I. Translate the following phrases and sentences from the text?

1. This all happened on the same day. And that day was a Saturday, the red Saturday on which, in the unforgettable football match between Tottenham Hotspur and the Hanbridge F. C. (formed regardless of expense in the matter of professionals), the referee would certainly have been murdered had not a Five Towns crowd observed its usual miraculous self-restraint. 2. His place of business - whatever high-class dentists choose to call it - was quite ready for him. 3. Specimen "uppers" and "lowers" and odd teeth were shining in their glass case. 4. The patient was a tall, stiff, fair man of about thirty, with a tousled head, and in inelegant but durable clothing. He had a drooping moustache, which prevented Mr. Cowlishaw from adding his teeth up instantly. 5. "Will you kindly sit down," said Mr. Cowlishaw, pointing to the chair of chairs. 6. And thereupon he opened his mouth wide and displayed, not without vanity, a widowed gum. 7. "'ont 'eeth," he explained, keeping his mouth open and omitting preliminary consonants. 8. I should expect you to furnish me with new teeth for nothing ... 9. ... and every gazer would inevitably be familiarized with the name and address of Mr. Cowlishaw, and with the fact that Mr. Cowlishaw was dentist-in-chief to the heroical Rannoch. 10. "I'll put the job in as low as possible," said Mr. Cowlishaw, persuasively.

II. Give the principal forms of the following verbs:

to buy; to choose; to shine; to sit; to set; to pay; to cost; to fight; to beat; to fall

III. Find in the text English equivalents for the following Russian phrases and sentences. Use them in situations based on the text:

Он приехал в Хэнбридж в пятницу вечером; сам факт, что...; на многие мили вокруг; несмотря на зубную боль; это был, действительно, пациент; вот в чем дело; как все это произошло?; это была удача!; вы могли бы поместить небольшую заметку в газете...; это стоило бы вам один шиллинг; как зачарованные, будут смотреть часами на...; завернуть

IV. Respond to the following questions or statements and correct them if necessary (see Unit One, Ex. IV, p. 22):

1. Mr. Cowlishaw was a grey-haired old bachelor. 2. Mr. Cow-lishaw's surgery wasn't ready for him when he arrived at Hanbridge, was it? 3. As soon as Mr. Cowlishaw set up in the district, the number of people in the town needing dental treatment increased surprisingly. 4. Mr. Cowlishaw stayed away from the match because he was not a football fan. 5. Mr. Cowlishaw didn't know that Hanbridge had been defeated, did he? 6. From the football edition of the paper Mr.


Cowlishaw learned that Rannoch wasn't popular with the football fans. 7. When the doorbell rang Mr. Cowlishaw was sure it was a client. 8. When the client said his name was Rannoch, -that didn't mean anything to Mr. Cowlishaw, or did it? 9. Rannoch said he wanted to put a notice about Mr. Cowlishaw in the local newspaper. 10. Rannoch said a notice in the Signal would cost a pound. 11. Rannoch's scheme would not have been a good advertisement for Mr. Cowlishaw, would it? 12. Mr. Cowlishaw furnished Rannoch with new front teeth for a low fee, didn't he?

V. Answer the following questions:

1. Who was Mr. Cowlishaw and what kind of practice did he buy? 2. What were Mr. Cowlishaw's thoughts as he sat waiting for "dental sufferers" to come to him on his opening day? 3. What do we know about the Saturday football match and why did the author call it a carnage?

4. How did the ring at the door affect Mr. Cowlishaw? 5. What did the newcomer do when he stepped into the surgery? 6. What was the story the man told Mr. Cowlishaw? 7. What caused Mr. Cowlishaw's heart beat violently? 8. Why did Rannoch choose Mr. Cowlishaw as his dentist? 9. Did Mr. Cowlishaw like the patient's scheme? Then why did he refuse to accept Rannoch's terms? 10. Why did Rannoch call Mr. Cowlishaw "one of those amateurs"?

VI. Find evidence in the text to support the following statements:

1. The Saturday football match was a great event. 2. Mr. Cowlishaw was impatient to start work. 3. The attendant played his part with relish. 4. Mr. Cowlishaw's first patient surpassed his expectations.

5. The celebrated centre-forward lacked good manners. 6. Mr. Cowlishaw's first long-awaited patient disappointed him. 7. Mr. Cowlishaw and Mr. Rannoch interpreted the words "amateur" and "professional" differently.

