I. a) Listen to the recording of Text Five and mark the stresses and tunes, b) Repeat the text in the intervals after the model.
II. Put 20 questions to the text
III. Copy out from Text Five the sentences containing the word combinations and phrases given on p. 112 and translate them into Russian.
IV. Paraphrase the following sentences using the word combinations and phrases given on p. 112:
1. It may take a while to reach the end of that pile of work on Saturday. 2. I shall have nothing more to do with this fellow. 3. The teacher examined us in English. 4. He examines the class on their homework. 5. It's much easier to take the recorder to pieces than to join them correctly again. 6. The dining-room was empty, except for the table nearest to ours. 7. She put down the box of powder and turned her head round and looked back at me. 8. A piano stool should be made suitable to the height of the player. 9. I was surprised that they returned very quickly. 10. The mechanical teacher showed a new picture on the screen.
V. Translate the following sentences into English using word combinations and phrases:
1. Он был рад, что закончил свои дела. 2. Сегодня я дам своему классу контрольную работу по английской литературе. 3. Он пожалел, что взялся чинить бритву сам. Разобрать ее было легче, чем собрать. 4. Дети иногда ломают игрушки, чтобы посмотреть, как они устроены. 5. Я оглянулась и увидела, что собака бежит за мной. 6. Я уверен, что вы знаете человека, который сидел рядом с вами. 7. Его глаза привыкли к темноте. 8. Умоляю, расскажите мне еще немного о ней. 9. Я оглянулся и посмотрел опять на залив. 10. На экране обучающей машины вспыхнуло новое задание.
VI. Use as many of the word combinations and phrases as possible in one situation.
VII. Compose short situations in dialogue form for each of the word combinations and phrases (to be done in pairs).
VIII. Find in Text Five English equivalents for the following words, word combinations and phrases. Use them in sentences:
записать в дневнике; покончить с чем-либо; покачать головой; разобрать на части; какая расточительность; дела у нее шли все хуже и хуже; мгновенно; смотреть на кого-л. с превосходством; быть задетым
за живое; приспособиться; с книгой под мышкой; помorать делать домашние задания; складывать дроби; контрольная работа
IX. Explain what is meant by:
1. On the page headed May 17, 2157 ... 2. ... it was awfully funny to read words that stood still instead of moving the way they were supposed to ... 3. When you are through with the book, you just throw it away, I guess. 4. What's there to write about school? 5. the part Margie hated most was the slot where she had to put homework and test papers. 6. ... the mechanical teacher calculated the mark in no time. 7. I think the geography sector was geared a little too quick. 8. Actually, the overall pattern of her progress is quite satisfactory. 9. ... a teacher has-to be adjusted to fit the mind of each boy or girl it teaches ... 10. They weren't even half-finished ...
X. Answer the following questions-and do the given tasks:
1. The story by I. Asimov is science fiction. What facts in the present-day life made him write it? Is it written to amuse the reader or to warn him against possible problems of the future? 2. What do you think of the role of different technical aids that modern technology puts at the disposal of the teacher? 3. What is the composition of the story? In what parts does it fall? Are the details well chosen? 4. Comment on the closing lines of the story. How are they connected with the preceding passages? Sum up the central idea of the story. 5. Account for the word "regular" and others being set off graphically. What effect is achieved by it? 6. Mark the features of colloquial speech in the story. 7. Make up a list of words and word combinations describing school procedures.
XI. Retell Text Five: a) close to the text; b) as if you were Tommy; c) as if you were Margie.
XII. Write a summary of Text Five.
XIII. Make up dialogues between:
- Margie and her grandfather talking about books.
- Two children discussing the school of the future after reading Asi-rnov's story.
- Two foreign language teachers discussing the advantages and disadvantages of "a mechanical teacher" if compared to "a man teacher".
XIV. Choose a topic that interests you most and discuss it.
- Teaching machines have come to stay.
- Conceptions of the school of a non-distant and distant future which you know.
- Science fiction as genre and its place in modern literature.
- What other books, stories on the future of school and upbringing of children do you know? Sum up their main points.
