I. a) Listen to the recording of Text Seven and mark the stresses and tunes, b) Repeat the. text in the intervals after the model.

II. Study Text Seven and make up 20 questions about it.

III. Copy out from Text Seven the sentences containing the word combinations and phrases given above. Translate them into Russian.

IV. Paraphrase the following sentences using the word combinations and phrases given on p. 167:

1. Brown was held as a prisoner for a month. 2. On his first day in New York John's money was stolen and he had no one to turn to for help. 3. Aren't you ashamed of throwing stones at the dog? It hasn't done you any harm, has it? 4. I asked him to join us, but he wouldn't. 5. "No use trying to cheat me. I see you through," said Nick. 6. I found Bret mad with anger, he was evidently in no state to listen to reason. 7. Nothing you say will compel me to do it. 8. You know how proud and


touchy he is, he would rather keep in the background than show himself in a ridiculous light. 9. "It was awfully mean of him to seize the letter that was not meant for him," said Jannet. 10. Taken unawares, she lost her presence of mind. 11. When she was left alone, her nerve failed her and she cried bitterly. 12. We evidently can't agree on this point, but why shout in public? 13. That's saying too much, so far we don't know anything for certain. 14. The way Ann is exploiting her sister's kindness is really shameful.

V. Translate the following sentences into English in written form using the word combinations and phrases:

1. Кривз находился под арестом уже месяц, но все еще категорически отказывался давать показания. 2. Из окна вагона Джон видел, как она улыбнулась сквозь слезы и помахала ему рукой. 3. Девочка улыбнулась сквозь слезы: она уже забыла о своем огорчении. 4. Говорили, что у старого Тима припрятаны денежки и что держит он их у себя дома, недаром же он так боялся, что его дом ограбят. 5. Андрей бросил письмо на стол, но через минуту снова взял его и стал читать. 6. Не пытайтесь одурачить меня. Из этого все равно ничего не выйдет. 7. Джейн была вне себя, и ей стоило большого труда сдержаться. 8. Больше всего он боялся показаться смешным. 9. Ребекка прекрасно понимала, что грозит ей, если только ей не удастся перехватить письмо. 10. Неожиданный вопрос так ошеломил Джо, что он сразу же потерял самообладание. 11. Когда старый Джолион ушел, Джун не выдержала и дала волю слезам. 12. После того как миссис Пейдж устроила ему сцену из-за денег, Эндрю твердо решил искать другую работу. 13. "На что вы намекаете? - сказала Норин.- Осторожнее, вы можете зайти слишком далеко". Г4. "Вы используете его в своих собственных интересах, а называете это дружбой",- с возмущением сказал Питер.

VI. Use as many of the word combinations and phrases as you can in one situation.

VII. Use the word combinations and phrases in a dialogue (to be done in pairs).

VIII. Find in Text Seven equivalents for the following words and phrases and use them in sentences of your own:

womanly; to make an earnest request to smb.; to hold tightly; not to let go near; to face smb. in a hostile way; to stretch out one's hand; to take away; to seize; to be exactly alike; in an impolite manner; a strong desire for fame; to feel respect and admiration for smb.; in a difficult position; to face smb. boldly; to stand in an erect position; to give smb. away to the enemy; loss of good name; not showing respect; obviously frightened

IX. Find in Text Seven English equivalents for the following words and phrases and write them out;

необычайно изящная; умное лицо; избавиться от необходимости; погладить по щеке; с сияющей улыбкой; самая скучная штука; разразиться потоком брани; поделить что-нибудь по-честному; задыхаться; заламывать руки; грубо и фамильярно; компрометировать кого-нибудь;


"общественное мнение; драться на дуэли; быть выше подозрения; попасть кому-нибудь в руки; надменно; честолюбивый муж; социальное положение; выведенный из себя

X. Explain in English what is meant by the following phrases and sentences;

1. character in the chin 2. keen, refined and original 3. Never you mind him, General. 4. Leave me to deal with him. 5. Producing an effect of smiling through her tears 6. in dignified reproof 7. This incautious echo of the lieutenant undoes her. 8. Dalila, Dalila, you have been trying your tricks on me. 9. The vile, vulgar Corsican adventurer comes out in you very easily. 10. gloating over the papers 11. bitter-sweetly 12. I am a true Corsican in my love for stories. 13. Caesar's wife is above suspicion. 14. You have committed an indiscretion. 15. You may go too far. 16. Do you mean that you are that sort of man?