VII. Quote sentences which prove that it is a humorous story.

VIII. Make up stories as they might have been told by:

a) Mr. Cowlishaw, the young dentist who wishes to succeed in life, but is still too inexperienced.

b) Mr. Rannoch, the celebrated centre-forward of the Han-bridge F. C. who knows exactly what he wants and how to get on in life. He is surprised to find Mr. Cowlishaw unwilling to fall in with his brilliant scheme.

c) The attendant, who has taken to Mr. Cowlishaw and tries to help him in every possible way.

IX. Make up dialogues between:

1. Mr. Cowlishaw and Dr. Rapper (Mr. Cowlishaw takes over the practice).

2 Rannoch and a friend of his (Rannoch's visit to the young dentist).


Use the following colloquial expressions wherever possible:

Dear me!; Really?; That wasn't a bad idea, was it?; How could he!; I should think so; I suppose so; Are you sure?; You don't say so; I say, ...; I shouldn't wonder; That's too.bad

X.. Make a character-sketch of Rannoch. What do you think of the celebrated centre-forward?

XI. Suggest a title for the text and give reasons for your choice.

XII. Form compound adjectives according to the pattern A + Ned and translate them into Russian:

Adjectives: large; big; bare; dark; ill; absent; long; broad Nouns: mind; eye; head; shoulder; hair; nature; temper; face; neck; leg

XIII. Group the following compounds according to their structural patterns:

handshaking; colour-blind; world-wide; broad-shouldered; bookshelf; ink-stained; pain-killer; football; mud-splashed; newsboy; long-desired; sunburnt; postcard; old-fashioned; sight seeing; homesick

XIV. Use the suffixes -less, -able, -ish, -ful, -y, -ous, -at, -tc(al) to derive adjectives from the following nouns and verbs:

pain; luck; amateur; profession; miracle; to forget; hero; gloom; doubt; beauty; courage; practice; breath; to admire; to sleep; reason; victory

XV. Translate the following sentences using the structural patterns?

1. Если бы он послушался вашего совета, он не попал бы в катастрофу. 2. Когда вы думаете приехать в Москву? Если бы я это знала сейчас, я бы заранее заказала вам билеты в театр. 3. Если бы мы вышли из дома на пять минут раньше, мы бы успели на десятичасовой поезд и сейчас подъезжали бы к Москве. 4. Я уверена, что вы знаете это правило. И если бы вы не были такой невнимательной, вы бы не сделали, этой ошибки в переводе. 5. Мы бы провели целый день за городом в прошлое воскресенье, если бы погода не была такой плохой. 6. Если бы я знала, что вы приедете, я бы осталась дома (2). 7. Что бы вы ответили, если бы он спросил вас об этом? (2). 8. К семи часам все собрались в зале и ждали, когда начнется собрание. 9. Мне нужно удалить зуб, я уже неделю мучаюсь от зубной боли. 10. Мальчик долгое время ждал, когда кто-нибудь придет и откроет дверь. 11. Мне вчера починили телевизор. 12. Я не жду их раньше понедельника. 13. Почему бы тебе не сделать прическу? Когда ты стриглась в последний раз? 14. Где здесь можно почистить костюм? 15. Забор необходимо побелить. 16. Это платье не мешает постирать. 17. Ваши ботинки необходимо почистить. 18. Тебе нужен перевод этой статьи? Почему бы тебе не попросить Анну, она хорошо знает французский. 19. Что помешало тебе зайти к нам вчера вечером? 20. Я думаю поехать путешествовать по Волге в этом году. 21. Мальчики с нетерпением ждали, когда они


убегут на остров Джексона (Jackson's Island), Они мечтали стать пиратами. 22. Он настаивал на немедленном отъезде.

XVI. Form as many questions as possible on the topics given below using the pattern to have smth done. Ask your comrades to answer your questions:.

Model: cutting hair - Where do you usually have your hair cut? How often do you have your hair cut? When are you going to have your hair cut? Why don't you go to the hairdresser's and have your hair cut? You haven't had your hair cut for quite a long time, have you? etc

repairing a telephone; altering a dress; waving hair; doing finger-nails; mending shoes; correcting a dictation; papering a room

XVII. Make up short situations using the following pairs of structural patterns:

to take one's luggage to the station - to have one's luggage taken to the station; to make a costume - to have a costume made; to take smb's photograph - to have one's photograph taken

XVIII. Read (he text and retell it in the form of a story retaining the sentences of unreal condition:


Harry: We shall be awfully late home if that No. 12 bus doesn't come soon ... Let's stand in this doorway out of the wind.

