Упражнение 42. Установите, какой частью речи являются выделенные слова.
1. Не is a pilot. 2. Women pilot planes. 3. In the country of the blind the one-eyed man is King. 4. It was only a blind. 5. My fondness did not blind me from seeing his drawbacks. 6. Gardeners water lawns. 7. Water lilies wither quickly. 8. Wire the room for sound. 9. The wire got broken. 10. Be brief and speak to the point. 11. Instructors brief pilots before flights. 12. It's a pleasure to do business with you. 13. Their relationship is strictly business. 14. Don't baby him. 15. The baby is sleeping.
Упражнение 43. Установите, какой частью речи являются выделенные слова. Скажите, каким способом они образованы и в чем заключается суть этого способа словообразования. Назовите слова, от которых они образованы. Переведите предложения.
1. They will holiday in Switzerland. 2. Storks winter in the South. 3. It was a good buy. 4. Still water mirrors trees. 5. This is a must for everybody. 6. She never notices the obvious. 7. Pocket your pride. 8. You can't cure all the ills of the world. 9. Why shoulder the burden alone? 10. He promised to better himself. 11. Her eyes narrowed. 12. Don't wrong him. 13. There is a great deal of difference between before and after. 14. The supernatural of today is the science of tomorrow. 15. Stretch the material and nail it into place. 16. The beer wasn't iced. 17. I don't want to be a bad third. 18. She takes a five in shoes. 19. He warmed to the subject. 20. The Treasury Department coins and prints money. 21. The senator is campaigning in California. 22. He wolfed down his food.
Упражнение 44. Переведите предложения, опираясь на значение слов в скобках.
1. The newly built twenty-storeyed building dwarfs our house (a dwarf - карлик). 2. Dim the headlights of your car (dim - неяркий, затемненный). 3. He was yoked with an unwilling partner (a yoke - ярмо). 4. Try to bridle your temper (a bridle - уздечка). 5. It will spur him on (a spur - шпора). 6. He tried to smooth things down (smooth - гладкий, без шероховатостей). 7. The road branches off here (a branch - ветвь, ответвление). 8. They tried to worm themselves into his confidence (a worm - червяк). 9. Why rake up the past (a rake - грабли). 10. The submarine surfaced far away (surface - поверхность). 11. The situation can't be remedied (a remedy - лекарство). 12. The haul was good (to haul - тянуть; вытаскивать сети). 13. Soap does not lather in hard water (lather - пена). 14. He prefers grilled meat (grill - решетка для жарения мяса). 15. Don't grate your teeth (grate - решетка; звук от трения о решетку). 16. The room was bugged and everything I said was taped (a bug - скрытый микрофон, tape - магнитофонная лента). 17. She dimpled at me encouragingly (a dimple - ямочка на щеке).
Упражнение 45. Назовите существительные, образованные конверсией от выделенных прилагательных, и переведите их.
an editorial story; a documentary film; a portable typewriter; a residential area; initial letters; comic strips; primary elections; a weekly magazine; a daily newspaper; a stimulant drink; an elastic band
Упражнение 46. Установите, при помощи каких способов словообразования образованы выделенные слова, и скажите, в чем заключается суть каждого способа. Переведите предложения.
1. I'll clock the time. 2. Eat protein-rich food. 3. Olive-green curtains do not match blue wall paper. 4. He softshoed into the room. 5. A newspaper article the end of which is printed on another page is called a run over. 6. Vacuumclean the upholstered furniture. 7. The man is a show off. 8. The rocket dashed skyward. 9. That's no way to speak of your elders. 10. Cheese spreads are convenient to picnic with. 11. Television is sometimes called a one-eyed monster. 12. Rotten Row is a tree-lined track used for horse riding. 13. All her life she has worn her sister's hand-me-downs. 14. She is natural, she never overacts. 15. The drop out in English colleges has a lot of reasons. 16. Underachievers should be expelled. 17. The ref ordered a penalty kick.
Упражнение 47. а) Переведите следующие слова, не зафиксированные в словаре. Скажите, благодаря чему обеспечивается их понимание.
a self-deceiver, an emitter, thankless, unsentimentality, crisis-free (countries), gloveless, manifoldness, filmable (stories), a pardonee, stay out lates, reed-thin
б) Переведите предложения, содержащие неологизмы и окказиональные слова. Приведите примеры известных вам сложных слов, имеющих аналогичную структуру.
1. They outnumbered and outpersuaded me. (J. O'Hara). 2. The theory is getting less and less defencible. (Morning Star). 3. I won't speak (on TV), I'm camera shy. (J.D. Carr). 4. It is difficult for a man to handle things in a wifeless kitchen. (Reader's Digest). 5. At moments the traffic was halted, at other times merely inching along. (A. Hailey). 6. He disregarded the 'Drive carefully' slogan. (E.S. Gardner). 7. They accused the Administration spokesman of trying to sloganize the country out of the economic decline. (The Daily World). 8. I gave him his quota of Yes sir's and shut up. (E. Segal). 9. Modern literature is neurotic, exotic and tommy-rotic. (N. Tucker). 10. There are many men in London who .... have no wish for the company of others. It is for the convenience of such people that the Diogenes Club was started, and it now contains the most unsociable and unclubbable men in town. (A. Conan Doyle).