XI. Answer the following questions or do the given tasks:

1. What do you know of Bernard Shaw and his place among the English playwrights? 2. What is the historical and social background of the play "The Man of Destiny"? 3. Comment upon the nature of Shaw's long stage directions. Are they typical of his art? 4. What do you know of Julius Caesar? of Paul Barras? 5. Write out from the text all the phraseological units. Comment on their stylistic value and suggest neutral, equivalents. 6. Why is Dalila a symbol of a treacherous woman? 7. Pick out the elements (lexical and syntactical) of colloquial speech and comment on them. 8. Find in the text sentences containing repetition and syntactical parallelism. What is the effect achieved? 9. Write out from the text all the adverbs formed from adjectives by adding the suffix -ly and translate them into Russian. Which of them are epithets? 10. The following words are bookish: 'affrighted', 'unvoluntarily', 'reproof’, 'enraptured', 'tranquil', 'confronting (him)'. What are their synonyms in colloquial English? 11. Pick out metaphors from the text and comment on them. 12. How do the following words of the Lady characterize Napoleon? a) "Thousands of lives for the sake of your victories, your ambitions, your destiny!" b) "The vile, vulgar Corsican adventurer comes out in you very easily." c) "Caesar's wife is above suspicion." d) "You became friends through your wife." e) "A vain, silly, extravagant creature, with a husband who ... cannot help his man's instinct to make use of her for his own advancement." 13. How do the following remarks made by Napoleon characterize him? a) "I see you don't know me, madam, or you would save yourself the trouble of pretending to cry." b) "I am waiting for my dispatches. I shall take them, if necessary, with as little ceremony as I took the handkerchief." c) "I am not to be trifled with now." d) "I am a true Corsican in my love for stories." e) "Next time you are asked why a letter compromising a wife should not be sent to her husband, answer simply that the husband wouldn't read it." 14. How does Napoleon's attitude towards honour and happiness and his fear of looking ridiculous characterize him? 15. What is the Lady like as shown through her words, actions and the author's remarks? 16. What kind of person is Napoleon according to Bernard Shaw?


XII. Retell Text Seven in Indirect speech.

XIII. Give a summary of Text Seven.

XIV. a) Render the following text in English:

Великий полководец, знаменитый государственный деятель, человек необыкновенной судьбы Наполеон Бонапарт сошел с исторической сцены в июле 1815 года.

Шесть лет после этого на затерянном в океане скалистом острове еще теплилась жизнь человека, пережившего свою славу. Это была растянувшаяся на долгие месяцы агония узника, обреченного на медленную смерть. Английское правительство, на великодушие которого рассчитывал Наполеон, не оправдало его ожиданий. Оно поставило своего пленника в тяжелые и унизительные условия мелочной и придирчивой опеки, отравлявшей последние годы его жизни. В эти долгие дни испытаний и несчастья он показал мужество и твердость духа, заставившие забыть о многих его прежних преступлениях.

С расстояния в сто пятьдесят-сто восемьдесят лет голоса минувшей эпохи доходят до нас приглушеннее. Но историк, восстанавливающий картину давно ушедшего времени и его героев, уже свободен от пристрастий и предубежденности ушедшей эпохи; проверенные строгой мерой времени исторические явления и исторические герои обретают свои истинные размеры; история каждому отводит свое место.

