Lesson Eight



I have always hesitated to give advice.

  • You might have hesitated to let him do it.
  • I hesitated to ask him for help.
  • He didn't hesitate to take such a big risk.
  • Don't hesitate to refuse the offer if you don't like it.


How can one advise another unless one knows that othercas one knows himself.

  • They won't accept your plan unless you alter it.
  • You'll fail unless you work hard.
  • Unless I'm mistaken, he's an artist.
  • Unless he's done the work properly, I shan't accept it.


He had some difficulty in lighting it.

  • I have some difficulty in understanding spoken German.
  • She had some difficulty in finding the house.
  • We had some difficulty in selecting a present for her.


  • He gave an apologetic laugh.
  • I had not given him more than a cursory glance.
  • The girl gave a deep sigh.
  • Jim gave a loud cry (groan).
  • The man gave her a hasty look.
  • She gave me a critical look.


  • It's precisely what they are going to do.
  • That's what I've got to look forward to.
  • That's all I've got to look forward to.
  • This is precisely what I object to.
  • That's what they've got to expect.
  • That's all they've got to hope for.



  • He was dressed in a blue suit a good deal the worse for wear.
  • This is an old coat, but it is none the worse for wear.
  • The road is a goad deal the worse for the rain.
  • We are none the happier for learning the truth.
  • I like you none the worse for being frank.


He looked to me as though he knew a good bottle of wine when he saw it.

  • He knows a good book when he sees it.
  • The man knew a good painting when he saw it.
  • I know a good play when I see it.


You could not have imagined a more delightful person to drink a glass of wine with.

  • I can't imagine a better place to have a rest in.
  • I don't know a worse place to go for holidays to.
  • He never saw a more interesting person to speak with.


I. Complete the following sentences using the speech patterns!

1. Caution made Jim hesitate to ... . 2. He did not hesitate to ... . 3. I shan't touch upon the subject unless ... . 4. No use discussing the matter with me unless ... . 5. We thought we knew Italian having studied it from books, but we had some difficulty ... . 6. It's not always easy to teach children to read. Some children have special ... . 7. The door was so narrow that we had some ... . 8. With so many other things to occupy my mind, I had not given Wilson ... . 9. The two old gentlemen were obviously displeased with the interruption. They gave us a ... . 10. I'm not astonished at his refusal to help us at all. That is precisely ... . 11. Now it's quite evident that we shan't be able to finish the work on time. That's ... . 12. I know that he's sorry about what happened, but I am none ... . 13. The boy is naughty, but I like him none ... . 14. I think it only fair to tell you that that's all ... . 15. He's a connoisseur of art and he surely knows a good painting when ... . 16. This young actress has got real talent. I assure you I know a good actress when ... . 17. You cannot imagine a more delightful person to ... . 18. If you're in need of advice, you cannot find a better person to ... .

II. Suggest the beginning matching up the end:

1. ... to go further because he was afraid. 2. ... to refuse if you think the plan is unwise. 3. ... we ought to have a good trip there. 4. ... we shan't get home before dark. 5. ... in getting the information. So don't


fret. 6. ... in understanding what she said because of her bad French. 7. ... , seemed to hesitate and then walked on. 8. " ... a ring, it's urgent." 9. ... what it's going to be if we can't find some better explanation. 10. ... what you expected a teacher to be. 11. ... for knowing the truth. 12. ... for being frank and straightforward. 13. ... to hope for. 14. ... when he heard it. 15. ... to have a chat with. 16. ... to work with.

III. Paraphrase the following sentences using the speech patterns:

1. He seemed unwilling to give advice, afraid of responsibility, I think. 2. Don't be shy of calling if you need me. 3. If I'm not mistaken, this is but a temporary job. 4. Don't do anything if you don't hear from me. 5. We're going on a hike next Saturday, if the weather does not turn out nasty. 6. I always find it difficult to remember dates, they just slip my memory. 7. It was rather difficult for me to understand the article. 8. He laughed apologetkally and said, "So that's it. How on earth did you guess the truth?" 9. Tom shrugged his shoulders. "What next, I wonder?" 10. The landlady looked critically at the three young men and closed the door in their faces. 11. At seeing me Jovella sighed with relief. 12. It's just the thing I was afraid of. 13. If I had my time over again, I should act exactly in the same way. 14. I did not like the boy less for being a bit naughty. 15. Wealth did not make him happier in the least. 16. "I'm aware that that's my only hope," said the man. 17. "Is there nothing else for me to look forward to?" asked Cora. Allan made no comment. 18. Soames was a good judge of paintings. 19. He is a well-read person and a real connoisseur of French poetry. 20. I'm fond of the South-West of Moscow. I don't think there is a better district to live in. 21. He thinks there is no better place to have a rest in than North Caucasus.

IV. Respond to the following statements and questions using the patterns;

1. Why on earth didn't you turn to me for help at once? 2. Do you think it's absolutely necessary "for me to come? 3. Do you think there's anyone else who knows about it? 4. You're an hour late. I thought you would never come. 5. How did you manage to get the book? It's no longer on sale. 6. Did the girl scream when she was given an injection? 7. I hear he's had a bad fall. 8. Will you let him know of the change in our plans? 9. I think I must have the matter out with her. 10. Whatever makes you go to this village every summer? 11. I'm only asking you to dust the flat. 12. Are you sure the painting is worth buying? 13. Is this young poet really a promising one? 14. Would you advise me to wait a little?

V. Translate the following sentences into English using the speech patterns]

1. Сью взялась за ручку .двери, но все еще не решалась войти в комнату. 2. Если вам понадобится моя помощь, не стесняйтесь и звоните мне в любое время. 3. Если я не ошибаюсь, собрание отложили до понедельника. 4. Я бы предпочла остановиться в гостинице, если только она не переполнена. 5. Нам было нелегко найти эту улицу, потому


что ее еще нет на плане и никто не знал, где она находится. 6. Я так долго переводила статью потому, что у меня были трудности с техническими терминами. 7. Генри глубоко вздохнул и сказал: "Никогда бы не подумал, что эта работа окажется такой трудной". 8. Эн бросила беглый взгляд на заголовки статей в газете и отложила ее. 9. "Я все рассказала ей".- "Именно этого вы и не должны были делать". 10. "Не надо было поднимать одной этот ящик!" - "Право же со мной от этого ничего не случилось. Вы зря беспокоитесь". 11. Вы можете звонить ей весь день и все же ничего не добьетесь: она не поднимает трубки. 12. Джим прекрасно знал, что это все, на что он Mor надеяться. И все же он не отчаивался. 13. Вот все, что я должен сказать тебе. Надеюсь, ты отнесешься к этому серьезно. 14. Кирилл прекрасно разбирается в старинных вещах. Вы бы лучше спросили у него, стоит ли эта ваза таких денег. 15. Никогда не встречала человека, с которым было бы так интересно поговорить.

VI. Make up two sentences of your own on each pattern.

VII. Make up a dialogue using the speech patterns (to be done in pairs).


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