I. a) Listen to the recording of Text Nine and mark the stresses and tunes, b) Repeat the text in the intervals after the model.
II. Put 20 questions to the text.
III. Copy out from Text Nine the sentences containing the word combinations and phrases given on p. 222 and translate them into Russian.
IV. Paraphrase the following sentences using the word combinations and phrases:
1. After they both graduated from the university they made up their minds to go to work in the North. 2. To judge from his words he is not to blame. 3. The pebbles on the beach were polished and shiny. 4. The calm sea looked empty and hostile. 5. We drove down the even gravel drive and out of the white gates. 6. The woman stood leaning against the wall staring at him. 7. He stood stock-still unable to take his eyes off the painting. 8. Thank you for pointing Out the way to us. 9. I wish you wouldn't interrupt us. 10. Sorry for interrupting. 11. The back hurt me so I couldn't sleep. 12. She walked on without complaining though her foot hurt her terribly. 13: She examined him from the top of his tidy hair to the points of his polished shoes. 14. It will take me half an hour to prepare everything. 15. Have a rest while I make the spare room ready. 16. The trees will soon be with the leaves out. 17. What can be more delightful to the eye than a cherry tree with its buds ready to open! 18. -I did not go with them as all space in the car was occupied.
V. Translate the following sentences into English using the word combinations and phrases:
1. После того как они вместе окончили первый курс университета, они стали большими друзьями. 2. Согласно инструкциям мы должны подготовить лагерь к приезду туристов к первому июня. 3. Судя по моим часам, давно пора укладывать детей спать. 4. Наша поездка прошла очень гладко. 5. Дорога была ровная, и мы быстро добрались до станции. 6. Мальчик стоял, не сводя глаз с машины. Если бы только его взяли покататься на ней! 7. Ее волосы были небрежно отброшены назад, и это очень шло ей. 8. Боюсь, что мы идем не в ту сторону, давайте попросим кого-нибудь показать нам дорогу к магазину. 9. Извините, что я вмешиваюсь в разговор, но мне очень нужно поговорить с.вами именно сейчас. 10. Вчера вечером у меня так болел зуб, что я не Morла заснуть. 11. "Где вам больно?" - спросил доктор. 12. Хозяйка оглядела их с головы до ног и только после этого пригласила в дом. 13. Я все приготовлю за пять минут. 14. На живой изгороди распускались цветы, наполняя воздух сладковатым запахом. 15. Стройные осинки стоят в цвету. Они цветут до появления листьев. 16. В комнате нет места еще для одного кресла. Тут и так все заставлено. 17. Учительница попросила ребят не говорить всем вместе, так как трудно было понять, что они хотят.
VI. Use as many of the word combinations and phrases from the list as you can in one situation.
VII. Use the word combinations and phrases in dialogues (to be done in pairs).
VIII. Find in Text Nine the English equivalents for the following words and phrases and use them in sentences of your own:
добраться до ... ; питать склонность к ... ; сорвать цветок; говорить ерунду; на фоне неба; башмаки потрескались; с откинутыми назад
волосами; поднять руку в знак приветствия; остановиться на ночь; без смущения; продолжать расспросы; старый яблоневый сад; комната для гостей; стоять отдельно; песчаное дно; свисать над водой; глаза,, сверкающие как роса
IX. Explain what is meant by the following:
1. Frank Ashurst and his friend Robert Garton were on a tramp 2. resting the knee and talking of the universe. 3. like some primeval beast 4. a Rind of dark unfathojned mop 5. Robert was talking through his hat. 6. And Ashurst, who saw beauty without wondering how it could advantage him ... 7. He could not take off what was not on his head. 8. Garton took up the catechism. 9. something of the same snaky turn about her neck" 10. He felt absurdly happy.
X. Answer the following questions and do the given tasks:
1. In what key is the extract written: is it matter-of-fact, dramatic, lyrical, pathetic? 2. What kind of text is it? Is it a narration, a character-drawing or a dialogue? 3. What is the author's method in portraying personages? 4. What are the predominant figures of speech in depicting nature? 5. What helps to create a vivid picture of spring? 6. What role does the word "maiden" play in conveying Ashurst's state of bliss? 7. Account for different ways of expressing comparisons in the text. Analyse their structure and stylistic function. 8. Find some examples of epithets in the text. Discuss their stylistic value. 9. Point out the features of colloquial speech in the dialogue between the young men and Megan. 10. Point out instances of non-standard speech. Give the correct forms. 11. Point out the adjectives in the text, classifying them according to sense into literal and figurative. 12. Define the stem from which the adjective "curly" is derived. Pick out from Text Nine the adjectives formed in the similar way.