Наполеон Бонапарт с этого дальнего расстояния предстает во всей своей противоречивости. Он воспринимается прежде всего как сын своего времени - переломной эпохи, эпохи перехода от старого, феодального мира к новому, шедшему ему на смену буржуазному обществу. Его имя ассоциируется с безмерным честолюбием, с деспотической властью, с жестокими и кровавыми войнами, с ненасытной жаждой завоеваний.

Наверное, будет правильно сказать, что Наполеон Бонапарт был одним из самых выдающихся представителей буржуазии в пору, когда она была еще молодым, смелым, восходящим классом, что он наиболее полно воплотил все присущие ей тогда сильные черты и все свойственные ей даже на ранней стадии пороки и недостатки.

До тех пор пока в действиях Наполеона Бонапарта элементы прогрессивного оставались преобладающими, удачи, победы сопутствовали ему. Когда же наполеоновские войны превратились в чисто захватнические, империалистические войны, несшие народам Европы порабощение и гнет, тогда никакие личные дарования Наполеона, ни огромные усилия, прилагаемые им, не Morли уже принести победу. Он с неотвратимостью шел к крушению своей империи и личному своему крушению. Его восхождение и его падение были вполне закономерны.

Наполеон Бонапарт был сыном своего времени и запечатлел в своем образе черты своей эпохи. Все последующие деятели буржуазии, претендовавшие на роль Наполеона, отражая историческую эволюцию класса, который они представляли, мельчали, вырождались в злую пародию или карикатуру на образ, который они пытались имитировать.


И все-таки из летописей истории не вычеркнуть имени Наполеона Бонапарта. В 1969 году был отмечен его двухсотлетний юбилей: сотни книг и статей, конгрессы, конференции, телепередачи - и снова споры. Общественный интерес к человеку, полководцу, государственному деятелю давно минувшего времени все еще велик.

О чем же спорят? Одни хулят и клянут Бонапарта, другие возносят ему хвалу, третьи стараются найти объяснение противоречивости жизненного пути, столь непохожего на все остальные. Впрочем, сколь резко ни различаются мнения, все сходятся на том, что то был человек неповторимой, удивительной судьбы, навсегда запечатлевшейся в памяти поколений.

(Отрывок из эпилога к книге
"Наполеон Бонапарт" А.З. Манфред.)

b) Compare the two points of view on Napoleon. Are they different or similar? Which point of view do you share?

XV. Choose an extract from the talk between Napoleon and the Lady (one page long), learn it by heart and reproduce it with a partner.


I. Study the vocabulary notes and translate the illustrative examples into Russian.

II. Translate the following sentences into Russian. Pay attention to the words and word combinations in italics:

A. 1. What nonsense people talked when they said you eould tell character from faces. 2. She was usually cast for character parts. 3. The portrayal of the two characters is built on the contrast between appearance and reality, 4. His behaviour seemed out of character. 5. It had never occurred to him that after 25 years of complete happiness his character would gradually lose its strength. 6. But it is not at all characteristic of him. 7. Did you try to disguise your voice in any way? 8. He went about in the disguise of an old beggar. 9. But it was a new kind of moodi-ness, with tears threatening. 10. Knowing that danger threatened, the sentry was on the alert. 11. As for this man, there was no sign that the threats would come to anything. 12. The girl's face relaxed. "Well, that's very sweet of you," she said warmly. "I need encouragement, we all do." 13. After arguing till both were hot and flushed, each relaxed his strain. 14. Mr. Scuttle leaned back, relaxing his business manner. 15. I'm too excited to sit down and relax.

