I. Translate the following phrases and sentences from the text:
1. Do you just sit at the piano and improvise until you strike, something good? 2. I've always wanted to read it but never got around to it. 3. Mrs. Thayer nearly leaped to his side and herded Miss Hannah back into her stall. 4. ... three separate items were highly flavored with cheese. 5. Ben was not exactly bolting his food. 6. He's spoofing you, Ralph. 7. Ben managed to guzzle a cup before it was desecrated with pure cream. 8. Do you like toplay families or divide up? 9. Geniuses are notoriously eccentric. 10. This hunch of yours put the matter in a different light. 11. The telegram read: "Mr. Ben Drake, care of Mr. Ralph Thayer, Lansdowne, Pennsylvania. In Nile song, second bar of refrain, bass drum part reads A flat which makes discord.. Should it be A natural? Would appreciate your coming to theatre tonight to straighten this out as harmony must be restored to orchestra, if troupe is to be success. Regards, Gene Buck." 12. Mrs. Thayer's wire read: "Mr. Ben Drake resting at my home. Must not be bothered. Suggest that you keep bass drums still for a week."
II. Give the principal forms of the following verbs:
to strive; to keep; to glance; to sit; to sink; to ruin; to despise; to bet; to leave; to lose; to yield; to ring; to choose; to set; to concern; to thank; to forgive
III. Find in the text English equivalents for the following Russian phrases and sentences and use them in situations based on the text;
иногда так, иногда по-иному; нам лучше присоединиться к дамам; к моему великому облегчению; это не ее дело; руки не доходили до этой книги; портить глаза; поставить (прослушать) пластинку; они непременно будут критиковать друг друга; мы тщетно ждали телефонного звонка; укладывать вещи; я должен быть там; меня это до смерти испугало; я должна признаться вам еще кое в чём
IV. Give a neutral variant for the words in bold type;
1. Ralph and I are mighty proud of our shrubbery. 2. "Man! Man!" exclaimed Mrs. Thayer. 3. "That's on the square!" said Ben. 4. He's spoofing you, Ralph. 5. I'll bet you don't. 6. This hunch of yours puts the matter in a different light.
V. Answer the following questions:;
1. Did Mr, Drake enjoy the walk in the garden? 2. Why did Mrs, Drake feel relieved when her husband came back from his walk? What did the women talk about while the men walked in the garden? 3. What was the unpleasant incident which took place at dinner? 4. Why did Mr. Drake choose 'the Great Gatsby'? Why'didn't Mrs! Thayer let him read it? 5. What happened when he chose one of the records? 6. Did Mrs. Thayer like to play with somebody else? 7. What decision did Mr. Drake take the following day? 8. Under what pretext did he decide to leave the Thayers? 9. What confession did Mrs, Thayer make to them at lunch? 10. Why did she consider the telegram from New York trivial? 11. Do you think Mrs. Thayer was offended that her guests had left so soon?
VI. Find evidence in the texts (in both parts) to support the following statements:
1. Ben was hard to please. 2. Mrs. Drake knew her husband too well to. feel at ease at the Thayers. .3. Mrs. Thayer was too domineering to make her guests feel at home. 4. Mrs. Thayer was quite unaware that she annoyed her guests so much.
VII. Give a detailed description of each of the following episodes in the third person (Texts 1, 2)i
1. Mrs. Thayer talks Mrs. Drake into spending a week at their place with her husband. 2. The Drakes find their room quite comfortable. 3. The trouble begins at lunch. Ben is made to do things he hates. He can hardly control himself. 4. Ben is on the point of losing his temper when he is prevented from playing the piano. 5. Mr. Thayer annoys Ben with silly questions as he takes him around the garden. 6. Ben is prevented from reading the book he has chosen and from listening to the record he wants to hear. 7. The Drakes can't stand Mrs Thayer's hospitality any longer and make up their minds to leave the next day. 8. Mrs. Thayer makes a confession.
VIII. Make up stories as they might have been told by:
a) Mr. Drake
Suggested circumstances: Ben accepts Mrs. Thayer's invitation cheerfully. Very soon, however, the hostess's domineering hospitality begins to get on his nerves. He can't stand it and finds a pretext to leave. He doesn't care what the Thayers might think of him.
b) Mrs. Thayer
Suggested circumstances: Mrs. Thayer is going out of her way to please her guests. She is very sorry to learn that the Drakes have to leave so soon. Mrs. Thayer does not suspect anything. On the contrary she feels guilty that she has concealed the truth about the telegram. They part as good friends.
IX. Make up character-sketches of Mr. Drake and Mrs. Thayer. Make a list of words and word combinations to help you describe the characters.