XI. Retell Text Nine: a) close to the text; b) as if you were Ashurst.
XII. Give a summary of Text Nine.
XIII. Make up dialogues between;
- Ashurst and Garton aboat their first impressions of the farm and -its inhabitants.
- Mrs. Narracombe and Megan about putting up the young men for the night.
I. Study the vocabulary notes and translate the illustrative examples into Russian.
II. Translate the following sentences into Russian. Pay attention to the words and word combinations in italics:
A. 1. The path turned to a rocky track which brought them out on the main road. 2. "How much do you know of your friend Pyle?"-"Not very much. Our tracks cross, that's all." 3. To say that he had hidden his tracks would be untrue. He had made no tracks to hide. 4. Dick, in an unconscious gesture, ran his hand over his hair and adjusted the scarf.
5. Both she and Jane were rather conscious of their ages and conscious of having put their first youth behind them. 6. For the first time she was conscious of a second self, whose existence she had not suspected. 7. She was never at a loss for something to say, never conscious of groping around for a topic. 8. There was no noise, no effort, no consciousness in anything he did; but in everything an indescribable lightness, which was so graceful. 9. We saw the outlines of the tower in the distance,. 10. The old oak-tree was beautifully outlined against the blue sky. 11. And in a few simple words he outlined Ann's appeal to him. 12. The soles of his feet were rough and caljous from walking. 13. Losing two sons in the war was rough on her. 14. How well can this truck take rough ground! 15. The table is made of rough plunks. 16. Here's a rough draft of my speech.
B. 1. It's the one point on which Harry and I do not see eye to eye. 2. He caught my eye and hurried into explanations. 3. I can assure you that I never set eyes upon him. 4. He moved a little farther along the road measuring the wall with his eye. 5. You'd better stay here and keep an eye on him. I'll ring up the police. 6. "We had coffee."-"No wonder you're wakeful." 7. Wonders are many, and nothing is more wonderfulihan man. 8. He knew that Robert had not sent for him to talk about the weather, and wondered when he was coming to the point. 9. You'll easily recognize him; he walks with a slight limp. 10. I think he was born lame. 11. June always fussed over her lame ducks. 12. I pulled myself together, made some lame explanations and we went downstairs together. 13. You must have heard of Limping Lucy-a lame girl with a crutch.
C. 1. Put a mark against the names of the absent pupils. 2. You can't have done such a dreadful thing as to put off going there for our sake. 3. The news put an end to our hopes. 4. Can you put up some extra guests for the night? 5. He was evidently unused to the society of writers and we all tried in vain to put him at his ease. 6. I telephoned my friends putting off the small party I had arranged for the evening. 7. "I haven't thought about it lately," he wanted to add, "not since I met you," but an odd shyness held him back. 8. She is very shy by nature. 9. He is shy of showing his emotions. 10. Now I have lost my timidity and shyness with strangers. 11. He is tall and spare and holds himself well. 12. Just for the moment there was a terrible temptation to hold his tongue as his visit to them was not known by anyone. 13. She went on speaking desperately, seeking to hold his arrested attention. 14. Her youth being over, what did the future hold for her? 15. It was comparatively cool, and I was glad to stretch my legs after the long voyage. 16. He got up, stretched himself, and leant over the window sill. 17. He stretched out his long thin hands to the blaze, aware of relief from tension. 18. The girl stretched her neck and peeped over the edge of the fence.
III. Paraphrase the following sentences using your active vocabulary:
A. 1. I'm afraid I've completely lost touch with him. 2. She stumbled along the steep path that led up the hill. 3. The man was sure he had well concealed his movement. 4. The mystery bored him and he could not follow the plot. 5. The hounds were in pursuit of the fox. 6. I know I've
done wrong. 7. The blow caused him to faint. 8. He is too keenly aware of his drawback. 9. Emil was aware of a new emptiness in his life. 10. The quaint ancient castle stood out against the dark sky. 11. The student was asked to give the main points of the historical event. 12. She had told me in her letters the main facts of her life. 13. The sea is not calm today. 14. His rude manner frightened the children. 15. Should the weather be windy do not think of riding.