B. 1. Mrs. Davis was boiling a pot of grub. She bade us sit down, stirred the pot and then sank into a wicker chair. 2. He looked at her and his heart sank: she seemed to be in one of her moods and would not concentrate on what he was saying. 3. I knew that Fred was untrustworthy, but I'd no idea he'd ever sink to doing a.thing like that. 4. Robert had learnt a valuable lesson if he had'the sense to hold onto it. 5. The beauty of the picture stirred in me a most enthusiastic sense of admiration. 6. A strange sense of loss came over him. 7. Common sense told her it was useless at this stage to say anything about what she had seen yesterday. 8. Agnes was one of those sensitive types who go through life looking for


any offence left lying about for the taking. 9. There was a sudden sense of strain in the atmosphere. 10. Do have some sense of proportion, Martin. 11. One could always appeal to Carlyon's sense of humour. 12. "You're a very sensible boy," Mrs. Bowles said approvingly. 13. It was useless arguing with Jan. One couldn't talk sense into her, 14. When Ned was angry he lost his sense of the ridiculous. 15. She was in a queer spirit and I was cautious enough not to insist on my offer. 16. Caution visibly held him back. 17. I've already seen enough to insist that ordinary precautions be taken. 18. So far his interview with Mike had proceeded cautiously - on both sides. 19. It seemed that caution was the one virtue he recognized. 20. I was in my room when Paul slipped in, his eyes shining. 21. He knew he'd gone out on some errand and it absolutely slipped his memory. 22. Lucy slipped quickly out of bed and went along the passage to her sister's room. :23. I dreamed of dreadful abysses amongst which I was wandering knowing that a slip of the foot meant death. 24, She moved to the door, and slipped home the little bolt. 25. He tore the slip of paper in two, and Tossed it into the fire. 26. It was no mere slip of the tongue that had caused Bramwell to make that gross error. 27. Mrs. Reed looked frightened; her work had slipped from her knee.

C. 1. He laughed again, and it struck me that his laugh was unusually bitter. 2. There was a terrible bitter row over George's going to college. 3. He thought of June, and her dead mother, and the whole story, with all his old bitterness. 4. When he turned there was bitter hatred in his face. 5. A sheep dog stirred in the shade and opened a cautious eye as he passed. 6. He poured out coffee for us both and began stirring his slowly, thoughtfully. 7. It was a summer morning full of stir and life. 8. He hurried to Mr. Dombey's room, stirred the fire, put the chair ready. 9. For long times he settled down, and in those times he would not stir a finger to lift a guinea a yard off. 10. Washington was humming with excitement like a stirred wasps' nest. 11. Our fates were linked together. I could not injure him without injuring myself. 12. Women forgive injuries, but never forget slights. 13. The nurse who had been injured, had been questioned and sent home, with her arm bandaged. 14. When you testified at the trial, you did not point out that Jackson received his injury through trying to save the machinery from damage. 15. He gave full attention to diseases and injuries of the brain. 16. Reggie sighed, and his round face was plaintive with the melancholy of an injured child. 17. I was compelled to admit that I had heard about it before. 18. I was compelled to silence and that was very hard on me as I was bursting with news. 19. She wanted to go away and cry and hate Constance and think of impossible but terrific ways of taking her revenge on her. 20. George Sand revenged herself upon the poet Musset for writing "He and She" by publishing the novel "She and He".

III. Paraphrase the following sentences using the essential vocabulary:

A. 1. She is not, I think, an interesting personality. 2. The writer's skill in creating vivid and original images is combined with the refinement of language and style. 3. The people depicted by the writer are all


very much alike. 4. His conversation was typical of a retired officer. 5. She hid her sorrow beneath a careless manner. 6. He could not hide his anger. 7. He got to the frontier town dressed as a peasant. 8. Look at the clouds. It looks like raining. 9. The teacher said he was going to punish the pupil unless he did his homework properly. 10. But for once his sphinx-like features had become gentle and there was a warm humanity in his eyes. 11. With her you could let yourself go and be quite natural and needn't pretend to be anything you weren't. 12. She sat back, her arms wrapped round her knees, seeming completely at rest now.

