I. Use the required form of the gerund and insert prepositions where necessary:
1. George said he would show us what could be done up the river in the way ... (to cook). 2. I never saw such a thing as a stew ... (to get rid) of all remnants of food. 3. I still had mixed feelings ... (to see) her. 4. He is fond ... (to crack) jokes, but they are riot to my taste. 5. I ran the risk ... (to get) into some scrapes. 6. Her eyes were teasing: "You don't believe ... (to mix) business with pleasure," she said. 7. The requirements ... (to enter) the Institute were very high. 8. John said with a thoughtful air that he was afraid ... (to make) experiments. 9. So we scraped the potatoes and that was harder work than ... (to peel). 10/ We said we should require the rest of the evening ... (to scrape) ourselves. 11. I should have never thought that ... (to peel) potatoes was such an undertaking. 12. We can rely ... (to find) you at home. 13. He did not remember ever ... (to see) her in black. 14. They avoided ... (to look) at me. 15. That night after the theatre Ann suggested ... (to go) to Tom. 16. It's no good ... (to beat) about the bush. 17. He took up his knife and fork in good humour and set ... (to eat). 18. Don't you mind ... (to be) alone? 19. You know you do not help us ..."(to make) yourself ill. 20. Nodody likes ... (to tell) he is growing older. 21. I am terribly busy ... (to pack). 22. She did not apologize ... (to be) late. 23. I regret ... (to have) to tell a lady such a thing. 24. Young Jolyon could not help ... (to smile). 25. I insist ... (to let) in!
II. Use the required form of the participle I of the verb in brackets:
1. (to see) his father into a hansom, he came back to the drawing-room. 2. Imagine a person (to feel) like that wanting to know the German word for "basin". 3. (to feel) unwell, she went below. 4. And, (to get) what he wanted, he took his hat and went away. 5. John got up and came over to Eliza, (to carry) the hat. 6. (to place) the strawberries in a dish on the dining-table, he washed his hands. 7. "You're nice - you're very nice!" she said, (to kiss) her baby. 8. (to reach) her room, she turned on all the lights. 9. (to say) that he was ashamed. 10. She stood (to watch) them, her hands by her side. 11. (to read) the letters, he put them down and cleared his throat.
III. Translate the sentences into Russian. Note the use of participle II:;
1. The interest evinced by Montmorency aroused our astonishment. 2. Thus absorbed Montmorency would sit for hours not interested in anything. 3. Here was a book specially written to assist English travellers. 4. Dressed in the white frock she looks even more charming and fascinating than usual. 5. It was an old county inn furnished very modestly. 6. The cat was running.followecl by Montmorency. 7. If left to himself, Montmorency would chase cats. 8. Stirred by the beauty of
the place, we put up at an old country inn. 9. We were pleased with the rooms assigned to us in this inn. 10. He answered the questions put to him in a somewhat low, but distinct voice. 11. There were half a pork pie and a bit of cold boiled bacon left, and we put them in.
IV. Translate the sentences into Russian:
1. It being too late to push on past Reading, we decided to go back to one of the Shiplake islands, and put up there for the night. 2. The potatoes peeled, they began to cook an Irish stew. 3. Jerome and Harris scraped the potatoes, George giving advice. 4. Weather permitting, we shall pass the night on the river. 5. Breakfast ordered, he began looking through his German conversation book. 6. There being nothing but silly dialogues in the conversation book, it was of no use for him. 7. Montmo-rency having brought a dead water-rat as his contribution to the dinner, they had a discussion as to whether the rat should go into the stew or not.
V. Translate the following sentences into English.
Model: Oil and water will not mix.
1. Апельсин не чистится. 2. Грязь не соскребается. 3. Дверь никак не открывается. 4. Мы ждем и ждем, а дождь все не прекращается. 5. Принеси другой кусок мела - этот не пишет. 6. Пятно никак не смывается. 7. Чайник никак не закипает.
VI. Replace the infinitive by the appropriate form of the verb:
1. If you ever (to come) to this little town, pyt up at this inn. 2. When the waiter (to bring) our omelette, I’ll ask him to bring us some coffee, too. 3. If anybody (to ask) me such a silly question, I'll just not answer. 4. George said that if we (to add) some eggs to the stew, it (to be) still more nutritious. 5. If we (to make) an Irish stew, we shall get rid of a lot of things. 6. The more different odds and ends you (to put) in the stew, the better it will be. 7. The more kindly you (to treat) him, the more confidence he will have in you. 8. The further you (to walk), the more beautiful the road will become. 9. The more he (to work), the sooner he will improve his pronunciation. 10. The better acquainted with her you (to be), the more you'll admire her.
VII. Translate the sentences into English:
1. Джордж предложил, чтобы мы сделали ирландскую похлебку из всяких остатков. 2. Пора ему заканчивать свою речь. 3. Скребите картошку лучше, чтобы на ней не оставалось кожуры и глазков. 4. Странно, чтобы официант не знал таких обычных английских слов. 5. Лучше бы я его никогда не встречал. 6. Его требование, чтобы никто из них не вмешивался в это дело, было выполнено. 7. Знай он лучше немецкий язык, он сMor бы заказать себе завтрак без затруднений. 8. Давно уже пора официанту принести нам завтрак. 9. Желательно, чтобы все студенты давали статьи в нашу стенгазету. 10. Будь эта похлебка менее пикантной, мы получили бы от нее больше удовольствия.