B. 1. What he told me made the true state of affairs known to me. 2. I hope we see the matter in the same way. 3. I never saw her before. 4. She gave me a loving look. 5. His words made me understand their plans. 6. You should look after the children when they are playing. 7. He was quick to see a pretty girl. 8. A half-indignant mutter arose about him, but he refused to see or listen to it. 9. Television is one of the remarkable things. 10. It's not surprising that your words sent her temper up. 11. I'm surprised at her saying that. 12. I'm anxious to know what she told you. 13. Melody doubted if she would ever find the courage to dare to confide in Sara. 14. This is an unconvincing argument, it does not prove anything.
C. 1. How would you express this in French? 2. The outbreak of dysenteria was attributed to bad drinking-water. 3. I'll speak on your behalf, I promise. 4. His modesty is not genuine. 5. He was very much worried by the loss of the document. 6. Let's postpone our hiking tour until the weather is better. 7. Don't hesitate to ring me up any time, I'll be in the.whole day. 8. She held out her fragile hand to her cousin and touched his wife softly with the other. 9. He lay full length on the settee and watched the canary hop about in its cage. 10. Hurst parish extends over miles of sandy lowland and sandstone hill. 11. The meeting took place in the hospital dining-room. 12. He had been careful to be silent on the subject. 13. She did not know whether or not to stretch out her hand.
IV. Explain or comment on the following sentences:
A. 1. I lost all track of time. This was wonderful. 2. He had covered his tracks to the last inch. 3. You're on the wrong track. 4. It was that that put our friend on the track of what had happened. 5. I hope you don't expect me to keep track of all the details? 6. By degrees he became conscious of the growing brilliance in the room and opened his eyes. 7. She went on talking, quite unconscious that she had said the wrong thing. 8. He's well aware of what is going on at the office. 9. She's aware of her shortcomings and that makes her self-conscious. 10. The dim white outline of her summer dress was all that I could see. 11. I begin to see- not what you would like me to see-the outlines of a face and form-but the outlines of a mind. 12. He was prepared to take the rough with the smooth. 13. Mrs. Steptoe believes in treating poor relations rough. 14. Hance was an old man with a rough tongue and compassionate eyes.
B. 1. She shook hands very firmly, looking me straight in the eyes. 2. Do you mind running your eye oyer these, accounts? 3. Well, I don't
suppose there's hope of opening your eyes to the realities of, life. 4. The image of the girl rose before his eyes. 5. She sees everything through her mother's eyes. 6. She told me the article in outline, but I read it myself. 7. He outlined the events of those stirring days. 8. I can never get over the wonders of modern science. 9. The Christmas tree, of what they had never seen the like, filled them with admiring wonder. 10. Finch wondered if he should embrace the boy-give him a hug and a kiss. 11, I wondered if I should have to- go to the Club and telephone home from there. 12. It's a wonder you got here at all. 13. I was just wondering what you were doing. 14. The X-ray treatment has worked wonders with him. 15. He has a wonderful stamp collection. 16. A lean old gentleman rose from his chair and limped forward to meet him.
C. 1. He tried to put me off with promises. 2. This will put me to considerable expense. 3. I can't put up with this noise any longer. 4. Don't put on that air of injured dignity. 5. He tried to put the incident out of his mind. 6. I think in those days we were a little shy of our emotions. 7. I thought if we had spent one evening alone together perhaps he wouldn't be too shy to ask me of his own accord another time. 8. He is capable of speaking 24 hours at a stretch. 9. Wet railway tracks stretched into the desolate distance. 10. The future stretched in front of us, unknown, unseen. 11. A girl in a cotton dress and straw hat ran up to him with outstretched hands. 12. You have the air of one who holds all the cards. 13. She can hold her. own with anyone and she never stands any nonsense. 14. Can I suggest an alternative solution that will hold water? 15. I'd like to be able to hold up my head in this town.
V. Choose the right word:
shy - timid
1. A bold man by nature, he was as ... as a boy in the presence of women. 2. "The soup is beastly!" old Osborne roared, in answer to a ... look of inquiry from his daughter.
aware - conscious
1. He was ... of the difficulties but at the same time he was ... of his power to overcome them. 2. Ann sat with closed eyes, ... of the greatness of her loss.
shy - self-conscious .
1. She was obviously wearing her best clothes and had the ... wooden smile on her face. 2. The girl looked at the man with a ... smile.
rude - rough
1. Though ... in manner and speech the old soldier was at heart kind and considerate. 2. Squire Western was ... to the servants and the women of his household.
rough - coarse
1, The surface of the stone is ... . It needs polishing. 2. The fire gleamed on the ... white tablecloth.
