I. Translate the following phrases and sentences from the text:

1. He sat up straight as though prepared for any onslaught. 2. He saw the bright watchful face and the eager intelligence it held. 3. You'll be teaching freshman physics lab while you take your own courses towards your doctorate. 4. You'll probably find the first year rather confusing and hard work between the two schedules. 5. Mrs. Fox and I hold an open house for all the members of the staff. 6. Erik was silent for the time of two long breaths. 7. His dark gaze never moved from Fox's face. 8. ... and the words came tumbling out faster and faster to ease the pressure in his throat. 9. I couldn't see myself sponging on him. 10. Erik put out the cigarette as if he had just become aware of the extent of his rambling.

II. Give the principal forms of the following verbs:

to wear; to rise; to shake; to hold; to set; to break; to mean; to grow; to drive; to quit; to win; to sit; to fail; to sell

III. Find in the text English equivalents for the following Russian phrases and sentences. Use them in situations based on the text:

он говорил спокойным, ровным голосом; он откашлялся, прежде чем ответить; мы приняли на работу только одного ассистента; у вас будут все возможности оправдать ваши рекомендации; со временем все наладится; оставьте ваш адрес у секретаря; разговориться; вы были в отпуске

IV. Respond to the following questions or statements and correct them(if necessary). When expressing disagreement make sure you begin your answers with such commonly accepted phrases as:

I don't think that's quite right; You are not quite right (there); I'm afraid that's (completely) wrong; That's not quite true; I wouldn't say so; Oh, no, quite (on) the contrary (the opposite); As far as I remember

1. Professor Fox had never heard of Erik Gorin. 2. Erik spoke hesitatingly and his words showed his agitation. 3. Professor Fox felt sorry for the young man and he said so. 4. Erik didn't make a favourable impression on Professor Fox. 5. That year they had taken on a lot of new assistants, hadn't they? 6. Professor Fox believed that things would straighten out for Erik after a while, didn't he? 7. There was a certain field of physics in which Erik was especially interested, wasn't there? 8. Professor Fox urged Erik to choose the field of physics he would specialize in. 9. Most of the


professors were already back after the summer holiday, weren't they? 10. Professor Fox asked Erik to give him his address. 11. Professor Fox was anxious to know how Gorin had passed the summer, wgsn't he? 12. Professor Fox was not at all surprised at Erik's outburst of emotion. 13. Erik came to Professor Fox with the intention of discussing his personal affairs with him, didn't he? 14. Erik didn't enjoy his summer, did he? 15. Erik spent the whole summer in Wisconsin. 16. Erik had to walk all the way to Cleveland. 17. The fellow who gave Erik a lift to Cleveland didn't like his car; he was anxious to get rid of it and buy another. 18. The fellow who gave Erik a lift out of Cleveland told him about a vacancy at a gas station. 19. The owner of the station offered Erik a job for good pay. 20. Three weeks later Erik was sacked by the owner. 21. When Erik arrived in New York Professor Fox was already back from his vacation, wasn't he? 22. Erik couldn't make up his mind what he wanted to do in life. 23. Professor Fox dismissed Erik Gorin after a short formal interview, didn't he? 24. Professor Fox was not a famous scientist.

V. Answer the following questions:

1. What did Erik Gorin look like? 2. Why did he come to see Professor Fox? 3. Why did Erik have to clear his throat before answering Professor Fox's question? 4. What impression did Gorin make on Professor Fox? What was the Professor's attitude toward Erik Gorin? 5. What did Erik .learn from Professor Fox about his future work and studies? 6. Why did Professor Fox ask Gorin to leave his address with the secretary? 7. Why did Erik tell Professor Fox about his summer? 8. Why did Erik stay with the Hollingworths for only two weeks? 9. Why did Erik feel scared after his talk with the fellow who gave him a lift to Cleveland? 10. Why did Erik quit the job at the gas station? 11. What helped Erik to overcome all his difficulties that summer? 12. What were Gorin's feelings while he spoke to Professor Fox? 13. What is your impression of Erik Gorin?

VI. Find evidence in the text to support the following statements:

1. Erik was happy to get the appointment at Columbia. 2. Erik had a difficult time during the summer months. 3. Erik felt scared in Professor Fox's presence, but he wanted to make a good impression on him. 4. Professor Fox liked the new assistant and tried to put him at ease. 5. Professor Fox was not uninterested in Erik's story.

