I. a) Listen to the recording of Text Four and mark the stresses and tunes, b) Repeat the text in the intervals after the model.
II. Put 15 questions to the text.
III. Copy out from Text Four sentences containing the word combinations and phrases given on p. 83 and translate them into Russian.
IV. Paraphrase the following sentences using the word combinations and phrases given on p. 83:
1. Stop giving me instructions. 2. There and then Rat decided to go to Allan's place and ascertain as to his intentions. 3. They had a son and a daughter, both not yet three years of age. 4. .1 am quite at a loss trying to recall where I put my gloves. 5. Besides my other worries that has to happen. 6. He is certainly very busy with this job. 7. It's the taxi driver's fault that we are late. 8. The arrival of a new guest caused trouble to my aunt. 9. The poor girl was quite exhausted serving her stepmother and her daughters. 10. I can't move this heavy wardrobe without somebody else's help. 11. My father considers football important. 12. The boy didn't feel quite at home in such a splendid house. 13. Andrew lost his temper when Christine refused to carry out his orders. 14. Everybody sympathized with Kate as she had to wait upon her invalid mother. 15. I was seized with an irresistible desire to tell him that I was sick and tired of his complaints. 16. Who is responsible for starting the fire? 17. Charles studies four hours every evening to say nothing of the work he does during the day. 18. Didn't it strike you as strange that Dr. Renet kept silent and did not express his opinion? 19. Arthur awoke and saw that he was in a strange room. 20. The doctor threatened to discharge the patient from the hospital if he did not do what he was told to. 21. He challenged my statement and I felt uncomfortable. 22. Some people find it difficult to say good-bye when making a call. 23. He was quite alone when I called. 24. Burton vainly cudgelled his brains where to turn for money. 25. We asked a policeman to direct us to the right house. 26. If you really suspect him why not tell him frankly about it and be through with it? 27. People who violate the law are punished. 28. You have my sympathies. It is awful to live in a house, where everybody keeps on giving orders to you.
V. Translate the following sentences into English using the word combinations and phrases given on p. 83:
1. Именно в этот момент судья подумал, что молодой человек не виноват. 2. Больше всего старый Броуди не любил, когда не выполняли его указаний. 3. Ему ничего не оставалось, как попрощаться и уйти. 4. Именно тогда Джордж решил поговорить с отцом начистоту. 5. Когда Фрида заметила, что она оказалась на незнакомой улице, было уже поздно и не у кого было спросить дорогу. 6. Нас раздражала его манера командовать людьми, и мы сказали ему об этом. 7. Извините, я очень спешу, у меня дел по горло. 8. Когда началась война, старшему сыну не было еще и десяти лет, 9. Дэнни был не в состоянии работать, и Эндрю пришлось принимать его больных помимо собственных пациентов. 10. Брат ничего не ответил, он лежал, глядя в потолок. 11. Я категорически отказываюсь выполнять ваши указания, вы нарушаете закон. 12. Мы поговорили немного о разных вещах, а затем я распрощался, обещая прийти опять. 13. "Бедняжка! Ты, наверное, чувствовала себя очень неловко!" - заметила пожилая женщина с сожалением.
14. Кто виноват в том, что ты с таким трудом сдал экзамены? 15. Маленькая Джейн относилась к своим обязанностям хозяйки дома очень серьезно. 16. У меня было сильное желание захлопнуть дверь у него перед носом. 17. Вы, кажется, не понимаете, что своим поведением ставите меня в очень неловкое положение. 18. Кто этот молодой человек, что стоит у окна совсем один? 19. Бертон проиграл в карты все свои деньги и совершенно не знал, что делать. 20. Хозяйка гостиницы сбилась с ног, стараясь угодить своим посетителям. 21. Неужели ты не можешь объяснить, что случилось, не повышая голоса?
