Простые слова

Упражнение 12. Перепишите следующие слова, заполнив пропуски.

report...r, examin...r, sail...r, compos...r, direct...r, assist...nt, attend...nt, exist...nee, independence, assist...nee, resist...nee, contempt...ble

Упражнение 13. Прочтите предложения вслух, обращая внимание на произношение выделенных производных слов. Переведите предложения.

  • А. 1. The statement is too general. Specify it. 2. Notify the manager before checking out. 3. His explanation did not satisfy me. 4. I could testify to it at the trial. 5. The man was identified. 6. What does the mark signify? 7. He looked mystified. 8. His only aim is to glorify himself.
  • Б. 1. The troops were concentrated on the left flank. 2. I appreciate your difficulties. 3. He was delegated to the conference. 4. They nominated him for mayor. 5. What he said seemed to irritate her. 6. It was Inspector Hull who investigated the case. 7. We congratulated him on winning the prize. 8. When did he graduate from the University? 9. He gave a few examples to illustrate the rule. 10. Decorating the Christmas tree is great fun for children. 11. He refused to participate in the work. 12. Don't hesitate. 13. It only aggravated the situation.


  • В. 1. You don't seem to realise the importance of every day drill. 2. The Invisible Man terrorised the inhabitants of the town. 3. The Post Office advertised for clerks. 4. Mr. Richards specialises in chemistry. 5. This will only antagonise them. 6. "British food industry should be modernised," says the article. 7. Don't dramatise the situation. 8. Analyse the situation. 9. The article was sharply criticised.
  • Г. 1. James is an engineer. 2. There were no volunteers. 3. People involved in a racket are called racketeers. 4. He joined a mountaineering society. 5. People concerned mainly with making profits are called profiteers.
  • Д. 1. The car was remodelled to give better visibility. 2. The troops were regrouped. 3. Will you rephrase your question? 4. Idlewild, New York International airport, was renamed after John Kennedy. 5. They believe that this measure will revitalise the economy of the country. 6. Some scientists believe that human beings some day will be able to regrow organs, making heart transplantation unnecessary.

Упражнение 14. а) Переведите словосочетания. Назовите основы, от которых образованы прилагательные с суффиксами -able, -ible.

unanswerable questions; as immovable as a rock; a debatable point; an unpronounceable name; an unmanageable situation; inexplicable facts; inexcusable mistakes; incomparable things; inseparable friends; dependable information; unsaleable goods; incurable diseases; activities punishable by law

б) Переведите словосочетания, исходя из значения корня и суффикса.

1. Irrefutable evidence (refute smth. - опровергать). 2. Perishable goods (perish - погибать, портиться). 3. Irreconcilable contradictions (reconcile oneself to smth. - примиряться). 4. Irreplaceable specialists (replace smb. - заменять). 5. Unpredictable behaviour (predict smth. - предсказывать). 6. Expandable tables (expand smth. - расширять, растягивать, увеличивать в объеме). 7. Disposable paper shirts (dispose of smth. - избавляться от чего-л., выбрасывать). 8. The point applicable to all spheres of human activities (apply smth. - применять).


9. Untraceable poisons (trace smth. - находить чей-л. след, находить что-л. последу). 10. An inflatable boat (inflate smth. - надувать, наполнять воздухом). 11. Irreproachable behaviour (reproach smb. - упрекать). 12. Retractable plane skis (retract smth. - втягивать, отводить назад).

Упражнение 15. а) Ответьте на вопросы, используя существительные с суффиксом -ее. Обратите внимание на произношение этих слов.

1. What do we call a person to whom a letter is addressed? 2. Who do we refer to for judgement at a boxing match? 3. What do we call people who ask for refuge and are granted it? 4. What do we call a person nominated for a post? 5. What is the name of people employed to do some work? 6. What is a person appointed for a job called?

б) Переведите предложения.

1. The referee ordered the player off the field. 2. The examinees were given extra time to get ready for the answer. 3. The chairman called for nominees. 4. The apparatus is meant for above elbow amputees. 5. The evacuees were taken care of. 6. The draftees were medically examined.

Упражнение 16. Переведите словосочетания, исходя из значения корня и суффикса -proof.

a shockproof watch (shock - удар); a crushproof box (crush - смять, раздавить); a leakproof battery (leak - течь); bulletproof glass (bullet - пуля); a burglarproof safe (a burglar - взломщик, вор); rustproof instruments (rust - ржавчина).

Упражнение 17. Образуйте прилагательные и существительные с отрицательным значением на основе приведенных ниже слов. Используйте префиксы im-, in-, ir-, il-.

regular, polite, rational, discreet, mortal, movable, legal, proper, experienced, decent, mobility, literacy

Упражнение 18. а) Переведите предложения и словосочетания, учитывая значение суффиксов -ing и -ed.

А. 1. Не looked distressed. The news is most distressing (distress smb. - опечаливать). 2. The journey was exhausting. After a long journey he felt exhausted (exhaust - изнурять, утомлять). 3. He looked at the insect through a magnifying glass. All your fears are magnified (magnify smth. - увеличивать) 4. The play was boring. The audience


was bored (bore smb. - нагонять скуку). 5. He looked embarrassed. It was an embarrassing situation (embarrass smb. - смущать).

Б. an annoying mistake; a discouraging remark; manufacturing industry; manufactured goods; satisfying work; exciting news; revolving doors; concealed lightning; interested parties (зд. лица); a frightened look; make a guided tour of the city; a guiding principle; look exhausted

б) Переведите словосочетания на английский язык, используя прилагательные и причастия с суффиксами -ing и -ed..