VII. Talk about: a) Erik's summer experience; b) Erik's interview with Professor Fox; c) Professor Fox's first impression of Erik Gorin.

VIII. Make up dialogues between:

  1. Professor Hollingworth and Erik Gorin (2 dialogues), a) Erik's appointment at Columbia University; b) Erik's visit to Wisconsin.
  2. Erik Gorin and the man who gave him a lift to Cleveland.


  1. Erik Gorin and the man whose place he had taken at the gas station.
  2. Professor Fox and his wife (Fox's impression of the new assistant).

Use the following colloquial expressions wherever possible:

I'm sure; I see; I really can't; I'm afraid not; I shouldn't wonder; I'm awfully sorry; It's awfully kind of you; Why, what's wrong with it?; Good heavens!; Nothing in particular; That's too bad; Why not do...?; Naturally; Certainly

IX. Make up a character sketch of Erik Gorin as you see him.

X. Suggest a title for the text and give reasons for your choice.

XI. Group the following adjectives according to the meaning of their suffix and translate them into Russian. Dsrive antonymous adjectives wherever possible using the suffix -less:

useful (tool); risky (business); hopeful (student); forgetful (pupil); sunny (day); shaky (table); fearful (accident); careful (work); lucky (day); thankful (children); faulty (plan); cheerful (smile); brainy (bാy); thoughtful (friend)

XII. Find noun-building suffixes in the text and use them to derive nouns from the following verbs and adjectives:

to enter; dark; to recommend; to prepare; intelligent; to hesitate; to expect; to invite; to warm; gently; to appoint; to visit; to drive; to assist; to serve; to move; to own; to encourage; to advise; responsible; sincere; to amaze; bright; to impress

XIII. Give clippings from the following words:

advertisement; spectacles; airplane; popular; detective; doctor; holidays; graduate; sister; refrigerator; magazine; professor; influenza; microphone

XIV. Write out in full the following abbreviations and memorize them:


XV. Translate the following sentences using the structural patterns:

1. Как бы мне хотелось купить этот словарь! Но, говорят, его распродали (to be sold out). 2. Жаль, что здесь нет телефона! 3. Хорошо бы нам жить в одном доме. 4. Вечером пошел сильный дождь. Как я пожалела, что не взяла зонт! 5. Должно быть, она ждет нас у входа в институт. 6. Не может быть, чтобы он забыл о нашей встрече. Должно быть, что-то случилось. Он, возможно, опоздал на автобус. 7. Неужели он сказал это вам? Вы, вероятно, его неправильно поняли. 8. Раз его здесь нет, он, наверное, занимается в библиотеке. 9. Должно быть, она поехала на вокзал проводить маму. 10. Очевидно, он не послушался совета друзей и поехал туда один. И. Должно быть, он ничего не рассказал ей об этом. 12. Очевидно, никто не заметил, как она вышла из


комнаты. 13. Прошлой зимой я, бывало, проводил все вечера в библиотеке. 14. Пока она была в Москве, она обычно заходила к нам каждый вечер. 15. Раз ваши родители уехали, вам придется позаботиться о вашей сестре. 16. Теперь, когда я вам все рассказала, нам легче будет решить, что делать.

XVI. Change the following sentences using the pattern wish + object clause. Make all the changes the new sentence may require:

Model: I didn't see Paul Scoffield as Hamlet. I wish I had seen Paul Scoffield as Hamlet.

1. She doesn't know English well enough to read Shakespeare in the original. 2. Unfortunately I was not at home when he called. 3. She won't be able to meet us when we arrive. 4. It so happened that she did not see them off. 5. I can't explain the matter to him now. 6. I'm so absent-minded. 7. She hopes that they will tell her the news, but they don't want to. 8. It's a pity I can't go out. It's raining heavily. 9. He wants to make friends with her, but she avoids his company.

XVII. Respond to (he following statements (or questions) using must, can't, may+Perfect or Continuous Infinitive:

Model: Why, there's no train 'and the platform looks deserted. The train must have left already or We can't have missed the train, we left early enough or You may have mixed up the time-table, etc.