I. Study the vocabulary notes and translate the illustrative examples into Russian.
II. Translate the following sentences into Russian. Pay attention to the words and word combinations in italics:
A. 1. For a moment they stood face to face quite close to each other. 2. The soldiers stood at attention when the commander spoke to them. 3. Please help instead of merely standing by. 4. I can't stand people who laugh at other people. 5. It stands to reason that such things ought not to be done. 6. The police began throwing tear-gas bombs, but the workers stood their ground. 7. Every time a car passed me, my hair stood up on end. 8. The gray front of the house stood out well from the background of a rookery. 9. Glancing at him, I thought how unreal he would look against a Florida background. 10. I felt half-faded away, like some figure in the background of an old picture. 11. The backroom on the first floor was prepared for her. 12. Anyway, that's what I thought about the whole way back to the hotel. 13. "Are you English?" I asked, perhaps tactlessly. "Rather. You don't think I look like an American, do you? British to the backbone, that'swhat I am." 14,1 walked on down a back street that led to the hospital. 15. We sat on the ground with our backs against the wall and smoked. 16. "Have you any paper left?"-"Oh, that'll do, write on the back of the map." 17. They give you a look that says all that can be said in a civilized community, and you back out promptly and shut the door behind you. 18. When people say things behind your back, there's nothing you can deny. 19. If either of you has kept anything back, you may have landed yourself in serious trouble. 20. With these words the offended Anne turned her back on him and ignored him completely. 21. The work was heavy and backbreaking, but it had to be done. 22. She did not know exactly what she had feared, but all kinds of hazy, unformulated terrors had been at the back of her mind. 23. One was certain to meet delightful people from various backgrounds and with varied experience, really it would be something to look back on for the rest of one's life.
B. 1. Consumption is a wasting disease. 2. Turn the water off, don't let it waste. 3. Many houses are being built on the waste land outside the city. 4. Waste not, want not. (Prov.) 5. She tore che letter unread and threw it into the waste-paper basket. 6. Crumbs, dust and waste paper were all over the house. 7. He usually hates town in August, but when there's some special reason he can stand it. 8. She flung the hateful piece of paper in the fire. 9. I have never seen such hatred in someone's eyes before. 10. He smiled at me over his cup of tea. 11. He considered me solemnly without the trace of a smile. 12. Robert gave him a flat weak smile. 13. His sister smiled throughtears. 14. He continued to pat her gently on the shoulder. 15. I patted my hair in front of the looking-glass. 16. I took great pains with the planning of my lessons. 17. These are the terms. You can either take them or leave them. 18. He won't take no for an answer. 19. His voice is remarkably fine and he takes great pride in it. 20. She looked at me as if I had taken leave of my senses. 21. I had no suspicion that this new feeling had taken root so deeply. 22. We can take it for granted
that Garton and Brown were the same man. 23. I could see that he was not entirely taken in by my words. 24. Every one of my frocks must be taken in-it's such a skeleton I'm growing. 25. Mr. Angleby is taking over Mr. Erik's job as superintendent. 26. .Then he took to walking along the street which she must pass through to get to the shops. 27. I could see by the thin line of Colonel Julyan's mouth that he had not taken to Favell.
C. 1. I can't shut the window from ground level. 2. At this elevation of more than a mile above sea level, Mrs. Adrian found it difficult to maintain a rapid pace. 3. The road ran straight for a long way through level fields. 4. And then his level mind turned and tried to see her point of view. 5. Her voice was level, despirited and showed no interest. 6. "Do you have regular hours work when Doc works." 7. Dave ... is always urging me to take a regular job. 8. He rather liked her severe regular features. 9. What brings you here? You're not one of our regulars'? 10. The truth screamed in their faces and they did not see it. 11. Somewhere'across the lake sounded the thin scream of a woman. 12. Mildred stopped screaming as quickly as she started. 13. The dress they bought the next day ... fitted her slim body to perfection. 14. And Ava, fitting her key into the lock, got into the room. 15. I'm ... just me. And the thing about being me is that I'd not fit into us situation. 16. She also thought how well that part would Maggie on the stage. 17. They were all fitting into place, the jig-saw pieces. 18. I can't fit in with that theory of yours. 19. Ask him some questions and see what group he's fit for. 20. I'm always very fit, never had anything wrong with me in my life. 21. If she loved him she would wait for him through thick and thin. 22. I love the play, it's a brilliant piece of work. 23. She did not admit to herself that she was falling in love.
III. Paraphrase-the following sentences using your active vocabulary:
A. 1. I dislike the girl immensely. 2. Our previous arrangement remains unaltered. 3. I stick to my opinion no matter what is said. 4. He is on good relations with his employers. 5. The country is not advanced because the colonizers were not interested in its development. 6. I don't see how you expect to recover strength if you don't take something nourishing into the system. 7. We all agreed we ought to support him. 8. You know, Thomas, I don't like discussing her in her absence. 9. Percy is always so careful about money matters. He hates spending uselessly. 10. He was losing weight so much that he constantly seemed to need a smaller size. 11. The "natural method" of learning a language is admirable for infants and horribly useless and unprofitable for other people. 12. I would strongly dislike any of you if you mistreat an animal. 13. His careful concealment of such an ill-will was a characteristic feature of a man of his iron self-restraint. 14. I have a strong dislike to people who laugh at me.