VI. Use as many of the word combinations and phrases from the list as you can in one situation.
VII. Use the word combinations and phrases in a dialogue (to be done in pairs).
VIII. Find in Text Four equivalents for the following words and phrases and use them in sentences of your own:
to violate the law; to be quite at a loss; to boss smb.; to refrain from speaking; to say good-bye and go away; to clear up some points; to have an irresistible desire; to cause trouble and annoyance; to feel embarrassed; to wait upon a person; besides; to be very .busy; to be exhausted; to say with sympathy; to carry out smb.'s orders; to regard smth. as important
IX. Find in Text Four English equivalents for the following;
Эндрю дошел до Рискин-стрит; его пациентом оказался мальчик девяти лет; случай не был опасным; он пролежал три месяца с плевритом; миссис Хауэлс с ног сбилась, ухаживая за больным; она быстро вскинула голову; жаль, что вам придется держать Идриса дома; чем больше он думал, тем больше злился; она не сразу его заметила; не в этом дело; чрезвычайно довольный жизнью; здесь мое слово - закон; не сомневаюсь, что это доставит вам огромное удовольствие; он пытался взять себя в руки; это все, не так ли?
X. a) Comment on the difference of meaning in the following English and Russian words;1
attack-атака |
instruction-инструкция' |
invalid - инвалид |
local-локальный |
provision - провизия |
figure-фигура |
sympathy-симпатия |
assistant-ассистент |
impulse - импульс |
visit - визит |
b) Find in the text another 10 words that can be referred to international words.
XI. Explain what is meant by:
1. At this point in his reflections he arrived at Riskin Street. 2. Joey Howells was exhibiting a mild seasonal attack of measles. 3. The case was of little consequence. 4. Mrs. Howells, a delicate woman, already run off her feet attending to one invalid in addition to her work of cleaning Bethesda Chapel, was called upon to make provision for another.
5. In spite of his sympathy Andrew felt a throb of annoyance. 6. Andrew had a sharp impulse to tell her that she must obey his instructions and not those of a meddling schoolmistress. 7. His face wore a resentful frown. 8. His eyes fell upon the mistress at once. 9. She was so different from the intrusive female of his indignant fancy that he hesitated. 10. She inspected him, a little doubtful, faintly smiling, as though, weary of infantile arithmetic, she welcomed distraction on this fine spring day. 11. Her eyes, though questioning now, were persistently friendly. 12. Her failure to take his visit seriously was sending his temper up again. 13. At his tone her colour rose and she lost her air of comradeship. 14. She was very fragile in her white blouse, and ridiculously young. 15. If Idris had stopped off, he'd have missed his milk, which is doing him such a lot of good. 16. His pale blue eyes goggled contentedly over the rim of his milk jug. 17. You may be able to order people about in more exalted spheres. But here it's my word that counts. 18. He glared at her with raging dignity. 19. He tried to rally himself, raising his eyes, attempting to beat down hers, which now sparkled frostily toward him.
XII. Answer the following questions and do the given tasks:
1. What do you know about Cronin and his method of character drawing? 2. How is Mrs. Howells depicted? Comment on the adjectives used to describe her. Find evidence in the text that she worked very hard and could hardly find the time to attend to her children. What did Miss Barlow say about her? How does her speech characterize Mrs. Howells? 3. What kind of opinion did Andrew form of Miss Barlow before he saw her at the school? Find words and phrases that suggest that he was prepared to dislike her. Comment on the stylistic value of the words "the intrusive female of his indignant fancy." 4. What do you think the author's purpose was in including the detailed matter-of-fact description of the classroom? Account for the inverted word order in the sentence "But suddenly she turned round". How does Idris's contented expression contribute to the dramatic nature of the scene? 5. Pick out from the text all the words and phrases describing Miss Barlow's appearance. Is the author's method direct or indirect here? What is the stylistic effect of the elliptical sentence "His own age, he guessed; no, younger-about twenty-two" ... ? What struck Andrew most about her? 6. What did Andrew feel at the beginning of his visit? How did he speak to Miss Barlow? What sent his temper up? What infuriated him? How did he express his emotions? What did he feel at the end of his visit? 7. Did Miss Barlow resent Dr. Manson's coming? What made her lose her air of comradeship? How did she speak to him? What conflicting emotions were reflected in her eyes? Point out words and phrases that Miss Barlow used irortically. What did she mean by "the more exalted spheres"? What testifies to the fact that the young teacher had admirably controlled her temper? 8. How does the author conve'y the growing tension of the situation? Account for the frequent use of adverbial modifiers in the text. Which of them are epithets? 9. Sum up your observations concerning Dr. Manson's character. What was he like as a person? How did he
take his duties of a doctor? Do you sympathize with him or Miss Barlow? Which of the two was right? Be specific.
XIII.Pick out from Text Four sentences describing Mrs. Howells, Miss Barlow and Dr. Manson. Give their character sketches.