VI. Translate the following sentences into English:
A. 1. Наш поезд на пятом пути, пошли скорее. 2. Проваливаясь в глубокий снег, гончая шла по следу зайца. 3. Он не такой человек, который пойдет по проторенному пути. 4. Я потеряла нить его рассуждений и не Morла понять, о чем он говорит. 5. За железнодорожными путями было поле, которое простиралось до саMorо горизонта. 6. Может быть, он и хороший специалист, но, право же, его манера говорить с сознанием собственного превосходства крайне неприятна. 7. Не чувствуя нависшей над ними опасности, геологи продолжали свой трудный путь. 8. Мальчик немного заикается; из-за этого он очень застенчив и не решается произнести ни слова в присутствии посторонних. 9. Доктор наклонился над лежавшим без сознания больным. Через некоторое время больной пришел в себя, открыл глаза и спросил: "Где я?". 10. Врач сказал, что у нее нет ничего серьезного; должно быть, она потеряла сознание из-за духоты. 11. Вот краткий план моего доклада. Может быть, вы просмотрите его? 12. К сожалению, у меня нет этой статьи с собою, но, если хотите, я Morу рассказать вам вкратце ее содержание. 13. Дорога была неровной от следов бесчисленных колес. 14. Мужчина был в коротком пальто из грубой ткани и без шляпы. 15. Руки женщины огрубели от стирки и мытья посуды. 16. Я не советую вам писать работу на черновике, у вас не хватит времени переписать ее.
Б. 1. Боюсь, что отец и я по-разному смотрим на этот вопрос. 2. С ней что-то случилось, понаблюдай за ней. 3. Он пробежал глазами список и увидел свое имя. 4. Он умный художник и хорошо видит цвет. 5. Кукла была так хороша, что девочка смотрела на нее во все глаза. 6. Я приехал сюда с намерением разобраться в этом деле. 7. Она не Morла вдеть нитку в иголку, так как ушко было очень маленьким. 8. Мальчик поймал взгляд учителя и перестал разговаривать. 9. Не удивительно, что холодно, ведь открыто окно. 10. Интересно, почему врач отказался от медицинской практики? 11. Не понимаю, как можно быть такой бестактной? 12. "Что это вы хромаете на правую ногу?" - "Я поскользнулась и подвернула ногу". 13. Тим заметил, что девушка шла, слегка прихрамывая. 14. Она придумала какую-то неудачную историю, чтобы оправдать свое опоздание. 15. Старик поправил (shifted) жесткую, набитую соломой подушку и натянул одеяло.
B. 1. У вас есть ручка? Я боюсь, что забуду ваш адрес, если не запишу его. 2. У меня все готово. Отложи работу и давай ужинать. 3. Пора убирать зимние вещи, а то их попортит моль. 4. Я объясняю все его неудачи недостатком уверенности в себе. 5. Я достаточно хорошо его знаю и уверен, что он справится с этой работой. Надо замолвить за него словечко, а то работу Morут поручить кому-нибудь другому,
а она его очень интересует. 6. Мы не можем принять это предложение, не обдумав все как следует. Давайте отложим решение до завтра. 7. То, что заметку поместили на первой странице, говорит о важности этого события. 8. Почему вы хотите остановиться в гостинице? Оставайтесь у нас и живите сколько хотите, у нас много места. 9. "Я не желаю мириться с твоей ленью,- сказал отец,- ты должен сделать эту работу сегодня". 10. Она мне показалась умной девочкой, но очень застенчивой. 11. "Вот ваша комната. Если вам что-нибудь понадобится, не стесняйтесь, позовите меня",- сказала хозяйка. 12. Девочка совсем смутилась, когда я обратилась к ней. 13. Эти шерстяные носки очень сели, нельзя ли их как-нибудь растянуть? 14. Анна протянула веревку между двумя деревьями и стала вешать на нее белье. 15. Финли постелил плащ на мокрую траву и улегся на нем. 16. "Я не знаю, почему им надо проводить судебное разбирательство здесь, у меня",- сказал мистер Уайт. 17. Ты думаешь, что этот пакет выдержит, если положить туда яблоки? 18. Он задержал дыхание и прислушался. 19. Это временное потепление. Такая погода долго не продержится. 20. В этот момент мальчик выпустил веревку и шлепнулся на землю.