B. 1. She asked me no further questions but gave Rosalind an affectionate light tap on the shoulder. 2. She stooped to stroke her dog. 3. She had a passion for gardening. It is her pastime now. 4. I got to like him at first sight. 5. Don't you try this game on me, you won't deceive me. 6. The news was so overwhelming, I couldn't understand it at once. 7. The plane
was starting off when he got to the airport. 8. These small houses are to be cleared away to make room for a new big building. 9. He formed a habit of cycling the 15 miles to Wellington. 10. She did not have a liking for living in the country as much as I had hoped she would. 11. I dropped medicine and began to study physics.
C. 1. At last he began to speak, his voice even and cold. 2. The water rose until it was as high as the river banks. 3. His well-balanced common sense was always soothing. 4. She went upstairs to accomplish her habitual work. 5. Today at the usual meeting, the question of your future was brought up. 6. A moment later they heard two people giving loud cries of pain from downstairs. 7. The bird gave a shrill cry as if it wanted to warn its mate of danger. 8. The ring was the right size for the third finger of her right hand. 9. Was the boat in a proper state to put to sea? 10. He is not good enough to wipe the shoes of Monique's father. 11. The book is, out of print and I cannot get it by any means.
IV. Explain or comment on the following sentences:
A. 1. She stands five foot two. 2. The arrangement stands. 3. Who's going to stand treat? 4. P.O. stands for post-office. 5. Stand this ladder against the wall. 6. He left the train on a morning when the thermometer stood at over a hundred in the shade. 7. They knew they would stand by each other in scrapes. 8. But Muriel, even if all thought her wrong, had taken her decision and stood her ground. 9. He is Russian to the backbone. 10. He said he would help us and then backed out. 11. I shall not go back on my word. 12. Can you say the alphabet backwards? 13. Why did you keep back the fact? 14. I hope you will back my plan. 15. She always keeps in the background. 16. The cafe stood back from the road. 17. I smiled at Ann and she smiled back across the candlelight. 18. He rose and paced back and forth in front of the grate. 19. I shall always look back on this talk with you as one of the finest things in my life. 20. The fascists laid waste many towns and villages. 21. There is too much waste in this house. 22. Caroline had wasted herself in her hopeless devotion to a man who did not deserve it. 23. She looked at the girl and knew well that argument or reason would be wasted. 24. It seems to me so shocking to see the precious hours of a man's life being wasted in mere brutish sleep. 25. It's bad enough as it is, having to waste a day.
B. 1. I hate the way he treats his sister. 2. For the first time in her life she felt she hated a woman. 3. Suzanne likes thrills, but she hates being uncomfortable. 4. She had beauty that endures.and a smile that was not forgotten. 5. His polite smile froze on his lips. 6. I stood up straight, patting my hair into place. 7. She stopped abruptly and patted my arm. 8. Justice must take its course, 9. She was the kind of young woman who could take care of herself with perfect ease. 10. So Elizabeth took herself to task very severely, and, of course, rather overdid it. 11. Eden believed in taking his time, in gathering other people's opinions. 12. You go back to that school and see whether you can take up where you left off. 13. And indeed it looked as though she took pains not to be alone with him. 14. I proposed to give up the scientific career and take to writing novels. 15. He
gazed at Mrs. Septimus Small who took after James-long and thin. 16. He kept her after hours to take dictation. 17. What do you take me for? A complete fool? 18. ... Michael took him in from head to foot. 19. All women like to have attention paid to them, to be taken out, given a good time ... . 20. I found that she had taken it for granted that my wife and I didn't get on ...
C. 1. The bed was so high that, as Г sat by its side, my face was on a level with his. 2. The old tramp steamer chugged gently and almost noiselessly over the soft level sea. 3. A man stepped out from behind one of the lorries and levelled a rifle. 4. Timothy's eyes left the fly and levelled themselves on his visitor. 5. She shifted the conversation to a less dangerous level. 6. Pason looked at him with a level gaze. 7. She told me she'd just got her regular licence plates. 8. "Do you want me to start screaming?" she asked angrily. 9. It's a scream the way the girls in his.office have fallen for him. 10. Any one has a right to scream if he does not obtain a position, when he is fitted for it. 11. "I should like to try on this dress."- "Well, Madame, step into the fitting-room." 12. He tried a half-dozen keys before he found one that fitted the lock. 13. Sir Reuben had the place fitted up as a bedroom. 14. I have put most of the broken parts together but I can't fit this piece in. 15. Jane loves when you take her out for a ride in your car.
