14 марта 2025, 01:09  

To Lessons Seven, Eight

I. Fill in either or neither:

1. ... of the two men now seemed to possess any advantage. 2. Both these rooms are very gloomy, ... will suit me. 3. Pass me over one of those two heavy books to keep two maps flat, ... book will do. 4. There are shops on ... side of the street. 5. "Which of the two pencils would you like?" - "Oh, ... , I don't care." 6. ... of the books is of any use to me. 7. Then you can have your friends on ... side of your fireplace. 8. I shall not take Tom's or Jack's golf-clubs. ... will suit me. 9. ... of these two hats is good enough. 10. When she bent her head forward her dark hair swung softly on ... side of her face.

II. Translate the sentences into English.

1. В течение какого-то времени, когда дверь распахнулась, Том и Ник просто стояли и смотрели друг на друга. 2. В течение следующего месяца он сделал еще четыре доклада, каждый из которых был высоко оценен. 3. "Добрый вечер, мама!" - сказала Джейн. "Добрый вечер, мама!" - сказал Джон.- "Это все, что тот и другой может сказать? Где вы оба были?" 4. Мы оба смотрели друг на друга через стол,


но ни тот, ни другой не говорил в течение какого-то времени. 5. Они пожелали друг другу спокойной ночи. Каждый вошел в свою комнату, и каждый из них автоматически закрыл дверь. 6. Мы оба сочувствовали друг другу, знали язык друг друга, но ни тот, ни другой не Mor произнести ни слова. 7. Каждый день дети сами приводят в порядок свою комнату. 8. Эта шляпа мне слишком мала. Пожалуйста, покажите мне другую. 9. Маленький Джон протянул руку, чтобы достать еще одно яблоко, но мама ему не разрешила. 10. Эта ваза с трещиной, дайте мне, пожалуйста, другую.

III. Translate the sentences into English using self-pronouns:

1. He заботьтесь о моих делах, занимайтесь своими. 2. Это не Ваша вина, не упрекайте себя. 3. Я сама восхищаюсь тем, как он защищал нас. 4. Мне хотелось, чтобы ты рассказал мне что-либо о себе. 5. Вам нельзя самой поднимать такие тяжелые вещи. Это может повредить Вам. 6. Попробуйте сами эту микстуру. Она довольно приятна на вкус. 7. Она старалась сделать все сама, чтобы войти в его доверие. 8. Она сама чувствовала, что между нею и Биллом не было постоянного взаимного доверия. 9. Том сам открыл дверь и впустил меня в дом. 10. Гвендолен считала себя помолвленной с Джеком.

IV. Use the absolute form of the possessive pronouns in brackets. Translate the sentences into Russian:

1. His English sounded as good as (their). 2. She looked into her room and came quickly back to (his). 3. His imagination was at least as active as (our). 4. He tried to rally himself, raising his eyes, attempting to beat down (her). 5. I shall make the court martial thoroughly understand that the fault was not (my). 6. With one quick move he sat upright. His eyes met (my).

V. Translate into English using the absolute form of the possessive pronouns:

1. Он ваш старый знакомый. 2. Она, вероятно, ушла к этой ужасной своей приятельнице. 3. Для него эта фраза ничего не значила, но для нас она была полна особого смысла, это была одна из наших шуток, которые мы так любили. 4. В действительности я никогда не был ее любимым учеником. 5. У меня было странное чувство, когда мы говорили об этих его приключениях. 6. Затем миссис Смит, которая была одним из его ассистентов, тщательно проанализировала результаты экзаменов. 7. Это нелепое его замечание рассердило ее. 8. Я знаю, что эта пожилая леди когда-то была вашей учительницей. 9. Молодой Браун недавно получил письмо от одного из своих двоюродных братьев. 10. Когда, наконец, ты избавишься от этой своей отвратительной привычки?