Nora: All right, but we must be careful not to miss the bus ... How did you enjoy the film?

Harry: I'd never have gone if I had known it was going to be so silly.

Nora: Why, what was silly about it?

Harry: Well, no sane man would have married that other girl so scon after he had lost his wife.

Nora: Well, the girl wouldn't have waited for him if he hadn't asked her immediately.

Harry: All the better for him if she hadn't! Nora: Yes. Anyhow, I'd have enjoyed the film much more if Elsa

Hollywood had been in it instead of Linda Spangle.

Harry: And I'd have enjoyed it more if we hadn't gone at all.

Nora: (Sharply) And I'd have enjoyed it more if you hadn't been so rude to that woman in front.

Harry: Well, I wouldn't have been rude to her if she had stopped chattering when I asked her.

Nora: I wish you'd behave in public places.

Harry: I behave better! I like that! Why, if that woman had ... (Sound of bus starting tip) But Icok, isn't that a No. 12 bus just going?

Nora: Yes, it is, and we've missed it after all. We would have seen that bus, Harry, if you hadn't been so busy quarrelling.

Harry: (in injured tcnes) Really, Nora, I think it would have been much better if I had stayed at home tonight and let you go to the cinema alone.

(After D. Hicks "Meet the Parkers")


XIX. Give English equivalents for the following short sentences (see Vocabulary and Ex. Hi):

1. Он пошел в школу шести лет. Майк рано начал работать, чтобы содержать своих младших сестер. После болезни она выглядит старше своих лет. Её сыновья достигли совершеннолетия. 2. У нее совершенно нет терпения. В доме нет центрального отопления. У него не хватало смелости сказать ей всю правду. Ей недостает уверенности в себе, она могла бы заниматься лучше. Этот мальчик крайне невоспитан. Ей не хватало трех часов, чтобы закончить перевод. У нее совершенно нет (совершенно отсутствует) чувства ответственности. 3. Мой отец лечится от ревматизма уже несколько лет; сейчас ему гораздо лучше. Кто лечил вашего брата от малярии? Есть какая-нибудь надежда вылечить ее от этой болезни? Рана у Овода (the Gadfly) заживала медленно, ему казалось, что она никогда не заживет. Никто не мог отучить ее от этой дурной привычки. 4. Совершенно случайно я узнала, что она опять живет в городе. По счастливой случайности мы встретились на улице. 5. Она очень страдала от боли. 6. Она, несомненно, пошла бы туда, если бы знала дорогу. Он, конечно, предложит им свою помощь. 7. Они сомневались в правдивости его рассказа. Он сомневался, что она рассказала ему всю правду. Я очень сомневаюсь, что это поможет тебе. (2). Он сильно сомневался, что она вообще ходила туда в тот вечер. Он стал сомневаться, что он прав. Я не сомневаюсь, что он придет. 8. Он уставился на меня. На что ты засмотрелась? Человек оглядел Давида с головы до ног и сказал, что никогда не слышал о нем. 9. Когда я вошла в комнату, она сидела и дремала над книгой. Он задремал и пропустил свою остановку. 10. Раздался громкий стук в дверь. 11. Она старалась сохранить присутствие духа. 12. Она попала в аварию, когда вела машину. С ним произошел несчастный случай. 13. Ты поедешь сегодня на стадион? За тобой заехать? Автобус остановился и забрал всех пассажиров. 14. Он начинающий врач. 15. На выставке было представлено много книг по истории литературы. 16. Это был гениальный план. Он гениальный хирург. 17. Имена авторов этих книг мне знакомы. Мне были известны эти факты. Мы не скоро освоились в новом здании. 18. Он отказался поддержать наше предложение. Она никогда не платит за квартиру вовремя. Он никогда не выполняет работу в срок. Больной заснул крепким сном. Гек незаметно заснул. Она долго не могла заснуть. 19. В чем он вас убеждал? Он убеждал ее в том, что им необходимо работать вместе. Он не мог уговорить ее написать письмо своим родителям. Мы уговаривали ее не бросать занятий музыкой. Ему не понадобилось много времени, чтобы убедить их в этом. 20. Когда вы приехали на стройку? (a construction site). Мы прибыли в Киев в понедельник утром. Сам факт, что он предложил ей свою помощь, изумил нас. Она, должно быть, пошла заниматься в библиотеку несмотря на головную боль. Вот в чем дело. Расскажите, как это все произошло. Случайно он встретил на улице своего друга - это была удача. Жаль, что вы не поместили эту заметку в нашей газете. Они часами, как


зачарованные, слушали рассказы отца. Он мог часами смотреть в огонь. Она завернула подарок в яркую бумагу.