V. Translate the following sentences into English:
A. 1. Отойдите, пожалуйста, немного в сторону: вы мне загораживаете свет. 2. Никогда бы не подумала, что этот робкий с виду человек будет так твердо отстаивать свои права. 3. Само собой разумеется, что эти изменения временные, и мы вернемся к старому порядку, когда наш руководитель поправится и возобновит работу. 4. Он слишком болен, чтобы ехать куда-нибудь: он не перенесет поездки. 5. Я был уверен, что прав и твердо решил стоять на своем. 6. Вы должны сказать мне правду. Это единственный путь, если вы хотите, чтобы я вас поддержал. 7. Я не понимаю, что символизируют эти буквы. 8. Такие вещи надо говорить в лицо, а не за глаза. 9. Человек, который отказывается от своих слов, не может внушать доверия. 10. Вы, кажется, что-то не договариваете. Вы не думаете, что будет лучше рассказать мне все? 11. Преимущество их дачи в том, что она стоит в лесу, в стороне от дороги. 12. Посмотрите, как красива эта сосна на фоне вечернего неба. 13. Я не Morу понять, что это там, на заднем плане картины. 14. Работа в старой шахте была тяжелой и изнурительной. 15. Моя комната находилась в глубине дома. 16. Как обидно, что столько усилий потрачено зря! 17. На мгновение я почувствовала себя неловко, я думала, что он сейчас скажет мне, что я растрачиваю драгоценное время на болтовню по телефону. 18. "Некоторые люди смотрят телепередачи часами, а, по-моему,- это пустая трата времени,- сказал Николай.- Для меня нет ничего лучше хорошей книги". 19. Хотя она и очень устала, ей было приятно сознавать, что день не пропал даром. 20. Большая корзина для мусора была частично наполнена пустыми консервными банками.
Б. 1. Он терпеть не может суеты. 2. Я буду ненавидеть Эдди до самой смерти. 3. Мое равнодушие к ней превратилось в ненависть. 4. Она поздоровалась с ним с приветливой улыбкой. 5. Лицо ребенка засияло, когда он увидел новогоднюю елку. 6. "Грег, ты для меня такое утешение!" - сестра улыбнулась сквозь слезы. 7. Меня раздражал глухой шум дождя, барабанившего по крыше. 8. Он продолжал нежно гладить ее по плечу, ожидая пока она успокоится. 9. Он выровнял книги, уложив их аккуратной стопкой. 10. Миссис Ролсон попрощалась и ушла, чтобы успеть на поезд. И. Он очень гордился успехами своего класса по английскому языку. 12. Друзья приложили большие усилия (очень старались), чтобы приготовить ирландское рагу. 13. Когда няня увидела, как мальчик перепачкался, она отчитала его очень сердито. 14. Дети принимали как само собой разумеющееся, что отец должен любить и баловать их. 15. Я приняла вас за вашу сестру. Вы похожи как близнецы. 16. Она решила начать новую жизнь и занялась живописью. 17. Каждый день, после его бесед с клиентами, она писала стенограмму под его диктовку.
В. 1. Если мы найдем раненого в доме, я поверю, что старик честен и говорил правду. 2. На мили и мили кругом это было единственное плоское место. 3. Когда Анна начала говорить, ее голос был спокойным и холодным. 4. Том выхватил пистолет из его руки и прицелился в Сандерса. 5. Прямые брови Джейн сошлись, когда она нахмурилась. 6. Он всегда вел размеренную жизнь и редко ездил в город. 7. Почему бы тебе не найти постоянную работу? 8. Пронзительный крик совы достиг невероятно высокой ноты, упал и затих в ночи. 9. Руфь отрезала кусок серебряной бумаги по размеру книги и стала заворачивать ее. 10. У нее не было платья, подходящего к случаю. 11. Погода такая плохая, что не подходит для прогулок. 12. Том очень общителен и может приноровиться к любой компании. 13. Ее черные волосы гармонировали с ее круглым лицом и раскосыми глазами. 14. Она отправилась примерять новое платье и вернется нескоро. 15. Кэт, не присоединитесь ли вы к нам? - Спасибо, с удовольствием. 16. Я была влюблена в него, как говорит старая поговорка, по уши.
