He pointed without looking ...
- Mr. Finch poured himself out some more tea, without asking me.
- And without waiting for her answer he turned and left us.
She hated it more than ever.
- He felt better than ever.
- Paul works harder than ever.
- I love her more than ever.
Why would anyone write about school?
- Why would I do a thing like that?
- Why would she go to them?
- They dislike each other.
The man isn't smart enough.
- She was lucky enough to get a job on television.
- She's pretty enough to twist any man around her little finger.
- He was kind enough to ask the same question every day.
My father knows as much as my teacher.
- He likes swimming almost as much as his brother.
- He worked as hard as the rest of the group.
Tommy screamed with laughter.
- The audience shrieked with laughter.
- She squeeled with excitement.
- Katie flushed with pleasure.
How the kids must have loved it!
- How weak she must have been!
- What a comfort you must have been to your motherl
- How he must have loved her in the beginning!
I. Complete the following sentences using the speech patterns:
I. I led him to the-study without ... .2. She turned away without ... . 3. Pete ... than ever. 4. The weather ... than ever. 5. Why would he ...? 6. Why wouldn't the girl ...? 7. She was not clever enough ... .8. She was still young enough ... .9. The boy laughed as loudly as ... . 10. She couldn't jump as high as ... .11. He grew merry as a cricket and . ... 12. The play was so comic that they ... .13. How tired she must ... ! 14. How they must ... !
II. Paraphrase the following sentences using the speech patterns:
1. Why should he come bothering you when he is not invited? 2. She disappeared into the kitchen and did not notice the girl. 3. Now John plays the piano better than he ever had. 4. Mary speaks English better than she ever had. 5. Why will he wish to throw aside such an opportunity? 6. Why do I wish to go to the trouble of looking after him? 7. She was sufficiently clever to get what she wanted. 8. He was a nice kid sufficiently old to have his driver's license. 9. The boy laughed very noisily when he took a ride on a merry-go-round. 10. Kate was very pleased and her cheeks became red.
III. Translate the following sentences into English:
1. Мальчик отправился на каток, не сказав об этом матери. 2. Он пришел без приглашения и чувствовал себя неловко. 3. В этих соревнованиях у него было больше, чем когда-либо, преимуществ по сравнению с его соперниками. 4. Сильнее, чем когда-либо, ему хотелось от-
правиться в путешествие. 5. С какой стати я стану принимать ее приглашение? Она мне глубоко несимпатична. 6. С какой стати Том будет щадить твои чувства? Ты сам был нетактичен. 7. Семейная вражда (family feud) была достаточно глубокой, чтобы все отношения между ними были порваны. 8. Она была достаточно решительна, чтобы продолжать работу. 9. Кусты были густые, как щетка. 10. Так же как и ты, я не люблю это блюдо. 11. Она выглядела хорошенькой, словно картинка из иллюстрированного журнала. 12. Сидя перед телевизором, дети покатывались со смеху. 13. Энн вскрикнула от волнения, когда увидела конверт в почтовом ящике. 14. Как он, должно быть, восхищался этой картиной! 15. Как, должно быть, тяжело грести против течения!
IV. Make up two sentences of your own on each pattern.
V. Make up situations in dialogue form using the speech patterns (to be done in pairs).