I. Comment on the use of the possessive case in the following sentences.
a) 1. Idris was Joey's younger brother. 2. I would do anything in the world to ensure Gwendolen's happiness. 3. Margie was thinking about the old schools they had when her grandfather's grandfather was a little boy. 4. I've got a dentist's appointment at five-thirty. 5. I am not good at other people's affairs. 6. And he saw Dante walking proudly and silently past the -people who knelt by the water's edge. 7. Their house is at a mile's distance from here. 8. After a minute's silence Doctor Manson said: "Are you Miss Barlow?" 9. There was a moment's hesitation then Doctor Manson began to speak. 10. It wouldn't surprise me if they changed their tune in a few months' time. 11. He had a good night's sleep. 12. But they would read about it in tomorrow's papers. 13. Please insert yesterday's homework in the proper slot. 14. Today's arithmetic lesson is on the addition of proper fractions.
b) 1. Harris came up and put his arm through George's. 2. Now he allowed his hair to grow like a man's. 3. You must come down to my father's. 4. I saw him just at your aunt's. 5. On the way home she usually bought a slice of honey-cake at the baker's. 6. "Come into this pastrycook's," said Soames abruptly, and tightening his grip on her arm, he turned into a confectioner's.
c) 1. I am thinking of a cousin of my father's, who was a well-known physician. 2. He was a patient of Doctor Manson's. 3. Peter was the son of a friend of Aunt Anne's. 4. I will remember that nice smile of your mother's. 5. What kind of girl was this wife of Jon’s? 6. Frankly speaking, Leidner, this business of your wife's seems to me rather out of my class.
d) 1. They had sought refreshment over the way at Caramel and Baker's. 2. They work at Pftter and Poplin’s. 3. Brown had been satisfied
with the results of Lyall’s and Foulus's visit. 4. Piani's and Bonello's cars could only move straight ahead down the narrow road.
II. Replace the "of-phrase" by the noun in the possessive case.
1. Doctor Manson kept his eyes fixed on the face of Miss Barlow, putting a question now and then. 2. The cheeks of Miss Barlow continued to brighten. 3. A faint smile played round the lips of Miss Barlow. 4. The voice of a girl was heard in the distance. 5. The books of A. Cronin are very popular in our country. 6. Jon slipped his hand through the arm of his mother.
III. Use the absolute possessive case in the following sentences:
a) 1. Andrew raised his eyes and kept them on the eyes of Miss Barlow. 2. It was her job, not the job of old lady Winnie. 3. He put out his left hand, and took the hand of Kate. 4. She had an unexpectedly pleasant voice, a little deeper than the voice of most women. 5. His face is long and white like the face of a clown.
b) 1. The middle wall had precisely the same books as used to be in the library at the house af his own Father in Park Lane. 2. After breakfast he went off to the house of Fleur. 3. I'd like you to come to the place of my sister. 4. I'm not going to the house of Caroline Kent at all. 5. "They tell me at the house of Timothy," said Nicholas lowering his voice, "that Dartie has gone off at last."
IV. Translate the following sentences into English:
1. Атмосфера в доме Брэкнеллов не располагала к откровенным разговорам. 2. Эти нелепые вопросы" Джека не внушали доверия леди Брэкнелл. 3. Гвендолен положила руку на руку Джека. 4. Наступило минутное молчание. Потом все заговорили. 5. После двухчасового ожидания мы получили очень осторожный и неопределенный ответ. 6. Как можете Вы быть равнодушны к страданиям других людей? 7. Ему предоставили трехнедельный отпуск. 8. Джек воспользовался "отсутствием леди Брэкнелл. 9. Знаю я эти глупые шутки твоего брата. 10. Это еще одна неприятная черта Елены - она любит сплетничать. 11. Хэррис был другом Джерома и Джорджа. 12. После двадцатиминутного ожидания мы решили уйти. 13. Он стукнулся головой о чей-то чемодан. 14. Я иду к портному примерять новый костюм. 15. Сходи в булочную и купи хлеба. 16. Ему надоели эти глупые замечания Хэрриса. 17. Я читал один роман этого писателя. 18. Эта стряпня Джорджа может быть и питательна, но очень противна на вкус. 19. Это совсем не Петино дело.