1. угнетенные народы (угнетать - oppress smb.); 2. поразительные результаты (поражать, удивлять - amaze smb.); 3. выглядеть озадаченным (озадачивать - perplex smb.); 4. обескураживающее замечание (обескураживать - discourage smb.); 5. обнаженный нерв (обнажать - expose smth.); 6. занятная книга (занимать, забавлять - amuse smb.); 7. кипяченая вода, вареное яйцо; кипящий чайник (кипятить, кипеть - boil smth.); 8. сокрушительный удар (сокрушать - crush smb.); 9. толченые орехи (толочь - crush smth.); 10. мерцающие звезды (мерцать - twinkle); 11. отремонтированная квартира (ремонтировать квартиру - redecorate an apartment); 12. уволенные рабочие (увольнять - dismiss smb.)

в) Образуйте от следующих глаголов причастия и прилагательные с суффиксами ing и -ed и употребите их в сочетании с существительными.

bore, exhaust, frighten, embarrass, excite, discourage, annoy, tire, boil, surprise, disappoint

Упражнение 19. а) Заполните пропуски, выбрав нужное слово.

cultural, cultured

1. She seemed a ... woman who knew a great deal about poetry and music. 2. He has got a ... accent. 3. One of the tasks of radio and television is to raise the ... standard of the people. 4. The socialist countries must cooperate in economic, scientific and ... spheres. 5. He sounded ... . 6. The city is an important ... centre. 7. ... cooperation between countries is important.

delighted, delightful

1. We had a ... hiking holiday. 2. The present was just what she wanted. She was ... . 3. The weather is ... . 4. He wasn't ... at the prospect at all.


economic, economical

1. To do it would be political and ... suicide. 2. The ... gap between the countries can't be bridged in the foreseeable future. 3. The article deals with the ... development of the country. 4. The new car is more ... . 5. It is more ... to buy in large quantities. 6. It was done for ... as well as political reasons. 7. 'Thrifty' means ... .

exhaustive, exhausting, inexhaustible

1. I've got nothing to add. The account is ... . 2. She made an ... study of the subject. 3. His supply of jokes seems ... . 4. The journey turned out to be ... . 5. Such long visits are so ... .

honorary, honorable

1. He was made ... president of the Academy. 2. He doesn't get paid for it, it's an ... title. 3. She is full of ... intentions. 4. He is an ... member of a number of scientific societies.

б) Переведите словосочетания.

неисчерпаемый запас; исчерпывающий отчет; исторический роман; почетный член; экономическая реформа; культурные связи; презренный трус; квалифицированные рабочие; презрительная улыбка; общительный человек; историческая победа; социальные преобразования; светский визит; трогательная история; обидчивый человек; почетная должность; благоприятная погода

в) Образуйте с помощью разных суффиксов родственные прилагательные от основ приведенных ниже слов и употребите эти прилагательные в предложениях или словосочетаниях.

culture, economy, favour, respect, skill, touch, delight, contempt, exhaust, history, honour

Упражнение 20. Переведите предложения. Прокомментируйте значение префиксов.

А. 1. Self-praise is no recommendation (praise - похвала). 2. Some people suggest that cats should be declawed to prevent them from scratching the furniture (claws - когти). 3. Don't prejudge things (judge smth. - судить, высказывать суждения). 4. Forewarned is forearmed (warn smb. - предостерегать). 5. He was misquoted (quote smth., smb. - цитировать). 6. I've overwound my watch (wind


a watch - заводить часы). 7. She gave me only two dollars change. I was overcharged (charge smb. smth. - назначать цену, взимать). 8. She outdazzled everybody (dazzle - сверкать, сиять).

Б. 1. I'm afraid I've outstayed your welcome. 2. This is an outdated method. 3. The king was dethroned. 4. One of his duties was to encode and decode telegrams. 5. She overspent ten dollars. 6. They had to work overtime. 7. The reactionary regime was overthrown. 8. Everybody believes that he is overworked and underpaid. 9. His unchannelled energy will do more harm than good. 10. There may be some unforeseen developments. 11. Even non-scientists can appreciate the achievement. 12. The room was in semi-darkness. 13. Some people go to see the doctor to have their self-determined diagnosis confirmed. 14. I have dislearned all my German. 15. The literal meaning of the Greek word 'Prometheus' is 'forethought'. 16. Buying pre-packed food saves time. 17. Have you considered the possible aftereffects? 18. Such was the post-war situation. 19. They co-star in the film 'On the Beach'. 20. The Board is to regulate interstate commerce.

Упражнение 21. Переведите предложения. Прокомментируйте значения суффиксов.

  • А. 1. Не isn't a meddler, I'll say that for him (meddle into smth. - вмешиваться). 2. She is an extravagant tipper (tip smb. - давать на чай). 3. It's an occupational disease (occupation - занятие, профессия). 4. He took a cigarette and sucked in a lungful of smoke (lungs - легкие). 5. She was relentless (relent - смягчаться). 6. The game ended in a goalless draw (goal - гол).
  • Б. 1. He is a good speller. 2. I'm a quick learner, try me. 3. It will serve you as a reminder. 4. I have every confidence in my informant. 5. She does not look auntish at all. 6. The jam went sugary. 7. I shall never forget that eventful day. 8. He worked with a machine-like efficiency. 9. They rode hotelward. 10. The motto of the bourgeois press is sensationalism. 11. Reading improves one's mind and broadens one's outlook. 12. A polite refusal is better than a rude grant. 13. You pay for everything you get in this world. You get nothing for nothing. Little happiness - little pain, big happiness - big price. Everything comes out even.


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