VI. Give English equivalents for the following words and phrases:
само собой разумеется; поддерживать; выдерживать испытание (боль, жару); заплатить за угощение; символизировать; повернуться спиной к ...; делать что-л. за спиной кого-л.; подсознательно; .затылок; нарушить слово; скрывать что-л.; до мозга костей; оставаться в тени; расскажите мне о себе; чахнуть; опустошать; пустырь; говорить на ветер; транжира; мне очень неудобно беспокоить вас; злобный взгляд; отвратительное преступление; фортуна всегда улыбается ему (ему всегда везет); иметь довольно сияющий вид; взять в плен; получить первый приз; рискнуть; гордиться чем-л.; стараться изо всех сил; вздремнуть; принять как само собой разумеющееся; сильно удивиться; выше (ниже) уровня моря; средний уровень; на одном уровне с ...; честно; ровная дорога; ровный голос; иметь спокойный (уравновешенный) характер; нацеливать ружье; вести размеренную жизнь; правильные
черты лица; постоянная работа; неудержимо смеяться; умора; примерять; подогнать половицу; совпадать с ...; подходящее время и место; с охотой (удовольствием); передать привет; ни за какие деньги
VII. Give situations in which you would say the following:
1. She'd a sharp tongue and she'd stand up to anybody. 2. I can't stand it! 3. All right, if you want to stand up for him, it's nothing to me. 4. She'd be the last one to wish me to turn my back on a friend. 5. We have a first-class adventure like this, and you want me to back out of it? 6. You're simply wasting your time," pretending to be injured. 7. I don't like wine. It will be wasted on me. 8. I've never seen such hatred in someone's eyes before. 9. I shall hate you till the day I die. 10. Never fear- I will take care of myself. 11. But it will take hours. 12. Easy, we didn't call that committee meeting; don't take it out on us. 13. Take a week to think it over. 14. He is a sound level-headed man. 15. I am sure she is on the level and has nothing in common with these people. 16. He is always urging me to take a regular job. 17. Yes, it all fits so far. But what does it mean? 18. Oh, it does fit me! And do you really think I look nice in it? 19. I love the book, it's a brilliant piece of work. 20. I'd love to come.
VIII. Use the following words and word combinations in dialogues (to be done in pairs):
- to fit to perfection;"to smile to oneself; to take it for granted; to put smth. into place; to stand out; to fall in love with
- to scream with laughter; level voice; to pat ... affectionally; tolerant smile; to waste words; I'd love to
- to keep regular hours; to take to; to be taken aback; to take care of; to hate; it stands to reason; to get one's back up; a waste of time
IX. Find in Text Five and copy out phrases in which the prepositions or adverbs up and down are used. Translate the phrases into Russian.
X. Fill in prepositions or adverbs where necessary:
1. My sister was very ill and I had to sit ... all night with her. 2. This little stream never dries ... .3. You have worked very well so far, keep it ... .4. You have got the story all mixed ... . 5. I brushed ... my recollections of the map of England. 6. Г11 clear ... this mess. 7. A heavy snowfall held ... the trains from the North. 8. I came ... to the country cottage for the week-end. 9. They went ... the squeaking stairs. 10. A red tractor crawled slowly ... and ... a large field. 11. Don't turn ... the corners of the pages of your books.
XI. Translate the following sentences into English. Pay attention to the prepositions:
1. В пять утра я была уже на ногах и, не теряя времени, принялась за работу. 2. Повесьте ваше пальто здесь, я покажу вам, как пройти в его комнату. 3. Я подняла носовой платок. Это не Ваш? 4. Ее родители умерли, когда она еще была маленькой, и ее воспитала тетя. 5. Мальчик перевернул ящик вверх дном, и игрушки рассыпались по всему полу. 6. Я не ложилась всю ночь и сейчас с ног валюсь от усталости.
7. Давайте поднимемся на этот холм, оттуда очень красивый вид на реку. 8. Я неважно себя чувствую, пожалуй, я пойду прилягу. 9. Я не люблю смотреть вниз с большой высоты, у меня кружится голова. 10. Лучше запишите мой адрес в записную книжку, вы можете потерять этот листок бумаги. 11. Радио говорит слишком громко, приглуши его.
XII. a) Give Russian equivalents for the following English proverbs and sayings, b) Make up situations to illustrate their meanings:
1. A friend's frown is better than a foe's smile. 2. An empty sack cannot stand upright. 3. Borrowed garments never fit well. 4. Faults are thick where love is thin. 5. Haste makes waste, 6. Love will creep where it may not go.
Try Your Hand at Teaching
I. Make up exercises to give your fellow-students further practice in using the words smile, hate, back.
II. Adapt the story "The Fun They Had" for the 8th form and then read it in class.