XX. Suggest Russian equivalents for the words and word combinations in bold type and explain the use of the synonyms in the following sentences:

1. I stared at her, scarcely believing what she said. 2. I continued to gaze out of the window and smoke my cigarette. 3. Joy ate up her lunch and sat staring out to sea with eyes that saw nothing of all that space and loveliness. 4. I drank my cold tea, still blurred and stupid from my short heavy sleep, and stared at the blank wall in front of me. 5. "Well?" asked my godfather, his brows knitting, staring at me suspiciously. 6. I stared at him, bewildered at first, then shocked, then rather sick. 7. I must have stared at Marie-Jane, for she looked slightly alarmed. 8. Most of the time 1 bit the end of my penholder and gazed out of the window over the trees in the park to the hill beyond. 9. He went on looking me up and down in the amused way with those familiar, unpleasant blue eyes. 10. I had to convince not only those with whom I did business that I was capable, but myself as well. 11. "This is all nonsense. It's as plain as a pikestaff. He doesn't want the divorce. It's she ... she's persuaded him..." 12. As he hurried back to the house he tried to convince himself that the footsteps in the dark meant nothing. 13. "So glad we have persuaded you to visit us, Miss Jane," he said. 14. His room was on the second floor... It was beautiful and elegant ... but it lacked the homeliness of our own rooms. 15. But these pictures lack form, technique or whatever you like to call it. 16. She didn't answer for a moment, and then said, "Sometimes. Philip, I think you lack all understanding." 17. I decided that he would be lacking in imagination and for him it would be simply a grey stone building. 18. "Perhaps when, you marry and have children she will be so enchanted with them that she will find a new interest in life. Interest! That's what she wants."

XXI. Read the following sentences paying careful attention to 'he words and word combinations in bold type. Suggest their Russian equivalent:

1. I was uncertain which way to go. The arrangement of the rooms was not familiar to me. 2. He was silent, raising one eyebrow in the familiar gesture. 3. When they observed that Coriway was familiar with rope-craft, they became much more respectful. 4. We had finished sorting the books by midday, then John came to know if anything needed carrying downstairs. 5. She sat up after a while and combed her hair. It didn'tneed doing anything to it. 6. Now he ishaving his rooms redecorated and refurnished. 7. And here I was, waiting for Jane, looking forward to driving her home. 8. I must prevent them from making Philip anxious at all costs. 9. "Perhaps you would like to take tea?" The party fell in with the suggestion. 10. I fell asleep, smiling at the thought of my father... sitting at the desk in the old library gazing out of the window on the smooth lawn. 11. I must have fallen asleep, because I woke suddenly with a start, and heard the first crack of thunder in the air. 12. I stayed with him all night. He seemed to be comfortable while I was there and in a few hours had


fallen into a deep sleep. 13. He was so angry that he could not get to sleep till late at night. 14. Мог doubted whether his son listened to a single word that was said. 15. Halevy fixed the Consul with a cold glance. "Do you doubt my professional skill?" 16. No doubt she saw many faults but had the tact to hold her tongue.

XXII. Translate the following situations. Use the active vocabulary of Unit Two for the words and word combinations in bold type:

1. Кемп не мог не удивиться, услышав звонок в дверь. Он никого не ожидал в такой поздний час. Он только что закончил работу и собирался идти спать. В тот день он работал с самого утра. 2. Совершенно случайно Невидимка очутился около дома Кемпа. Он был голоден и сильно страдал от раны, которую получил в схватке с жителями Айпинга (the people of Iping). 3. Кемп был поражен, когда обнаружил, что Невидимка находится у него в доме. 4. "Я собирался покинуть эти места, - сказал Гриффин (Griffin), - но теперь, когда я встретил Вас, мне бы хотелось работать вместе... У меня блестящие идеи, но я совершенно без денег..." 5. Кемп понимал, что, если он согласится с предложением Гриффина, у него тоже будет возможность работать над проблемой невидимости (the problem of invisibility). 6. Хотя Кемп был очень напуган, он старался сохранить присутствие духа. "Как Вам удалось стать невидимым?" - спросил он спокойным, ровным голосом, как будто ничего особенного не произошло. 7. "Вы, конечно, знакомы с работами профессора X. Он сделал удивительные открытия, но я пошел дальше", - начал Невидимка, но вдруг остановился... Кемп чувствовал, что Гриффин был очень взволнован и едва владел собой, но почему-то (somehow) он не испытывал к нему сочувствия. 8. Кемп не сомневался, что Гриффин рассказывает ему правду, но все же, все, что он говорил, казалось невероятным. "Если бы я не встретил Гриффина у себя дома, я бы никогда не поверил, что в мире существует невидимый человек", - подумал ок. 9. "Теперь, когда вы знаете мой секрет, вы не откажетесь работать со мной, - сказал Гриффин. - Ничто не помешает нам сделать новые открытия". 10. Кемп предложил Гриффину остаться у него на ночь. Невидимка долго не мог заснуть в ту ночь.

XXIII. Make up short dialogues using the following structural patterns:

a) to want/need doing smth; to have smth done; I wish smb would do; had done... would have done; did ... would do; had done ... would be doing

b) to dream of doing smth; to look forward to doing smth; now that; I wish I could do

XXIV Read the story and retell it following the outline given below. Make a list of the words and word combinations in the text which you could use to develop each point:


On the eastern shore of the Hudson River there is a little valley, among high hills, which is one of the quietest places in the whole


world. The first white people who came to live there were the Dutch settlers of the seventeenth century, and since that time the valley has been known by the name of Sleepy Hollow.

In this valley there lived a schoolmaster whose name was Icha-bod Crane. He had come there from another state to teach the children of the neighbourhood to read, write and sing.

Ichabod Crane was tall and very thin, with narrow shoulders, long arms and legs, and hands that reached a mile out of his sleeves. His head was small and flat at the top, with big ears, large green eyes, and a long sharp nose; on his long thin neck it looked like a weather-cock.

All the women of the village believed that he was a man of great learning, for he often read aloud to them his favourite book, "The History of New England Witchcraft". It was the only book he had ever read through from cover to cover, and he firmly believed everything it said.

It was always a pleasure to Ichabod to pass the long winter evenings with the old Dutch wives as they sat spinning by the fire. He listened to their tales of ghosts, and the story of a headless horseman made a deep impression on him every time he heard it.

In the same village lived Katrina Van Tassel, the daughter and only child of a rich Dutch farmer. She was not only the richest but also the prettiest girl in the neighbourhood. She was a coquette, too, and wore lots of gold ornaments which had been handed down from mother to daughter for generations.

No wonder Ichabod lost, his heart to Katrina especially after he had visited her father's farm. Everything on his farm was comfortable, happy and in good order. Ichabod was delighted to see the fat meadow lands, the rich fields of rye, of buckwheat, and Indian corn and the orchards full of ripe fruit. His mouth watered when he thought of roast pig with apples, goose in gravy, duck with onion sauce - all his favourite dishes, not to mention ham and bacon, which he loved most of all. From the moment that he saw all these riches, he began to make plans and invent ways for winning the heart of the farmer's daughter. However, he had a whole army of rivals.

Ichabod's most serious rival was a young man Brom Van Brunt by name, the hero of Sleepy Hollow and the surrounding villages. Brom was famous for his skill as a horseman. He was foremost at all races and cock-fights, and he attended all the public gatherings near and far. He was also a constant visitor at Van Tassel's mansion, and it was whispered that Katrina was not quite indifferent to him.

Ichabod Crane was clever enough to understand that he could not fight the battle openly, he, therefore, made his advances in a quiet and gentle manner. Being Katrina's s-inging-teacher, he was able to visit Van Tassel's farmhouse as often as he liked. Brom had fewer chances of seeing the girl.

On a fine afternoon in autumn, Ichabod was sitting on his high stool, like a king on his throne, watching over his pupils as they repeated their lessons.


The stillness of the schoolroom was suddenly interrupted by the entrance of a messenger boy who had brought Ichabod an invitation 'to come to a party at Van Tassel's.

As soon as the boy went away, Ichabod told the pupils to be quick and finish their lessons, and the whole school was let out an hour before the usual time. The boys ran out shouting at the top of their voices.