X. Suggest a title for the story and give your reasons.
XI. Translate the following sentences using the structural patterns?
1. Положи записку на стол, так чтобы ее сразу увидели. 2. Он закрыл дверь, чтобы их никто не подслушал. 3. Учитель повторил правило, так чтобы все могли его записать. 4. Я ушла в свою комнату, чтобы мне не мешали заниматься. 5. Он сказал, что будет писать им обоим, чтобы ни у кого из них не было повода жаловаться. 6. Он отошел в сторону, чтобы всем было видно, что написано на доске. 7. Я отказалась от всех приглашений, чтобы мы могли с ним повидаться в субботу. 8. Давай пойдем медленнее, чтобы они могли нас догнать. 9. К вам приходил какой-то молодой человек. Он сказал, что он ваш школьный товарищ. 10. Вчера мне позвонил один мой приятель. Он только что вернулся из путешествия по Сибири. 11. Я была раздражена этим ее замечанием. 12. Этот их мальчишка опять разбил у нас окно. 13. В центре Нью-Йорка Джеф столкнулся лицом к лицу со старым врагом своей семьи. 14. Он слово в слово передал мне ваш разговор с ним. 15. Два года мы работали с ним бок о бок.
XII. Give English equivalents for the following Russian short sentences (see Vocabulary and Ex. III):
1. Я хочу, чтобы ты показала мне свой город (поводила меня по городу). 2. Проделки маленькой обезьянки забавляли детей. Его всегда забавляло, когда он видел ее серьезной. Он не знал, чем заняться (развлечься). Наши соседи очень любили принимать гостей. 3. Он опустился в кресло. У нее ёкнуло сердце, когда раздался звонок в дверь. При этой мысли у него замерло сердце. 4. Он рассказал мне, что произошло там, со всеми подробностями. У меня нет времени описать вам все обстоятельно (в деталях). Я не буду вдаваться в подробности, если вы не хотите этого. 5. Вы любите рыбу? Я равнодушна к мороженому. Вы действительно любите такую музыку? "Вы не хотели бы посмотреть этот фильм?" - "Нет, спасибо, я не люблю такие фильмы". Он очень рассердится
на меня, но мне все равно. 6. Она опять проиграла пари, но это ее не беспокоило. Держу пари, что он придет. Она поспорила с ним на плитку шоколада (a bar of chocolate), что он опоздает. 7. Вы опять опоздали: этому нет оправдания (это непростительно). Чем вы можете объяснить свое*'странное поведение? Не оправдывайтесь, вы виноваты. Это неубедительная отговорка. У нее всегда находилось много отговорок, чтобы не ходить туда. Извините, что я вас прерываю (2). Ему всегда прощали его легкомыслие. Почему вы не извинились перед ней? Она так и не могла простить ему этого оскорбления. 8. Она тщетно (напрасно) ждала его. Ее замечание испугало нас/ Тебе лучше присоединиться к нам. Я бы не ждала его. Мы отправляемся через час. Ты бы пошла домой и уложила вещи. К нашему великому облегчению он все же пришел. Он должен был признаться ей еще кое в чем. Ты испортишь себе глаза, если будешь читать в кровати. Я давно хотела почитать эту книгу, но всё руки не доходили. Давай поставим (послушаем) эту пластинку. Зто не наше дело.
XIII. Read the following sentences paying careful attention to the words and word combinations in bold type. Suggest their Russian equivalents:
1. He entertained more often than before. He had become more neighbourly and he visited and was visited by people who lived round about. 2. "Will you be entertaining much at Manderly, Mrs. de Winter?" they would inquire. 3. I was having the house repaired and made it serve as an excuse for not entertaining visitors. 4. He ... dined out and entertained when he had the mind to do so. 5. We sat for a while without talking much, idly watching the people in the cafe. She was amused at them. 6. ... the three of them formed themselves into a group for conversation, leaving Louise and me to entertain each other. 7. "There isn't much to tell. I can't think of anything that would amuse you. 8. My heart sank at the suggestion but I couldn't refuse to consider it. 9. If this is the way you are going to talk about your cousin's widow I don't care to listen. 10. Philip Ashley's house is at the disposal of his cousin Rachel, when she cares to visit his farm. 11. I went on walking in the wind and rain. I was wet nearly to the skin, but I didn't care. 12. I don't think my father will care One bit what happens to me. 13. As a boy I never cared for swimming. 14. ... I've made a study of the problem ... I'm writing a book on the subject. Perhaps you might care to go over it with me some time? 15. What the principal of St. Bride's (a boarding-school) cared about was proficiency in work. This his schoolmasters were engaged to produce and sacked for failing to produce. 16. "Sorry," said Мог. He had made it a rule to apologize, whether or not he thought himself in the wrong. 17. He excused himself politely though quite definitely from an invitation to luncheon at the club. 18. I did not go to London for some time after that. I made excuses and cut off my visits. 19. "I'll bet you ahundred dollars Mrs. Ramsey's chain is imitation," Mr. Kalada exclaimed. 20. She made me go into every detail of my life.