VI. Fill in appropriate articles before substantivized adjectives where necessary:

1. The line of his hair was very black against ... white of his forehead. 2. The coffee was ... pale grey and sweet with condensed milk. 3. ... dusky red had spread over James' cheeks and forehead. 4. Her hair was ... whitest gold I had ever seen. 5. She looks all right in ...


pink, 6. His eyes were ... hard, dark blue. 7. He could not see ... green of the shore but only the tops of the blue hills. 8. The water was ... dark blue now, so dark that it was almost purple. 9. She did not know what he meant, but she felt that he meant something out of ... ordinary. 10. He replied in ... affirmative. 11. Tenderness to ... young was perhaps the most sacred article of his belief. 12. Perhaps it was all to ... good. 13. ... present is linked with ... past, ... future with both. 14. This is the first time I've had a chance to talk to one of ... happy. 15. She would be so kind to those who were suffering misfortune, take baskets to ... poor and soup and jelly to ... sick. 16. There was snow on the tops of the mountains and the lake was ... grey steel-blue. 17. The object of the artist is the creation of ... beautiful. What ... beautiful is another question. 18. He can't do ... impossible. 19. Is anything more pathetic than the faith of ... young. 20. ... first morning red of the sun was on the horizon. 21. And there came the moon, who saw all, ... young and ... old, ... alive and ... dead, and didn't care a dump!

VII. Translate the words given in brackets using a participle if possible:

1. At that moment a man (державший) a letter in his hand came in. 2. There is a man (недавно приехавший) from the trip over the world. 3. The sight of the child (выгоняемorо) from the classroom made her indignant. 4. The air (идущий) through the open window smelled of the sea. 5. The sight of the animal (пойманного) in the trap made me shudder. 6. He lifted (все еще плакавшего) child and began comforting him. 7. I envied these boys (гулявших) in the garden. 8. There were a few large pictures (висевших) on the walls. 9. The picture (висевшая) here last year is at the exhibition now. 10. The two men looked at the people (проходивших) along the pale grey pavements.

VIII. Comment on the use of the numerals in the following sentences:

1. Two girls were just crossing the street in the direction of the Institute. 2. Placing their hats on their heads simultaneously the two walked out. 3. The first letter was followed by a second. 4. A few days later after I had received the second letter I left Moscow. 5. "Eighty-five is a lucky number," the old man said. 6. There were eighty-five students in the hall. 7. On benches, in chairs of green canvas or printed wood, hundreds were sitting, contemplating their feet, as if imagining the waves of the sea. 8. Well, you or somebody ought to give him a look up - last of the old lot; he's a hundred, you know. 9. There were a million things to tell them, a thousand questions I wanted to ask.

IX. Complete the sentences:

1. You might have hesitated to let him remove your appendix if ... . 2. If Miss Barlow had not let little Idris stop on in her class ... . 3. It would be a serious violation of the regulations if ... . 4. If the little boy's brother had not measles, the doctor ... . 5. If the boy had stopped off, he ... . 6. He would have reported her if ... . 7. She slipped and would have fallen if ... . 8. Nothing would have happened


to me if ... . 9. I would get over it if ... . 10. The man would not have gone to Spain if ... .

X. Find the subject in the following sentences and state what it is expressed by:

1. Each one of us is a prisoner in a solitary tower. 2. There are men who flounder at the journey's start. 3, What I shall do with my life is not clear to me. 4. How can one advise another how to act? 5. There was something very striking in him. 6. People will gossip! 7. That's all I've got to look forward to. 8. Nothing has happened to you. 9. My being worthy of his confidence was well proved. 10. It is an impertinence to speak to him like this.

XI. Change the following sentences using inverted word-order:

1. When Andrew saw Christine his surprise was great. 2. He realized who the woman was only when she uttered those words. 3. I have been-poor all my life and I shall always be poor. 4. Though she was not very young, she was still boldly and voluptuously beautiful. 5. A dim recollection of the incident came back to me only when he reminded me of our interview. 6. I remembered his face well. 7. You know little of what it can lead to. 8. A tall and extraordinary graceful lady appeared on the threshold. 9. Though she looked innocent, he looked at her suspiciously. 10. He did not say a word during this scene.

XII. Translate the sentences into English:

1. Только один раз в жизни он дал хороший совет. 2. Ни секунды он не колебался, принимая это решение. 3. Он был так смущен, что с трудом зажег сигарету. 4. Мало же ты знала его, если Morла проявить к нему доверие! 5. Как ни странно это может показаться, он не променяет эту жизнь ни на какую другую. 6. Едва мы только заговорили об этом, как он вышел из себя. 7. В комнате сидел человек, которого я никогда раньше не видел. 8. В течение нескольких минут он не Mor сказать ни слова, так сильно он был взволнован. 9. Он не только дал этому человеку хороший совет, но и поMor ему осуществить свой план. 10. Никогда я не сочувствовал лентяям. 11. Как она ни бестактна, должна же она понимать, что нельзя больше злоупотреблять нашим терпением. 12. Раздался крик, и Майкл вихрем помчался наверх.


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