VIII. Insert the appropriate form of the adjective given in brackets and supply the article where necessary:
1. We began to scrape the potatoes and that was ... work than peeling (hard). 2. The job turned out to be ... thing of its kind that I had ever been in. (big). 3. I have a book at home in which I have written questions which are ... than yours were, (amusing). 4. He was one of ... men (thin) I have ever met, and one of ... eaters, (big). 5. He was ... man in our town at that time, (handsome). 6. He was six years ... (young) than his brother, but nowadays he appeared a good deal ... . (old). 7. He was also one of ... men I ever met. (brave). 8. It is ... thing I have ever seen, (fantastic). 9. Charles was ... man, but I am ... (tall). 10. You are ... girl in the world, (brilliant). 11. She is one of ... actresses in our country, (great). 12. That is ... thing you have ever said to me. (nasty). 13. You are ... man I have ever met. (dignified). 14. "They say it is ... to be born lucky than rich," said Miss Grange, (good). 15. He was ... of men in our team, (graceful). 16. He was ... one of the four, (quiet). 17. To him, she seemed ... (sad) and ... (beautiful) woman in the world. 18. "I never feel that that sphere is as ... as it is, painted," said Daniel, (bad). 19. He was ... of himself now than when I had gone away. (sure). 20. Now the baby was ... thing in her life, (important). 21. This is ... day in my life, (happy). 22. June's will was ... , but his was ... (strong). 23. The afternoon was as ... as a day in June, (balmy). 24. We are as ... as we feel. (old).
IX. Explain the use of the superlative degree in the following sentences. Translate the sentences into Russian:
1. Montmorency reappeared with a dead water-rat in his mouth and that was the most generous contribution to the dinner he could make. 2. I can do it for you with the greatest pleasure. 3. It is the most fairy-like little nook on the whole river. 4. It is a most instructive story. 5. You are the most dignified man I ever met. 6. This situation is most serious. 7. Arthur Brown had become the most influential person in the college. 8. That is a most interesting word. 9. They have saved the most valuable things. 10. Permit me to tell you that you are a most remarkable woman. 11. You are the most beautiful dancer I have ever known. 12. Really that is a most amusing thought.
X. Point out wholly and partially substantivized adjectives and participles II. Translate the sentences into Russian:
1. The good of all was the good of one! 2. The room was filled with the bright May sunlight, above the college roofs the sky was a milky blue. 3. Now they could see the green, the beautiful green of autumn. 4. And what is the good you do worth unless you do it naturally, as the flowers give their scent? 5. Don't stand out there in the cold. Do you want to get sick? 6. Black was definitely not her colour. 7. Why are you speaking so funny all of a sudden? 8. With the adaptability of the young, she had accepted her mother's words without question. 9. Influenza attacks both the strong and the. weak, and sometimes the weak stand it better than the strong. 10. It was she who saw to it that there
were schools for their children, hospitals for their sick and care and respect for the aged. 11. The discontented are the worst bores in the world. They can talk of nothing but themselves. 12. This half of the hospital is for the sick, that half for the injured. 13. One takes the rough with the smooth. 14. It touched her to the quick. 15. They took the wounded out to the hospital right over there. 16. He speaks good English but with an accent. 17. There was nothing of the ordinary in it. 18. He walked out into the moonlit dark. 19. They sat on the steps of the hospital in the cool of the early day. 20. To the young sleep comes as quickly as day to the tropical town.
XI. Translate the following sentences into English using partially substantivized adjectives:
1. Уважайте старших. 2. Все участвовали в общем деле - и старые и молодые. 3. Она считала своим долгом заботиться о слабых и беспомощных. 4. "Как будто богачи Morут понять бедных",- с горечью прошептала старая женщина. 5. Прекрасное никого не оставляет равнодушным. 6. Неизбежное надо принимать спокойно. 7. У него было искреннее желание привлечь внимание умных людей к этому самобытному таланту. 8. В ней поднялось раздражение, которое так быстро охватывает старых людей, когда они сталкиваются с неожиданным.
XII. Underline the adjectivised participles in the following sentences; translate them into Russian:
1. It was an old country inn with low, quaint and latticed windows, and awkward stairs and winding passages. 2. That Irish stew was a dish with a new flavour and very nourishing, too. 3. Many pages were devoted to silly dialogues between an extraordinary patient shoemaker and a most irritating and dissatisfied customer. 4. She would probably never-be allowed to know the entrancing pleasure of a single moment's solitude. 5. I could have had a hard-boiled egg, or a slice of ham. 6. It can hardly be regarded as an assured basis for a recognized position in good society. 7. We were a mixed society. 8. Consumption is a wasting disease.