VII. Give English equivalents for the following phrases:
оставлять следы; прийти в сознание; замести следы; избитый путь; вырисовываться на фоне; растрепанные волосы; черновик; присматривать за ...; открыть кому-л. глаза на ...; строить глазки; смотреть сквозь пальцы на что-л.; знать в чём-л. толк; с намерением; хромать на правую (левую) ногу; неудачная отговорка; выбросить из головы; ввести в расходы; примириться; застенчивая улыбка; размять ноги; без перерыва; протянуть руку; скрыть что-л.; схватиться за
VIII. Give situations in which you would say the following:
1. I have still a lot to do. 2. My head is as heavy as lead. 3. Don't you keep track of current events? 4. And how did you get hold of the chance? 5. It's right in so far as I'll continue to hold my tongue. 6. What a lame kind of explanation! 7. She is the apple of my mother's eye. 8. You and me do not see eye to eye on this point. 9. Why do you never put things in their right places? 10. Put yourself in my place. 11. I don't know how to put it. 12. Put in a word for me. 13. I think a lot of that is put on. 14. Will she ever come, I wonder! 15. Wonders will never cease! 16. It's doing wonders for me!
IX. Make up dialogues on the suggested topics using the given words and word combinations (to be done in pairs):
1. A young couple discussing whether they could afford buying a car. (to put aside (money), to go on a trip, to be like nothing else on earth, to have a good rest, to put smth. out of one's mind, a restful life, to put smb. tof expenses, to put off)
2. Two friends have lost their way in the forest, (to follow a track through the forest, according to, to strike smb. as, to look like, the outline) of, to wonder, to hurt smb., to go lame, to show smb. the way, to stretch oneself)
3. Two tenth-form pupils are discussing what Institute to enter, (a bent for, to be aware of, to wonder at, to put smth. out of one's mind)
4. Two friends on a tramp discussing the landscape, (to be conscious of, a rough day, to have an eye for, to wonder at, to break into flower)
X. Use the following words and word combinations in situations:
- rough sea, to put out, to catch hold of smth., to limp
- to keep an eye on, lame excuse, to put on, to be conscious of, to hold smth. back
- to cover up one's tracks, with an eye to, to wonder at, to run one's eyes over
- rough day, to follow the tracks of, at a stretch, to be outlined against
XI. Find in Text Nine and write out phrases in which the prepositions or adverbs up, down, under are used. Translate the phrases into Russian.
XII. Fill in prepositions or adverbs:
1. My sister was very ill and I had to sit ... all night with her. 2. This little stream never dries ... .3. You have worked very well so far; keep it ... .4. You have got the story all mixed ... .5. The house was burnt ... before the fire-brigade came. 6. The sleeves of my dress are too short. I must ask the tailor to let them ... an inch. 7. We can't buy that car just yet; but we are saving ... . 8... . dinner I'll wash ... . 9. Sit ... , there is plenty ... room ... everyone. 10. Your coat collar is ... the back, shalf I turn it . ..? 11. Don't stand ... a high tree during a thunderstorm. 12. I can't use my office now it is ... repair. 13. I did this ... orders. 14. ... the circumstances I will not give you any extra work. 15. He is ... age and cannot be allowed to be independent.
XIII. Translate the following sentences into English. Pay attention to the prepositions:
1. В пять утра я была уже на ногах и, не теряя времени, принялась за работу. 2. Повесьте ваше пальто здесь, я покажу вам, как пройти в его комнату. 3. Я подняла носовой платок. Это не ваш? 4. Ее родители умерли, когда она была еще маленькой, и ее воспитала тетя. Она ей как мать теперь. 5. Мальчик перевернул ящик вверх дном, и игрушки рассыпались по всему полу. 6. Я не ложилась всю ночь и сейчас с ног валюсь от усталости. 7. Давайте поднимемся на этот холм, оттуда очень красивый вид на реку. 8. Вчера мама упала с лестницы и повредила ногу. Я очень беспокоюсь о ней. 9. Я неважно себя чувствую, пожалуй, я пойду прилягу. 10. Я не люблю смотреть вниз с большой высоты, у меня кружится голова. 11. Лучше запишите мой адрес в записную книжку, вы можете потерять этот листок бумаги. 12. Большая часть города оказалась под водой. 13. Много крупных гидроэлектростанций сейчас строится в стране. 14. Мальчик, лет пяти, сидел за партой один. 15. Многие писатели публикуют свои произведения под вымышленными именами. 16. Студенты проводили эксперимент под руководством профессора.