XIV. Translate the following situations. Use the active vocabulary of Unit Four for the words and word combinations in bold type;
1. Гриффин проработал над проблемой невидимости не более двух лет, когда ему посчастливилось найти решение. 2. Сначала миссис Холл сомневалась, стоит ли ей пускать незнакомца в свою гостиницу. Но он пообещал заплатить вперед, и это решило дело. 3. Незнакомец, очевидно, решил обосноваться в Айпинге, так как на следующий день он попросил, чтобы его багаж доставили ему в гостиницу. 4. Незнакомец, должно быть, не поддерживал связи ни с кем из своих друзей, так как он никогда не получал писем. 5. Миссис Холл раздражала Гриффина (действовала ему на нервы). Она докучала ему глупыми вопросами. 6. "Извините, что я беспокою Вас, но мне нужно починить часы в вашей комнате", - сказала она. "Я хотел бы, чтобы Вы не мешали мне, когда я работаю", - сказал он раздраженно. 7. Странное поведение незнакомца начало действовать миссис Холл на нервы. Одно то, что она не'знала его имени, выводило ее из равновесия. Ее всегда раздражало, когда кто-нибудь спрашивал ее, как зовут ее постояльца и чем он занимается. "Держу пари (готов спорить), что он какой-нибудь преступник, скрывающийся от полиции, - сказал Тедди. Хенфри, часовщик. - Я на Вашем месте связался бы с полицией". - "Это вас не касается, - оборвала его миссис Холл. - Я никому не позволю плохо говорить о моем постояльце". Но Тедди Хенфри твердо придерживался (держался) своего мнения. 8. Через, несколько недель миссис Холл уже жалела, что пустила незнакомца в свою гостиницу. "Нам придется потерпеть (to put up with) его присутствие, пока он платит по счетам - сказал мистер Холл. Мы не можем позволить себе не считаться с таким богатым постояльцем". Миссис Холл очень хотелось бы попросить его переехать в другую гостиницу, но у нее не хватало смелости сделать это. 9. Легран поселился на острове вскоре после того, как ушел на пенсию. Я никогда не терял связи с ним и время от времени навещал его. Легран всегда радушно встречал меня. Он имел обыкновение водить меня по острову и подробно рассказывать о своих находках (discoveries). Несмотря на то, что он редко приезжал в Нью-Йорк, он был в курсе событий, происходивших в городе. 10. Мистер Сейнтсбери протянул Чарли несколько страниц. "Вот роль Сэмми. Она самая важная в пьесе". У Чарли замерло сердце при мысли о том, что его могут тут же попросить прочитать роль. Какие отговорки он может привести? Он не может позволить себе сказать им, что он едва умеет читать. Чарли вздохнул с облегчением, когда мистер Сейнтсбери сказал: "Иди домой и выучи роль наизусть, слово в слово". "Держу пари, этот мальчик принесет славу нашему театру!" - воскликнул мистер Сейнтсбери, когда Чарли ушел. Чарли подробно рассказал брату о том, что произошло с ним в театральном агентстве. 11. У Тома было богатое воображение, и он всегда знал, как развлечь себя. 12. У нас редко бывали гости в прошлом году (мы редко принимали гостей). Отцу нездоровилось.
XV. Read the story and give full answers to the questions that follow the text. Make a list of the words in the text which you could use in your answers:
Mr. and Mrs. Gregg met M.* Lautisse on the Queen Elizabeth coming back from, their first trip to Europe. By a curious chance they learned that M. Lautisse was a well-known artist who had suddenly retired at fifty-three to a villa on the Riviera and lived alone there except for his servants, and never saw anyone. He hadn't painted anything for many a year and was heard to say he would never touch another brush as long as he lived.
M. Lautisse was going to America incognito and asked the Greggs to keep his name a secret. He took to the young couple and accepted their invitation to spend a weekend in their home in "the country.
Lautisse arrived on the noon train Saturday and I met him at the station. We had promised him that we wouldn't have any people in and that we would respect his desire to remain incognito and that we wouldn't try to talk to him about art.