XIV. Retell Text Four: a) close to the text; b) as if you were Dr. Manson; c) as if you were Miss Barlow; d) as if you were one of the children from Standard I.
XV. Give a summary of Text Four.
XVI. Make up dialogues between:
- Mrs. Howells and a neighbour.
- Joey Howells and Idris Howells.
- Christine Barlow and another teacher.
- Andrew Manson and Christine Barlow recollecting the incident several years later.
XVII. Pick out from Text Four all the words and phrases belonging to emotions (irritation and annoyance) and use them in a situation of you'r own (a quarrel).
XVIII. Use the following words and phrases to describe a mother's visit to the school:
to keep the boy home from school; to call upon the form mistress; to walk into the school; it was the afternoon break; the child was under eight; to inquire one's way of; to find oneself outside the classroom; to knock at the door; a large well-ventilated room; to be busy writing sums upon the blackboard; to turn round; to be different from; to feel ill at ease; to flush; to inspect smb.; to take the visit seriously; to suffer from (measles); to be isolated; to remark with regret; in spite of one's sympathy
I. Study the vocabulary notes and translate the illustrative examples into Russian.
II. Translate the following sentences into Russian. Pay attention to the words and word combinations in italics:
A. 1. Nothing of consequence has occurred today. 2. You are of more consequence to him than you think. 3. One day early in April Andrew discovered a cavity in a back tooth and went, in consequence, in search of a dentist. 4. His self-respect is at stake and whatever the consequences he must follow the dictates of his conscience. 5. The day he first drifted into their crowded busy rooms, they all suspected him of being a spy, one of the bought tools of the Diaz secret regime. 6. I am now pretty sure that my first suspicion is justified. 7. The door was unlocked from inside and the face of George appeared, peering out suspiciously. 8. I suspected at once that his unfortunate brother had been causing trouble again. 9. In that remote village people were suspicious of strangers. 10. Anthony's letters from school were now short and hurriedly written. 11. No boy at the school had ever taken a scholarship to the University. 12. She's been here since the school started. 13. The school will be closed until the end .of the term. 14. He had an admiration for Boucher, Watteau, and all that school. 15. You ought to know me well enough by now to
know that I would never let sentiment interfere with business. 16. Evidently his little adventure had net interfered with either his spirits or his appetite. 17. Old Themas had never interfered to the smallest degree in the affairs of others. 18. Den't you realize that any interference at this stage can be extremely dangerous? 19. It is monstrous your intruding yourself here after your conduct last night. 20. David paused when he saw his father coming down the steps, not wishing to intrude upon his privacy. 21. Joan was not a woman on whom one could intrude sympathy. 22. He was always reluctant to intrude on the conversation of other men. 23. "Look," Bill said, "I don't want to be intrusive, but-well, do you think it's wise of you to go up there this evening?"
B. 1. Her friendship with Mrs. Vaughan still persisted in their regular exchange of letters. 2. They would shut him up if he persisted in his story. 3. Something about my persistence evidently frightened her. 4. He laughed: "You're certainly a persistent woman." 5. Old Mrs. Ramage seems to take pleasure in showing her temper. 6. Linda went dead-white with temper and disappointment. 7. Samuel had completely got over his bad temper. 8. In all Sorts of political situations he had learned to keep his temper, to take advantage of men who lost theirs. 9. You're ridiculous, you're absurd, my dear man. I am not afraid of your threats.. 10. Don't be ridiculous, Anthony. Don't say wild things that you don't mean. 11. Why should I make up such-a ridiculous lie? 12. Now that he stood face to face with his enemy, he felt nothing but contempt. 13. They were all intent on showing their contempt for this rather odd creature. 14. At the bottom of her heart she had a profound contempt for the great ladies and the noble lords she met there. 15. Magda sighed deeply, shaking her head in silent but obvious contempt at his stupidity. 16. "That's the difference between us," she said with a faintly contemptuous look. 17. The lieutenant rushed forward in contempt of danger. 18. I should despise myself if I allowed my behaviour to be influenced by malicious gossip.