B. 1. Jap dropped into a chair, looked at me and tapped his forehead significantly. 2. His voice had risen, but now it dropped almost to a whisper. 3. At last he subsided into heavy slumber. 4. You are her friend- in the best meaning of the word. Surely that gives you special privileges. 5. The drugs had relieved the pain and she was left with a feeling of great fatigue. 6. Nora never made scenes. She was reasonable enough.to know that they would only irritate Roger. 7. The truth was too obvious, and Julia had too much intelligence to miss it. 8. I think she behaved with great practical, wisdom. 9. He never warned me about that until yesterday. 10. My friend and I moved quietly out of the room. 11. We knew what you intended to do and we took measures. 12. I meant to give the book back to you this morning, but .in the heat of our discussion, it had escaped my memory. 13. She put her hand into his and gave him her old smile. 14. It must be awful to see year after year pass by and live in a place where nothing can happen.

C. 1. His life had been a severe struggle against every sort of difficulty. 2. Gorky's death was a heavy loss to all the Soviet people. 3. His failure to pass the examination was a painful disappointment to him. 4. She was afraid to make the slightest movement for fear she might waken the child. 5. Poetry, like music, excited him profoundly. 6. He had no pity, and her tears aroused no emotion, but he didn't want hysterics. 7. "There!" he would say in a hurt tone. "Now the nail's gone." 8. Isn't it a bit too Hot for sunbathing?-Not for me. I like it hot. The sun can't do me any harm. 9. The doctor thought that the wound was inflicted by a heavy blow from some blunt instrument. 10. She is vindictive to anyone who has hurt her. 11. I had a bad attack of dyspepsia and was obliged to restrict my diet to hot malted milk. 12. She felt herself shudder as she saw it and, yet as if he forced her, she closed the door and came a little farther into the room. 13. The rain made it necessary for us to stop playing. 14. He told Kate that, in practical affairs, paying back evil for evil was a luxury he could not afford. 15. That was how he could inflict injury on those people in return for their mockery. 16. Ann knew she could get even with them, but she no longer felt angry.

IV. Explain or comment on the following sentences:

A. 1. "Is that likely from what you know of his character?"- "Very unlikely." 2. His appearance did not answer his true character. 3. I like the way the actor reveals the character. 4. The old gentleman was decidedly a character. 5. I know that Blanche has a quick temper. It's part


of her strong character. 6. The writer's favourite character is a man who is poor and alone in the world. 7. His style is characterized by great laconism. 8. Disguised as a peasant, he aroused no suspicion. 9. The father threatened to cut the boy off with a shilling if he disobeyed him. 10. We had had cloudy days before, but not dull days, threatening rain. 11. But try as he would he found it impossible to relax. 12. Henderson's face slowly relaxed as he listened on the phone. 13. Charles smoked a cigarette, relaxing in the still warmth of the afternoon. 14. "You make everything mean something it isn't. Why? Why can't you relax?" said Becky. 15. Within five seconds the classroom was empty and Miss Torn-ton relaxed with a sigh.

B. 1. Who was the "her" they were talking about? My heart sank: me. 2. She tried to stand up, but once again the sickness overpowered her and she sank back on to the deck. 3. But why should they get so damned suspicious?" Miller asked. "It doesn't make sense to me, boss." 4. He was able to look after her and that was a comfort. In fact he gave a sense of support to all who were near him. 5. He was sensible enough to accept the inevitable. 6. I think she behaved with great sense; 7. Come on, let's talk sense. 8. You're ridiculously oversensitive. Everyone is sure to welcome you. 9. No sense in catching cold. Put on your sweater. 10. He has an immense sense of his own importance. 11. She broke in: "We cannot be too cautious of how we talk before children." 12. "You are going to ruin your life, all because you can't resist the temptation of luxury," he tried to caution her. 13. When he returned, he said the doctor ought to see her, if only as a precaution. 14. Mrs. Ebberly always took precautions against being exposed to draughts. 15. She slipped the ring on her finger and stretched out her arm to have a better look at his present. 16. The minutes slipped by into an hour. 17. "If you make another slip of the tongue, it will be the last," said the examiner. 18. He slipped off his boots and coat and slid into the water.