Ichabod stayed behind and spent half an hour brushing his best and only suit and combing his hair before a broken looking-glass which hung in the school-room. Then he went to his neighbour, borrowed a horse and rode out like a knight in search of adventures. His horse was an old plough-horse with a long thin neck and a head like a hammer. It was blind in one eye and, strange as it may seem, was called Gunpowder.

It was late in the afternoon when he arrived at Van Tassel's farmhouse, which was already crowded with friends and neighbours. As usual, Brom Van Brunt was the hero of the scene. .

A world of wonders met the eye of Ichabod Crane as he entered the parlour. On the table there stood plates full of cakes and gingerbread; there were honey cakes and apple pies and pumpkin pies. Big slices of ham and smoked beef made his head swim. Ichabod did not hurry; he tasted every dish in turn and went on eating and drinking long after the others had finished.

And then the music from the hall called the guests to dance. Ichabod was happy beyond words, because Katrina agreed to be his partner. During the dance Brom Van Brunt sat by himself in a corner, jealously looking on.

When the dance was over, Ichabod joined a group of older people who sat smoking at one end of the verandah. They were talking about old times and telling long stories and tales of ghosts and witches. Most of the stories, however, were about the favourite ghost of Sleepy Hollow, the Headless Horseman, who, as they said, had lately been seen again in the valley.

After the party broke up Ichabod stayed behind. He wanted to have a little private talk with Katrina before going home. It is difficult to say what happened during this interview, but in a few minutes Ichabod ran out of the house, and without looking to left or right, went straight to the stable. With a kick of his boot, he woke up his horse Gunpowder. Then he jumped on its back and rode off.

Sad and heavy-hearted, Ichabod rode home. The night was dark: there was no moon. All the stories of ghosts and witches he had heard that evening were fresh in his memory. He felt very lonely. Suddenly he heard a groan: his teeth clattered and his heart began to beat fast. He wished he could get home as soon as possible. He kicked his old horse, and the animal dashed forward. But just by a small brook it stopped so suddenly that Ichabod nearly fell over his horse's head. In the dark shadows of the trees he saw something big and black. The hair on the teacher's head stood on end. To run and fly was out of the question. So, with a show of courage he asked in a shaky voice,


"Who are you?" Receiving no reply, he repeated his question in a still shaky voice. Again there was no answer. Just then the black thing moved forward, and though the night was dark Ichabod could see a tall man sitting on a black horse, but the rider was headless! Ichabod's fears increased when he saw that the rider was carrying his head on the front part of the saddle. The horror-stricken teacher kicked Gunpowder fiercely, hoping to leave the other horse behind. But it was too late. The rider on the black horse rose in his saddle and threw his head straight at Ichabod. The big round head struck him and the poor teacher fell headlong into the dust. Gunpowder, the black horse and its rider passed by like a whirlwind.

The next morning the old horse was found without its saddle, eating grass near its master's gate. But Ichabod did not appear. The boys assembled at the schoolhouse, but the schoolmaster was not there. The village people went out to look for him. The tracks of horses' hoofs led them to the small brook where Ichabod's old black hat was found, and close beside it a shattered pumpkin. The place was searched but the body of the schoolmaster was not to be d iscovered.

Shortly after Ichabod disappeared, Brom Van Brunt married Katrina; and whenever the story of the unfortunate schoolmaster was related, he always burst into a hearty laugh at the mention of the pumpkin, which led some people to suspect that he knew more about the matter than he chose to tell.


  1. Ichabod Crane, the schoolmaster, lives in the quiet village of Sleepy Hollow.
  2. Crane falls in love with Katrina Van Tassel and her riches.
  3. Brom Van Brunt is his chief rival.
  4. Crane is invited to a party at Van Tassel's mansion.
  5. Ichabod Crane enjoys the party.
  6. Sad and heavy-hearted the schoolmaster rides home.
  7. Crane meets the headless horseman and is scared out of his wits.

XXV. Make tip situations based on the story "The-Legend of Sleepy Hollow" using the following word combinations and structural patterns:

to look old for one's age; to lack a sense of humour; he wished he could; to dream of doing; for many miles around; there was a knock at the door; to dismiss; this was luck!; to look forward to; to persuade smb to do smth; to get to sleep; to make a good impression on; to show in; to shake hands with; to get into conversation with; not to doubt the truth of; to make fun of; a brilliant idea; to prevent smb from; must have happened; can't help feeling gloomy; to clear one's throat; to pull oneself together; to stare at smb in astonishment; to want courage; to keep one's presence of mind; to have an accident; clauses of unreal condition


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