Driving out from the station, I asked him if he wanted to do anything in particular, like playing croquet or going for a swim or a walk in the woods, and he said he just wanted to sit and relax.
So we sat around all afternoon, and Lautisse looked at a baseball game on television for about five minutes, and couldn't understand it, and I took him down to the basement and showed him the oil burner (I sold oil burners), and he couldn't understand that either. Mostly we just sat and talked.
I was up at seven-thirty the next morning and when I was having breakfast I remembered a job I had to do. Our garden fence needed a coat of paint. I got out a bucket half full of white paint, and a brush and an old kitchen chair. I was sitting on the chair, stirring, when I heard footsteps and there stood Lautisse.
"Had breakfast?" I asked, and he said Madame was fixing it. I said I had been getting ready to paint the garden fence but now that he was up, I'd postpone it. He protested - I should go on with it. I took up the brush, but he seized it from my hand and said, "First, I'll show you!"
I'm no Tom Sawyer - I wasn't looking for anybody to paint that fence. It was my pride and joy, for I had built it with my own hands. I let him finish two sides of the post and then I interrupted.
"I'll take it from there," I said, reaching for the brush.
"No, no, no!" he cried out, just like a little child. He had finished half a dozen pickets when Betsy yelled from the kitchen door that his breakfast was ready.
"No, no!" he said, with an impatient wave of the brush. "No breakfast. I will paint the fence."
I argued with him but he wouldn't even look up from his work; so I went into the house and told Betsy. "You know very well how
I feel about that fence, and ... that man came out there and practically wrested the brush away from me ..."
Betsy laughed at me. "Let him paint it!" she said. "He's having a good time."
I went back to the Sunday papers but every now and then I'd get up and go out and watch him for a couple of minutes. He spent three hours at it and finished the fence, all four sections of it. You should have seen him when he walked around the house to the terrace where I was sitting - he had white paint all over him. And he was beaming.
"I finish her!" he exclaimed. He was as happy as a kid with a new rocket ship, and all my resentment faded. He escorted me back to the garden to examine his handiwork.
He had me stand off at a distance and look, and then move up closer and inspect the pickets.
He went back to town on the 9.03 that evening and at the station shook my hand and said I was a fine fellow and that he hadn't enjoyed himself so much in years and that he wanted Betsy and me to come to New York and have dinner with him some night.
We didn't hear anything from him or about him for ten days, and then the story broke in the New York papers. Some UP correspondent on the Riviera had got wind of Lautisse's secret trip to New York and cabled the New York office, and somehow they found out. He denied his identity at first, but then he confessed all and gave them an interview. Along towards the end of the story was a paragraph saying:
Since his arrival M. Lautisse has spent all his time in New York City, except for a weekend at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Hervey Gregg in North Westchester. He met the Greggs on the ship coming over.
The day after the story appeared a reporter and photographer from one of the papers arrived at our house while I was off selling my oil burners, and Betsy did the honours. They wanted to know every single detail - every move the great man had made, every word he had uttered, and Betsy told them of course about the garden fence. They took pictures of it, and more pictures of the paint buckets, and the brush, and the next morning the paper had quite a story, done in a humorous vein, and the Headline said:
It gave us a sort of funny feeling, all this publicity, but we didn't have much time to think about it. Early on the same day that story appeared, an excitable little man arrived in a chaufeur-driven limousine. He leaped out of the car, rushed up to me, grabbed me by the shoulders and began shouting:
"Where is it? Where is the fence?" I knocked his hand down and demanded to know who he was, but he kept yelling things like: "Has anybody else been here?" and "Show me the fence!" Finally he said
he was Mr. Vegaro from the Millard Galleries, and he wanted to see the fence Lautisse had painted.
He stood before that picket fence clasping and unclasping his hands, and crying out: "Magnificent!" and "Superb!" and things like that. Then all of a sudden he quieted down, and said: "Mr. Gregg, I would like to buy your fence, I will give you five hundred dollars cash for it."
He had no more than got the words out when another car came roaring up the driveway and out jumped two men. They came at us with a rush, waving their arms wildly, screaming "Stop! Stop!"
All three men now surrounded me, shouting and gesticulating. So now I did a little yelling of my own. They calmed down, and it turned out that the second two men were from the Weddicome Galleries and they, too, wanted my garden fence, because it had been painted by the great Lautisse.
"You people," I said, "are either drunk or crazy - maybe both."
All three of them looked at me as if I were the one who was drunk or crazy. Didn't I realize that Lautisse had not had a paint brush in his hands for twelve long years? That Lautisse had sworn he would never paint again? That a single painting by Lautisse was worth as much as a quarter of a million dollars?