C. 1. That is most odd. It just makes you realize how widely people can differ when they're reporting the same event. 2. A journalist called Hernandez was travelling down with me to report on the situation. 3. I had been told that I need not report myself back to Mr. Baynard that day. 4. Qne more crack out of you and I'll report you to the Governor. 5. The beads swung to and fro when she walked. 6. I felt capable of swinging the whole earth round my head on a string. 7. Then her eyes fell on the little Indian boy who was swinging on the gate grinning. 8. He swung round and walked down the road. 9. Upstairs, the door of Edward's room swung slowly open. 10. At last he got up and swung his sack over his shoulder. 11. In another minute the game of Red Indians was in full swing. 12. Atticus sat down in the swing and crossed his legs. 13. She held the telephone in a tense grip jammed against her ear. 14. The journey despite the emotional tension persisting in his mind, was a happy one. 15. Anyhow, it was during those tense uneasy seconds that I first took notice of the man opposite. 16. I looked at Cyril's tense brown face. 17. The ending of the boxing season had relieved the tension, temporarily at least. 18. As he s?t at tea with the family all his admiration
for the charm and prettiness of the girl filled him afresh. 19. He had gone to Switzerland to admire the landscape. 20. "Cecily lives at my place in the country under the charge of her admirable governess," said Jack. 21. I admired tremendously the way he defended us. 22. His self-control aroused my helpless admiration. 23. I think you've caught the tune admirably.
III. Paraphrase the following sentences using your active vocabulary:
A. 1. Don't busy yourself with this, Frank, this fs my affair entirely. 2. Vincet did not wish to thrust himself upon her; he was glad enough just to have her company. 3. If your nephew had been insulted, that was a direct result of the life he had'chosen lo lead, 4. There's something hindering the telephone connection. 5. I think it would have been better for all concerned, if we had never attempted to oppose him. 6. You may do as you please, but you will be responsible for the results. 7. Though the loss of the book did not matter much to him, the fact bothered him. 8. As for him I have no doubt of his innocence. 9. Every eye was turned upon Bosinney; all waited with a strange distrustful look for his answer. 10. Still a feeling of doubt and distrust was in the air, and there was much talk. 11. At twelve, he had been obliged to quit studies and go to work'as a Western Union messenger boy. 12. Are the educational establishments for children any better in Australia? 13. All the teachers and pupils turned out to welcome the celebrity. 14. She has a nice voice, but she hasn't had any (special) education. 15. She felt her anger rise because he was encroaching on her time.
B. 1. I'm sure she didn't mean it, she said it in a fit of anger. 2. I've never seen her fly into a rage. 3. She is a woman of a gentle disposition. 4. You would never have said such an absurd thing if yqu had not been angry and irritated. .5. I was used to his outbursts, but still I had to make an effort to remain calm. 6. Her desires were stronger than the code she was breaking, and Mayella went on breaking it. 7. I'm afraid they'll laugh at me, think I'm odd and foolish and sentimental, not take me seriously, 8. Don't be unreasonable! 9. Laura looked on him with disdain, considering him a worthless fellow. 10. Helen contradicted everything Miss Sinidon said and showed no respect for her authority. 11. It's not her words that hurt me but her disdainful smile.
C. 1. Maxim turned round from the window. 2. Captain Scott requested as a favour that I should relate to him any "point of interest" I picked up on my visits there. 3. Beside the bed my alarm-clock showed twelve-twenty, but already my mental strain was over. 4. The delegation is said to have left Moscow. 5. It's my du.ty to make a complaint about you to the Dean. 6. The strained atmosphere began getting on my nerves. 7. The wind tossed the sign back and forth. 8. The door of the bar burst open, and someone came out. 9. He gave an account of what he had seen. 10. Mary faithfully described every detail of the ceremony to Miss Fowler. 11. She is a woman long accustemed to respect and flattery. 12. "Doesn't she look glorious?" said a young man at the ball-room door, with deep wonder excited by the girl's beauty.
IV. Explain or comment on the following sentences:
A. 1. He had failed the test and must take the consequences. 2. You're the son of my poor sister, Mrs. Moncrieff, and consequently Algernon's elder brother. 3. Let him alone, Cesane; it isn't of any consequence, and after all it's as much my fault as his. 4. I have a strong suspicion that when.I'm not with you, you don't give me much thought. 5. It was only then that I suspected him of teasing me. 6. You're suspicious, frightfully suspicious of people. 7. As the door closed behind him, he looked round him with fierce, startled eyes, like one who suspects a trap at every turn. 8. He belongs to a new school of thought in linguistics. 9. I have known it since my school days. 10. He came home from school weeping, a bruise on his face. 11. At eighteen Andrew found himself alone, a first-year student at St. An'drew University, carrying a scholarship worth forty pounds a year, but otherwise penniless. 12. After dinner there is a period of recreation before afternoon school. 13. He did poorly in school. 14. Rain's arrival created a stir. The eyes of the School were turned away from the cricket field. 15. I knew Bella well enough to know that she wouldn't put up with any interference with her liberty of action. 16. He was nettled by this intrusion on his rest, and his tone was tense.