C. 1. The bitter cold of late autumn, unprepared for and unforeseen, is more bitter than the cold of winter. 2. He reproached me bitterly for not having let him know. 3. But that wasn't much improvement, he said with a quiet and bitter sarcasm. 4. I was so utterly exhausted that I couldn't stir hand or foot. 5. Hallward stirred in his chair as if he were going to rise. 6. In her day she had made a great stir in the little world of London. 7. Do not let the children injure the bushes in the park. 8. He received injuries to his head in the accident. 9. Why should she always have an injured look? 10. The doctor said that sort of thing might injure the girl's mentality for life. 11. A part of my brain worked in a dull fashion, took note of facts and figures, and jotted them down as if compelled by force of habit. 12. His illness compelled him to move to the Crimea. 13. In taking revenge a man is but equal to his.enemy, but in passing it over he is his superior. 14. The young peasant swore to revenge himself upon the man who had insulted his sister. 15. His grief and sense of loss were replaced.by a desire for revenge.


V. Choose the right words


1. For a time he ... his hatred by a show of friendly interest. 2. You ought not to have ... the truth. 3. He ... his face by pulling his hat over his eyes. 4. Did you try ... your handwriting?


1. His friends ... him against approaching danger and ... him against running into it. 2. We ... her against speaking rashly and ... her of the consequences. 3. I ... him against being late. 4. The boys must be ... not to go skating on the pond: the ice is too thin.


1. He held his breath, afraid ... . 2. ... aside, please. 3. He wouldn't ... a finger to help anyone. 4. He is able ... anyone to action. 5. His kind attitude ... me to tears. 6. She was afraid ... not to wake up the children.


1. The crops were ... by a storm. 2. He was ... in the war. 3. Lots of building were ... by the earthquake. 4. He was the only one to escape from the train wreck without ... . 5. The car was ... in an accident.

VI. Give English equivalents for the following word combinations and phrases:

независимый характер; отличаться характером; воспитание характера; главный герой; хорошая характеристика; характерно (для кого-нибудь); переодеться мужчиной; угрожающий вид; бросить угрожающий взгляд; ослабить внимание; чувство долга; быть не в своем уме; здравый смысл; иметь смысл; предостерегать кого-нибудь; принимать меры предосторожности

VII. Translate the following sentences into English:

A. 1. Когда Тед появился в.нашей компании, мы сразу почувствовали силу его характера. 2. В "паблик скулз" действительно воспитывают характер, и совершенно определенный - характер лидера. 3. Когда мы стали обсуждать главного героя рассказа, мнения разделились. 4. Решение ждать, ничего не предпринимая, очень характерно для него. 5. Овод был так искусно замаскирован, что его трудно было узнать. 6. Переодетая в костюм цыганки, Роза прошла на базарную площадь. 7. "Во всяком случае ты Mor бы обойтись без угроз,- сказала Джун,- угрозами ты ничего не добьешься". 8. Никто, кроме руководителя экспедиции, не отдавал себе отчета в том, какая опасность грозит им, если пурга не стихнет к утру. 9. Когда спор уже грозил перейти в ссору, Энн засмеялась, и обстановка сразу разрядилась. 10. Он лежал, растянувшись на диване, прислушиваясь к звону посуды в кухне, и чувствовал, что напряжение покидает его. Как хорошо снова оказаться дома! 11. Это был тяжелый день, и он был рад, что, наконец, может передохнуть. 12. Тед знал, что когда он устает, у него ослабевает


внимание. 13. В своей внешней политике Советский Союз руководствуется принципом возможности мирного сосуществования и делает все, чтобы внести разрядку в международные отношения. 14. Перестаньте нервничать. Попытайтесь отдохнуть часок. 15. Постепенно обстановка за столом перестала быть напряженной, и разговор стал более естественным.