V. Translate into English the following word combinations:
1. подруга матери Гвендолен; 2. будущая свекровь Гвендолен; 3. мнение ее свекрови; 4. ее два зятя; 5. негодование его невесты; 6. саквояж добродушного джентльмена; 7. ради приличия; 8. путешествие, которое длилось несколько часов. 9. друзья Гвендолен и Джека (общие); 10. друзья Гвендолен и друзья Джека; 11. мировой прогресс;
12. чужие дела; 13. мать незнакомorо человека; 14. разговоры путешествующих безумцев; 15. пятиминутный разговор; 16. утиное яйцо
VI. Make up sentences using the following nouns in the absolute possessive case:
a florist's, a cleaner's, a hairdresser's, a chemist's, a butcher's, a tobacconist's
VII. Note the infinitive phrases. Translate the sentences into Russian:
a) 1. The boy stood aside for her to go by. 2. The problem for me to decide is whether to go there or not. 3. It must be nearly time for them to come up now. 4. There was nobody there for him to play with. 5. He waited all that evening for something to be said to him. 6. That was for him to find out. 7. Perhaps it would be best for me to come first.
b) 1. I have a good idea how to cross the river. 2. I can tell you whom to address. 3. I don't know whether to be annoyed or flattered by that. 4. When to start is difficult to say. 5. The problem is how to inform them about our arrival. 6. The nurse does not know how to treat young children because she hasn't enough experience. 7. I am afraid you have had little experience how to propose.
c) 1. To cut a long story short, the more Andrew thought of it, the angrier he became. 2. To speak the truth, Andrew saw well enough that Miss Howells was not to blame, 3. To speak quite frankly, I don't think much of him. 4. To tell you the truth, I have never been there before. 5. To make a long story short, Miss Barlow made Doctor Manson leave the room.
VIII. State the functions of the participles. Translate the sentences into Russian:
1. Mrs. Howells was a resigned little woman with shiny red hands and work-swollen finger-knuckles. 2. One day at the end of the fall when I was out I saw a cloud coming over the mountain. 3. Will you please have dinner for two brought up here. 4. The dog Balthasar, having walked round the three small flower-beds, had also taken a seat in front of Old Jolyon. 5. Furious, Andrew did not answer, feeling in an utterly false position. 6. "We must have the photograph framed," said Susan. 7. Noticing that they were no longer alone, he turned and began examining the lustre. 8. Later, below in the town, I watched the snow falling out of the window of the house for officers. 9. Folding his opera hat, he sat down and took up his glasses for a long look round the house. 10. Dropping his glasses at last on his folded hat, he fixed his eyes on the curtain. 11. Suddenly he heard another gate being opened. 12. "Father will get angry if I don't get my work done," said the boy. 13. A week later Margaret sat opposite him, his face open and softened, as though breathing in the present moment. 14. Winifred heard the door of her room slammed to, and drew a long savouring breath. 15. She came stealing up the stairs, with a kitten in her arms. 16. I want one thing changed before I see them. 17. The journey despite the emotional tension persisting in his mind, was a happy one. 18. He reached out for his hat and holding it in one hand absent-mindedly stroked it with the other. 19. He had it all written before I arrived. 20. She sat as if paralyzed, looking
after him. 21. It was a large detached room, well-ventilated, with a fire burning at one end. 22. She found him sitting up, in the act of receiving a glass of water from Hatton. 23. Andrew glared at Miss Barlow with raging dignity. 24. She said disdainfully:"Thenyou had better report me. Or have me arrested."