"Look, gentlemen," I said, "I'm a business man, an oil burner man. I don't know anything about painting. I mean painting pictures. But I do know a thing or two about painting a fence. A mule could have held a paint brush in his teeth and done almost as good a job on that fence as Lautisse did."
"A thousand dollars for the fence!" said one of the Weddicome men.
"Twelve hundred!" said little Mr. Vegaro.
"Fifteen hundred!" cried the Weddicome man.
"Hold it!" I yelled. "I'm beginning to think you're serious. How on earth are you going to get fifteen hundred out of that fence?"
"Good lord, man!" exclaimed the second fellow from the Weddicome, "don't you realize that your garden fence is a genuine Lau-lisse?"
I stared at them in amazement.
(After H. A. Smith)
1. How did M. Lautisse spend time at the Greggs'? 2. Why was Mr. Gregg so particular about the garden fence he was going to paint in the morning? What did he mean by saying: "I am no Tom Sawyer"? 3. What did Mr. Gregg complain to his wife about? How did she try to comfort him? 4. How was Lautisse's identity discovered? 5. What happened scon after the article about Lautisse's week-end at the Greggs appeared in the newspaper? 6. What made Gregg think that the world was mad?
XVI. Make up situations based on the text "One Coat of White" using the following word combinations and structural patterns:
lo provide smb with; won't let anyone know; wouldn't give smb a minute's peace; to take smb around; I may as well do it; must have disturbed one's peace of mind; won't (can't) have a guest working; to feel comfortable; to care to do smth; to settle the matter; to get in touch with smb; to bother smb with silly questions; I'll bet ... ; to go into details; to go beyond reason; to strike smb as ... ; needn't do; needn't have done; so that one can (may) do smth
XVII. Read (he story and write out English and American equivalents for the Russian words given after the text:
Claire, mother's American sister-in-law, came to stay, with them for a fortnight. Dick asked his mother: "Mummy, doesn't Aunt Claire like it here? She said she had a flat somewhere on the way from London." "Don't worry, Dick," said father, "Aunt Claire meant that her friend's car had a puncture. In America they call it a flat. Don't forget, that in the USA they speak American English, not British. Didn't you notice that Aunt Claire pronounced many words in a different way?"
Dick: Yes, I've noticed she pronounced the "r's" quite distinctly, and says "can't" [kænt].
The next Tuesday Claire took her nephew and niece to London. When she asked the children the nearest way to the "railroad depot", they couldn't tell her. She found out by herself that in England tickets were sold at the "booking-office", but not at the "ticket-window".
"We must ask a red-cap which track to go to," she said. Joan whispered to her brother, "Dick, what's a red-cap?" Dick: I think Aunt Claire means a porter.
When the porter said, "Go to platform two for your train" - Claire guessed that the English used "platform" when they wanted to know where the train would be.
When they came to London, she said, "Wait a moment, kids. I'd like to drop into that post-office. I won't be long. Wait for me on the sidewalk at the entrance to the subway."
The children were left puzzled.
Joan: Dick, where do we have to wait? There is no subway here, it's a quiet street. And what is a "sidewalk"?
Dick: I think a "sidewalk" is the pavement. But I don't see any "subway anywhere.
So they stayed where they were in front of the post-office till Claire came back. Having found out why they had not moved, she explained that in America the "subway" was the underground electric train. Walking along the streets, the children learned that shops were "stores" in the States, and the English pram was a "baby carriage" and a lorry - a "truck". When they reached a huge building, a department store, Claire asked an attendant "Where is the elevator?"
He answered immediately, "The lift is right across the hall; ma'am."
On the fourth floor Claire said "О. К., you can stay in the toy department. I've got to buy suspenders for my husband. You know, straps that hold up trousers. He thinks English suspenders will last longer than American ones."
Dick: I see, you mean braces. We say suspenders when we mean the things that hold up stockings.
Claire: And we call those "garters".
Joan: But a garter goes round the leg, just above the knee, at least our garters do ...
In the evening, back at home, Dick showed off his new American words:
"You know, Daddy, Aunt Claire says "gas" for petrol, and "bill" for a note, and ..."
Claire: And I guess I've learned something from the children.
вокзал; билетная касса; прокол; автомобиль; бензин; магазин; подтяжки; подвязки; лифт; метро; детская коляска; грузовик; банкнота; носильщик; тротуар
*M. stand for Monsieur [ma'sja:] - the form of address used when speaking .to a.Frenchman, corresponds to Mr, (Mister), The abbreviation is pronounced in full.