Б. 1. Элси хотелось провалиться сквозь землю от стыда. 2. Солнце клонилось к горизонту. Повеяло сыростью. 3. Во время шторма на море их лодка затонула, но рыбакам удалось спастись. 4. Вы не находите, что этот актер переигрывает? У него нет чувства меры. 5. "Ты же разумный человек. Как ты не понимаешь, что нет смысла спорить об этом, пока мы не выясним все?" - сказал Тэд. 6. Это предложение бессмысленно, тут, должно быть, опечатка. 7. Джейн очень болезненно воспринимает критику; ее обижает любое замечание, какое бы оно ни было. 8. Ты бы лучше прислушалась к словам Роджера: он дело говорит. 9. Настойчивость и здравый смысл - вот что мне нравится в ней. 10. Будьте осторожны, это очень плохая дорога, и по ней нельзя ехать с большой скоростью. 11. Я же предупреждал вас, чтобы вы не опаздывали, а вы приходите с опозданием на час. 12. Против гриппа были приняты все меры предосторожности. 13. Она вздрогнула, и чашка выскользнула у нее из рук. 14. Эта тропинка очень скользкая, пойдемте лучше по дороге. 15. Когда вечер был в разгаре, Анне удалось незаметно выскользнуть из дома. 16. Он очень бегло говорит по-немецки, но у него "хромает" грамматика. 17. Я хотела позвонить вам вчера вечером, но когда я пришла домой, я совсем забыла об этом. 18. Миссис Дауэлс посмотрела вокруг: Тома нигде не было видно, должно быть, он опять улизнул от нее.

В. 1. Его провал на экзамене был для него горьким разочарованием. 2. Когда Дорин осталась одна, она дала волю слезам' и долго и горько плакала от обиды. 3. Сегодня ужасно холодно. Почему бы не отложить нашу поездку до завтра? 4. Ветра совсем не было, ни один листок не шевелился. 5. Помешайте кашу, а то она подгорит. 6. В доме никого еще не было слышно, я открыл дверь и вышел. 7. Марион и глазом не моргнула, когда услышала эту потрясающую новость, должно быть, она знала об этом раньше. 8. Когда Джон попал в автомобильную катастрофу, он получил серьезные повреждения спины и до сих пор еще недостаточно хорошо1 себя чувствует. 9. Боюсь, не повредило бы ребенку это лекарство. 10. Будьте потактичнее, чтобы не задеть ее. Она очень обидчива. 11. Думаю, что она расплакалась из-за уязвленного самолюбия. 12. На полпути к станции велосипед сломался, и Тедди был вынужден остальную часть пути проделать пешком. 13. Школьное обучение обязательно в Англии для детей от 5 до 15 лет. 14. Я отказываюсь верить, что необходимы принудительные меры. 15. Аттикус говорил очень тихо и все же сумел привлечь всеобщее внимание. 16. Она сделала эго из мести, ты же тоже не очень хорошо с ней обошлась. 17. "Никогда бы не подумала,- сказала Нора,- что она способна мстить за небольшую обиду, которую ей, к тому же, нанесли


случайно". 18. Такие мстительные люди никогда не забывают обид и всегда надеются когда-нибудь отомстить своему обидчику.

VIII. Review the vocabulary notes and answer the following questions;

1. What do you say of a person who is easily influenced by others? 2. What do you say of a person who often does strange or unusual things? 3. What do you call people who are easily hurt? 4. What do you call people who desire for revenge? 5. What can people do not to be recognized? 6. What do some people do if they want to pay back evil? 7. What's paying back evil called? 8. What would you do. if you didn't want to show your sorrow? 9. What must one do after a long and hard ascent of a mountain? 10. What must be done during an epidemic? 11. How must one walk along a street slippery with ice? 12. What may happen if one is not cautious? 13. What may happen if one slips and falls? 14. What k'ind of shoes are usually worn at home? 15. What kind of people cannot see a good joke? 16. What is another way of saying "This is typical of him"? 17. What do you call a basin with a drain in the kitchen? 18. What kind of person would you ask for advice?

