать все расходы, пока Кэрри не найдет подходящей работы. 8. Кэрри немного поколебалась, но затем приняла его помощь. 9. У Кэрри не хватало мужества сказать сестре, что она уходит от нее, и она написала ей записку. 10. Когда Минни прочла записку, она расплакалась. "Я виновата в том, что случилось. Нам следовало бы отнестись к ней более внимательно; Бедная Кэрри!" 11. "Ты ни в чем не виновата, -сказал ей муж. -Мы сделали для нее все, что могли". 12. После того как Эвис поговорила с адвокатом и свидетелями, которые давали показания в суде, она поняла, что Эрнест был прав. Джексон был ни в чем не виноват и должен был бы получить компенсацию. Он проиграл дело, так как компания держала опытных адвокатов, которые знали, кому угождать. 13. Эверхард не сомневался, что полковник Ингрэм умело вел перекрестный допрос и что Джексон был не в состоянии доказать, что правда была на его стороне. 14. Ему не повезло. Автобус сломался, и он опоздал на последний поезд.
XIII. Make up short dialogues using the following structural patterns:
a) should have done; clauses of unreal condition (did ... would do, had done ... would have done, had done ... would be doing); I.should/ would say; might have done; I wish you would
b) now that; you didn't have to; might do; to seem to be doing; needn't be (do)
XIV. Re-id the story and retell it following the outline given below. Make a list of the words and word combinations in the text which you could use to develop each point.
Hospitals are getting more efficient these days and have cut down the time it takes to get a bed for you. The reason for this is that there is a surplus of beds, and in order to survive, a hospital must keep them full. This is good and it's bad.
I went to visit a sick friend at the hospital the other day. I had to go to the information booth, which also handled the admitting procedure.
Before I could ask what room my friend was in the lady took down my name, age, occupation, filled out a slip and rang a bell. I was just about to tell her I was only visiting a friend when two attendants arrived with a wheel-chair, placed me in it and started me down the hall.
"I'm not sick," I yelled. "I'm just looking for a friend."
"When he comes," one attendant said, "we'll send him up to your room."
"He's here already," I protested.
"Good. Once we have you in bed he can come up and see you."
I found myself in a snail room marked "Private.* Check With Nurse Before Knocking." The attendant stripped me, gave me a weird, short nightgown that tied in the back, a water pitcher and turned on the television set hanging from the ceiling.
"If you need anything, press the button."
"I want my clothes back."
"Oh, you can trust us," the attendant said. "Even if the worst happens we will see that your widow gets everything."
* * *
I was trying to figure how to escape out the window when Dr. Ward came in with several of his students.
"Thank heavens you finally came," I said.
"It hurts that bad?" he asked.
"It doesn't hurt at all," I retorted.
Dr. Ward looked worried. "If you don't feel any pain, that means it's much more serious than we thought. Where did it originally hurt?"
"It didn't hurt anywhere."
Dr. Ward nodded sympathetically and turned to his students:
"This is the toughest kind of patient to handle because he refuses to acknowledge that he is ill. He will never be well again until he gets over the delusion that he is in perfectly good health. Since he won't tell us where it hurts we'll have to do exploratory surgery to find out for ourselves."
"But I don't want an operation."
Dr. Ward nodded. "No one does, but wouldn't it be better to get it out now rather than later?"
"There's nothing to get out! Everything is in order."
"If it was," said Dr. Ward, writing on a chart, "you wouldn't Le here."
* * *
The next morning they shaved all the hair off my chest and refused to give me breakfast.
Two attendants arrived and placed me on a rolling stretcher. The head nurse walked along beside me. A minister brought up the rear. I looked for help from anywhere. There was no one.
Finally, I was wheeled into the operating-room. "Wait," I said. "I have something to tell you. I'm deathly sick but I have no medical insurance. I can't even pay for the anaesthesiologist."
The anaesthesiologist turned off the valve on the machine. "And I have no money to pay the doctor," I said. The doctor started to put his instruments away.
Then I looked at the head nurse. "I can't even pay for the room."
Before I knew it, I was back in my civilian clothes and out on the street, thrown there by the two attendants who had first wheeled me in.
I went back to ask what room my friend was in but the admitting clerk looked at me coldly and said, "We don't ever want to see you in this hospital again."
(By Art Buchwald. "Moscow News", June, 1978)
I. Mr. Brown is taken for a patient. No one listens to his protests.
2. In an instant he finds himself in a private hospital room.
3. Dr. Ward declares him a very dangerous case.
4. He is wheeled into the operating-room. Everything's ready for the operation.
5. At the crucial moment he finds a way out.
6. He's turned out and told to never come back to the hospital again.
XV. Make up situations based on the story "Patients Needed" using the following word combinations and structural patterns:
to tremble with anger; to shudder at; to be unable to do; to call smb's attention to; to be provided for; to afford; to treat smb; to be quick to do smth; should have done; to be to blame for smth; to pay attention to; to seem to have done
*In American hospitals they have many little private rooms for one patient with all kinds of conveniences. They are of course very expensive.