B. 1. She will persist in talking when one wants to be quiet. 2. I'm sure you have a great love for Adeline, and it has persisted without much encouragement. 3. To her own surprise, the illogical feeling of discomfort persisted. 4. You can give the landlord my respect, if you like, and tell him I hope his temper has improved. 5. Among the many excellent and decided qualities which characterized General Desmond's wife, sweet-ness of temper was less obvious than the rest. 6. On the way to the dining-room I had a ridiculous encounter with the American girl. 7. The men were ridiculously alike, each wearing the same kind of blue suit. 8. She sat trembling slightly, her heart brimming with contempt. 9. He had been contemptuous of those who failed. 10. Desmond fell into contempt as the result of his foolish behaviour. 11. Mackintosh watched him with an icy contempt.
C. 1. They might have had an accident some place where nobody was there to report it or telephone or anything. 2. "I shall make it my business to report this state of things to the Captain," said the angry passenger. 3. The traveller reported wbat he had seen. 4. As he swung, head down, into Talgarth Street he became conscious suddenly of a man running. 5. A popular song always goes with a swing. 6. Silence, tense and explosive, settled on the room as the President sat down and began to arrange his papers. 7. The Headmaster smiled and shook his head, and the tension was broken. 8. Charles, tense with excitement, followed. 9. He swung around to face me, his eyes bright with challenge. 10. She had known readjustment would be trying for him-it was hard to catch the swing^of civilian life. 11. In the black-out he felt momentarily safe, unwatched, unreported on. 12. I admire your ease in answering such
a question. 13. "That's fine," he mumbled in admiration. 14. And I dare say I'll make him an admirab'le wife as wives go.
V. Choose the right word:
1. Nursery ... are for those who haven't yet reached compulsory ... age. 2. Compulsory ... is divided into a primary and secondary stage.
1. The events of the past two days kept ... on his concentration. 2. I would never have dreamed of ... on you without serious reason. 3. It will be better if yo.u do not ... with what you do not understand.
1. As soon as I found work I began to look for de Garcia, but without ... .2. The incident, however, had a curious ... . 3. Whoever, after hearing this, shall dare to interfere with me, may just take ... .
1. Her eyes grew steady with ... , like old Jolyon's when his will was crossed. 2. Andrew reddened. But, making a great effort, he conquered his ... and his pride. 3. She was determined not to lose her ... . 4. The greatest remedy for ... is delay.
1. I should ... myself if I allowed my behaviour to be influenced by gossip. 2. An expression of utter ... came over her face. 3. His fellow-painters made no secret of their ... for his work.
VI. Give English equivalents for the following phrases:
нарушать одиночество; владеть собой; делать доклад; злоупотреблять гостеприимством; размахивать руками; сообщить о чем-то в полицию; жаловаться на кого-то; вмешиваться в чьи-то дела; покушаться на независимость; отвечать за последствия; посягать на чье-то время; превосходный оратор; назойливый человек; настойчивый человек; влиятельное лицо; необузданный нрав; нелепая отговорка; презрительный взгляд; восхищенный взгляд; непрерывный дождь; вспыльчивый характер; ослабление напряжения; навязываться; злиться; в полном восторге; в полном разгаре; быть в хорошем настроении; быть раздраженным; работать репортером; мешать работать; бесконечные нападки; успешно проходить; упорно стоять на своем; испытывать презрение к кому-то; не делай из себя посмешища; вспылить
VII. Translate the following sentences into English:
A. 1. Дома он хранил лишь те документы, которые не представляли большой ценности (важности). 2. Он должен рассказать мне правду, или пусть пеняет на себя. 3. Не переношу людей, которые навязывают другим свое мнение. 4. Мы не должны допускать, чтобы развлечения
мешали работе. 5. У меня было сильное желание сказать ей, чтобы она не вмешивалась в мои дела. 6. Стив заболел и поэтому не сMor принять участия в состязании. 7. Мистер Домби был важной персоной. 8. "Как ты можешь мне не верить? - сказала Дорин.- Разве у тебя есть какие-нибудь основания подозревать меня во лжи?" 9. Когда Клайда арестовали по подозрению в убийстве, он все еще надеялся, что сумеет скрыть свое страшное преступление. 10. Вахтер уверял, что он не видел никаких подозрительных субъектов. 11. Грей знал, что пройдут месяцы, прежде чем возникнут какие-либо подозрения. 12. Профессор Уайт - крупный ученый. Для нашей школы большая честь, что он приехал к нам. 13. Я знаю его очень давно. Мы учились в одной школе. 14. Девушка получила право на стипендию и сMorла изучать искусство в Италии. 15. Занятия в школе начинаются в 8.30. 16. Завтра не будет занятий в школе. 17. У мальчика кашель, и поэтому я его не пустила в школу. 18. "Ты помолвлена с ним?" - "Нет. Он говорит, что помолвка может помешать его карьере". 19. Всем стало неловко, когда мальчик вмешался в разговор.