IX. Respond to the following statements and questions using the essential vocabulary:

1. One can never know what to expect of her. 2. Why on earth did you employ him? He won't stir a finger to do the work properly. 3. Do you think it was mere chance that she wouldn't stay and finish the job? 4. How did you fail-to recognize her voice? 5. I won't have you doing it! 6. I feel so tired and spent. 7. One always has to wait for Ann. 8. Why are you asking me for advice? 9. Do you understand what he said? 10. Why didn't you ring me up last night? 11. You look frozen. Is it as cold as that? 12. Wasn't she surprised to hear the news? 13. I hear he's in hospital. What's the matter with him? 14. Whatever made her say such a thing? Was she angry with you? 15. You ought to have stood your ground. 16. I'm through with my work. 17. Aren't you ashamed? 18. What a boring party, I wish I were at home. 19. You're hours late! What's the matter? 20. I hear he's dropped hockey.

X. Use as many word combinations- from the essential vocabulary as possible in one situation.

XI. Use the following words and word combinations in dialogues (to be done in pairs):

1. Two girls are discussing the plot of a play or story, (the main character, disguised as, to intercept information, to take precautions, to trick smb. out of smth., a slip of the tongue, not to stir an eyelid, the moment he ... , an injured air, to give smb. the slip)

2. Two first-year students are talking of their impressions of the college, (compulsory attendance, the character of, to caution against, to relax, characteristic of, to compel, to give way to, why not?)

XII. Find in Text Seven and copy out phrases in which the prepositions (or adverbs) out, out of and into are used. Translate the sentences into Russian.


XIII. Fill In prepositions or adverbs where necessary;

1. Norman is ... . He'll be back ... an hour or so. 2. "Let's forget the quarrel and be friends," he said holding ... his hand. 3, Let's get ... the car and stretch our legs. 4. I really can't walk ... such a rate. I'm quite ... breath. 5. I remember that I was scared ... my wits then, but the details have faded ... my memory. 6. ... respect to her feelings you ought to be discreet. 7. The door wasn't lock. All the locks in this cottage are ... order. 8. Are you ... your senses to act like this? 9. The lady succeeded ... tricking the lieutenant ... the dispatches. 10. Are you ... your tricks again? You'll drive me ... . my senses. 11. The first introduction of French ... English dates from the time ... the Saxon kings. 12. American slang is forcing its way ... English. 13. It's good to be able to turn sorrow ... joy. 14. Why did you burst ... the room ... so much noise? 15. He sat staring ... the fire.

XIV. Translate the following sentences into English. Pay attention to the prepositions and adverbs;

1. Когда вечер был в разгаре, Руфь незаметно выскользнула из дома. 2. Я не Morу разобрать некоторые слова, у вас ужасный почерк. 3. День оказался прекрасным, и мы пожалели, что остались в городе. 4. С глаз долой, из сердца вон. 5. Кейт улыбалась сквозь слезы и сказала: "Извини меня, у меня нервы не в порядке". 6, Он живет за городом, и ему нужно полтора часа, чтобы добраться до работы. 7. Вы попадете в беду. И не говорите тогда, что я не предостерегал вас. 8. Узнав, что отъезд опять отменен, Кэйт залилась слезами. 9. Джим ворвался в комнату, схватил что-то, и через минуту его уже снова не было в доме. 10. Теперь, когда они были вне опасности, они Morли, наконец, передохнуть. 11. Он не выходит уже месяц. 12. Дверь не запирается: должно быть замок не в порядке. 13. Не в его характере спорить просто из упрямства.

XV. a) Give Russian equivalents for the following English proverbs and sayings (or translate them into Russian), b) Make up situations to illustrate their meanings:

1. It is sink or swim. 2. Caution is the parent of safety. 3. Who has never tasted bitter, knows not what is sweet. 4. A threatened blow is seldom given. 5. Better the foot slip than the tongue. 6. Between the cup and the lip a morsel may slip. 7. A blessing in disguise.

XVI. Write an essay on one of the following topics:

  1. A Russian national hero of the war of 1812.
  2. A play by B. Shaw on Soviet stage.


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