IX. Translate the sentences into English using the complex object with the infinitive and with the participles:
1. Джордж, должно быть, ушел, так как я слышала, как хлопнула входная дверь. 2. Он сказал, что был в столовой и не слышал, как объявили рейс самолета. 3. Мы видели, как Джек переходил улицу. 4. Теперь я догадываюсь, почему он хотел, чтобы я подождала его. 5. Она вошла в детскую и увидела, что Джон что-то рисует. 6. "Дай мне посмотреть что ты рисуешь",- сказала она. 7. Мы не ожидали, что они придут так рано. 8. Он вынужден был очень громко говорить, чтобы его лучше слышали. 9. Они видели, как их преподаватель вошел в деканат. 10. Он сидел у окна, когда услышал, как назвали его фамилию. 11. Мы слышали, как Том громко разговаривал в соседней комнате. 12. Я видела, как дверь лифта закрылась и он быстро стал подниматься вверх. 13. Мы слышали, как студенты громко смеялись в коридоре. 14. Я наблюдала, как Джейн расчесывала волосы. 15. Ожидая рейс самолета, пассажир может, не выходя из аэропорта, постричься, погладить костюм и почистить туфли.
X. Change the construction of the sentences using the gerund:
1. He was afraid that I would change my mind. 2. I regret that I gave you so much trouble. 3. After he had brushed his teeth and shaved, he went into his dressing room. 4. I really can't imagine that I shall have the patience to go through with it. 5. Doctor Manson insisted that Idris should be isolated. 6. I remember that you reported yourself to the secretary. 7. Mrs. Barlow was displeased that Doctor Manson interfered in her affairs. 8. After he had discussed the weather in great detail, he said he would go back to London. .9. Why do you insist that you should be present there? 10. When she had finished her letter she slipped it into an envelope, sealed it and went to post it. 11. I did not like that you walked home by yourself. 12. After they got to the station, they bought a paper to read on the train home. 13. He persisted that he would do-whatever he pleased in spite of our advice. 14. After he had dinner that night, Tom went to his room in the hotel and lay down. 15. When he was speaking like this, Andrew felt awkward.
XI. Use the appropriate form of the infinitive or the gerund of the verb in brackets:
1. "Margie dear, sit down and stop (to ask) questions," said Tommy. "I am busy (to read)." 2. Mark suddenly noticed that Dr Samuel Kent's car was gone from in front of the inn. He could not remember (to see) it (to go). 3. "I've only found one thing really worth (to do) with all this money I have, and that is (to help) a little those who need help," she said. 4. They could not help (to know) all-about everything. 5. I seem (to remember) (to come) here when I was a kid. 6. I heard the door (to
open) and finished (to button) up my shirt. 7. It was too late for him (to start) (to complain). 8. There was no use (to sit) around, waiting for them (to come). 9. I was going (to call) and (to congratulate) you, but I've been so busy (to help) my mother. 10. He regretted (to agree) to her (to stay) the weekend. He regretted (to let) her (to come) over again tonight for dinner.
XII. Fill in the words not or without; state whether the word ending in- ing is gerund or participle I:
1. ... waiting for a reply Miss Barlow swung round tensely to the class and said: "Stand up, children, and say: 'Good morning, Doctor Manson. Thank you for coming.' 2. George said it was absurd to have only four potatoes in an Irish stew, so we washed half a dozen or so more and put them in ... peeling. 3. I'll slip away ... saying anything to them. 4. They walked together a good minute ... speaking. 5. He ate little, ... knowing what he ate. 6. He went, ... being announced, into the study, and sat down. 7. She can't live ... suspecting somebody. 8. Tommy protested ... wanting to hear Margie's questions. 9. ... being used to such kind of work he soon got tired. 10. Why can't he speak to them calmly ... threatening them with what may happen? 11. They can't see each other ... immediately losing their temper. 12. ... having injured anybody's feelings she was sure everybody there would be on friendly terms with her.
XIII. Use the conjunctions as, as if, if, once, though, unless, when, while to specify the syntactic function of the participle:
1. Doctor Manson looked at Miss Barlow curiously, ... measuring the meaning of her words. 2. Miss Barlow's eyes, ... questioning now, were persistently friendly. 3. ... determined to have a fight Montmo-rency would not hesitate. 4. You ought not to keep in the background ... being worse than the others. 5. Our feelings ... hurt are open to injury. 6. We may regard the matter ... settled. 7, ... rushing round the island he buried his nose in cool mud several times. 8. ... being taken to something, he could not think of anything else. 9. ... defeated, Montmorency held his tail up. 10. A promise accounts to little ... kept.