Б. 1. Мэри продолжала делать что ей заблагорассудится, не обращая внимания на наши советы. 2. Джо настаивал на своем мнении просто из упрямства. 3. Почему вы упорно не выполняете мои указания? 4. У вашего дядюшки горячий нрав. Он не потерпит, чтобы ему мешали. 5. Неужели вы думаете, что я поддержу эту нелепую затею? 6. Стелла, что с тобой? Ты не должна терять самообладания, хотя ты и проигрываешь партию. Это смешно. 7. Уолтер взял себе за правило не принимать важных решений, когда он раздражен. 8. Они до смешного похожи. 9. "Я не виновата",- упорно твердила Бекки. 10. Мартин Эрроусмит был настойчивым юношей. 11. Я не Morу не презирать его теперь, когда я знаю, как он обращается со своей больной матерью. 12. Розмари была очень богата и всегда старалась показать свое пренебрежение к деньгам. 13. Элиот ничего не сказал и лишь улыбнулся презрительно.
В. 1. Больше всего Скоби не любил доносить на людей в полицию. 2. В обязанности Престона входило докладывать начальству о всех людях, которые казались ему подозрительными. 3. Мне нечего (вам) сообщить, так как ничего существенного за последние два месяца не произошло. 4. Машина повернула за угол, прежде чем Лилиан сMorла рассмотреть лицо человека, сидевшего за рулем. 5. Когда летний сезон в полном разгаре, бывает очень трудно достать билеты на пароход. 6. Тяжелая дверь с шумом захлопнулась. 7. Джейн стояла на пороге, размахивая сумочкой. 8. Немного отдохнув, охотник поднялся на ноги и вскинул рюкзак на плечо. 9. Его голос был спокоен, и только натянутая улыбка выдавала его волнение. 10. Появление в доме нового гостя временно разрядило обстановку. 11. Сообщают, что ситуация в данном районе продолжает оставаться напряженной. 12. Об истории Египта древнего периода было известно очень мало, и находка Картера подробно освещалась в газетах. 13. Туристы стояли перед старинным собором, восхищаясь красотой его куполов. 14. Я не сомневаюсь, что из Марии выйдет превосходная жена и любящая мать. 15. Нельзя не восхищаться
людьми, которые добиваются своей цели несмотря на трудности.
VIII. Review the essential vocabulary and answer the following questions!
1. What warning do we give to a person who has to face the results of his foolishness? 2. What is another way of saying "to feel contempt for somebody"? 3. What do we expect of a quick-tempered person when he becomes angry? 4. What do we say of a person who refuses to assume responsibility for his misconduct? 5. How can we refer to a very important person? 6. What is another way of saying "to make a complaint about somebody"? 7. Why do we resent people who intrude their views upon others? 8. What activity can we describe as being in full swing? 9. How do we refer to strained atmosphere? 10. What do we call a person who is prepared to worship you? 11. What do we say about a person whose honesty is not likely to be doubted? 12. What do we say to a person whose behaviour 'strikes us as absurd?
IX. Respond to the following statements and questions using the essential vecabu-lary:
1. What a ridiculous idea! 2. Don't be ridiculous. 3. But I have my hands full as it is. 4. Let's have the matter out. 5. Can't you take anything seriously? 6. Go and look for yourself if you don't believe me. 7. You didn't follow my instructions; now take the consequences. 8. I hope I'm not intruding. 9. There is nothing to fly into a temper about. 10. Don't swing your legs. 11. There is no need to lose your temper.
X. Use the following words and word combinations in dialogues (to be done in pairs)!
- on reflection; don't be ridiculous; to interfere with; to be in a bad (good) temper; to be at one's wits' end
- to suffer from; to attend to; to have one's hands full; to keep up one's .temper; to persist in; contemptuously
- to intrude upon; to report smb.; is to blame; (not) to take smth. seriously; "consequence
XI. Find in Text Four and copy out phrases in which the prepositions or adverbs on, upon, over are used. Translate them into Russian.
XII. Fill in prepositions or adverbs!
1. Vegetarians live ... vegetables, fruit and nuts. 2. He planted the apple-trees ... the left and the pear-trees ... the right of the path. 3. The house was ... fire. They thought it had been set ... fire , . . purpose. 4. There are goods ... sale in all the shop-windows. 5. You are very slow, why don't you hurry ... a bit? 6. Help me ... ... my coat. 7. The garage was built ... a convenient site. 8. I stumbled ... .something soft. 9. There was no objection ... the part ... the owner . Л the car. 10. ... the one hand I was, of course, glad; ... the other hand I was a little bit frightened. 11. The doctor was ... the point ... leaving.
12. ... reflection I gave up the idea. 13. He was arrested ... suspicion ... murder. 14. The ghastly story made my hair stand ... end. 15. Corne ...! Let's lock the trunk to be ... the safe side. 16. The question wasn't even touched ... . 17. His name stands first ... the list. 18. Italy depends ... foreign countries ... oil. 19. The storm will be soon ... . 20. It is no use crying ... spilt milk. 21. Ella made that suggestion ... coffee. 22. He soon got ... his illness. 23. Laurence tossed... bed turning the matter ... and ... in his mind. 24. Bosinney was run ... ... an omnibus.
XIII. Translate the following sentences into English. Pay attention to the prepositions and adverbs:
1. По обеим сторонам улицы есть магазины. 2. Получив его телеграмму, я сразу отправилась на вокзал. 3. Честное слово, я этого не делал. 4. Как у вас дела с английским? 5. Сейчас я очень занят. Мы обсудим это позднее. 6. Как я ни старался, я не Mor в тот вечер сосредоточиться на игре актеров. 7. Держитесь за перила, здесь очень скользко. 8. Продолжайте, я вас внимательно слушаю. 9. Неужели вы хотите сказать, что никогда не были в походе? 10. Теплым сентябрьским днем дети впервые пришли в школу. 11. А ну-ка! Покажи мне, что у тебя в корзине! 12. Анна очень страдала, когда родственники и друзья отвернулись от нее. 13. Медсестра наклонилась над больным. 14, Не спешите! Подумайте о моем совете. 15. Ей уже за тридцать, но она выглядит молодо для своих лет. 16. Ирэн не хотела серьезно относиться к любви сына к Флер, она надеялась, что он скоро забудет об этом (переживет это). 17. Очевидно, вы перевернули две страницы вместо одной.
XIV. a) Give Russian equivalents for the following English proverbs and sayings (or translate them into Russian), b) Explain in English the meaning of each proverb, c) Make up a dialogue to illustrate one of the proverbs.
1. Familiarity breeds contempt: 2. It is the last straw that breaks the camel's back. 3. It's not the gay coat that makes the gentleman. 4. "From the sublime to the ridiculous there is but one step." (Napoleon) 5. Suspicion always haunts the guilty mind. 6. Like teacher, like pupil. 7. Experience keeps a dear school but fools learn in no other.
XV. Write a descriptive essay1 on one of the topics:
- A new teacher comes to school.
- A new pupil comes to school.
- A celebrity's visit to school.
- Your arrival to a new place.
Use the dictionary "Англо-русский и русско-английский словарь 'ложных друзей' переводчика" под ред. В.В. Акулёнке. М., 1969.
In a descriptive essay you are required to describe people, objects or scenes. It may take the form of a personal impression or may be purely imaginary. Think of a centerffidea to which everything you describe can be related. In your first paragraph you should consider the subject in general and deal with details in the paragraphs that follow. The general outline should be as follows: 1. Introduction. 2. Development. 3. Conclusion. It is necessary to make out a plan. In this way you will avoid repeating yourself