1. Look, there's still a light in her room. 2. I was astonished to find the cottage locked and nobody expecting me. 3. She looks pale and worn out. What can have happened? 4. In the morning I rang them up to wish them a pleasant journey, but nobody answered. 5. Suddenly she burst out laughing. 6. Why is it so cold in the room? 7. Where's my textbook? I can't find it anywhere. 8. I wonder why Mother hasn't come from work yet. It's time she were here.

XVIII. Give English equivalents for the following short sentences (see Vocabulary and Ex. Ill):

1. Я пожал ему руку. Она горестно покачала головой. Том погрозил Сиду кулаком. 2. Я была удивлена, увидев их опять вместе. Мы были поражены ее успехами. Мы очень удивились, застав его дома в такой час. 3. Мы все сочувствовали ей. Никто не сочувствовал бедному юноше. 4. Группа произвела хорошее впечатление. Она скоро подружилась со всеми. Он любил высмеивать всех. Они едва сводили концы с концами. 5. Мы не ждем его на этой неделе. Я не ожидала, что он уедет так скоро. Я жду ее уже десять минут. Она подождала, пока стемнело. Все ждали, когда раздастся звонок. 6. У него не было никакой надежды встретиться с ней. У нее не было намерения идти туда одной. 7. Она невольно рассмеялась. Он не мог не удивиться, увидев ее там. 8. Он проводил ее в аэропорт. На вокзале я увидела своих друзей, которые пришли меня проводить. Проводить вас до автобусной остановки?


Проведите его сюда. Покажите ей, как выйти отсюда. Меня провели в приемную (reception room). 9. Он вел машину на большой скорости. Мой брат очень лихо водит машину. Он предпочитает ездить на машине из Москвы в Ленинград, а я люблю ездить туда поездом. Не волнуйтесь, я отвезу вас на станцию на машине. 10. Джо скопил достаточно денег, чтобы купить небольшой дом. Она сэкономит много времени, если будет питаться (to have meals) в нашей столовой. Она избежит многих неприятностей, если пойдет туда сразу. 11. Они предложили ему большую сумму денег за эту картину. Он предложил мне свою дружбу. Смирнов вызвался помочь им. Он предложил очень интересный метод заучивания слов. Декан предложил студентам обсудить этот вопрос на собрании. Он предложил пойти на станцию пешком. Нам предложили билеты в театр. Было поздно, и мои друзья предложили проводить меня домой. 12. Погасите папиросу. Потушите свет. Выключите радио. Закройте кран с холодной водой. Костер погас. 13. Она хотела рассказать, что случилось, но вовремя остановилась. Она не могла больше сдерживаться. Возьмите себя в руки. 14. Когда вы отпустили учеников? Джон боялся, что его уволят с работы. 15. Вы говорите по-английски как англичанин. Он обращался со своим сыном как с равным. 16. Она говорила тихим, печальным голосом. Он просмотрел свои записи, откашлялся и начал доклад. В прошлом году они взяли на работу только двух инженеров. У нас будут все возможности заниматься научной работой. Она не оправдала наших надежд. "Все образуется", - сказал он, - "не плачьте". Через некоторое время они разговорились. Если мне придется уйти, я оставлю ключ у соседей. Он разговорился с одним из рабочих. Сейчас вы никого не найдете в общежитии: все студенты на каникулах.

XIX. Suggest Russian equivalents for the word combinations in bold type and explain the use of the synonyms in the following sentences:

1. "I'll go there without you, I will." He was astonished at the girl's determination, but it only irritated him the more. 2. I stared back at her. I think I was amazed that anyone who a moment or two before had been laughing with me could suddenly become so angry. 3. I was astonished at her abrupt refusal to go after everything had been arranged. 4. "I'm sorry the Triton (a hotel) is not being a success, but I'm not surprised. Why on earth did you trust the Gordons to choose a hotel? 5. He sat amazed at the divine melody of her soprano voice. 6. She sang so well that she and the song seemed to be one thing, Mark was so amazed that he was a little late in coming in with his part. 7. My parents were astonished that I thought of marrying her. 8. "How is old Max?" he said. I was surprised at his tone. It sounded as though he knew him well. 9. I was amazed, when I came downstairs for the first time and went out into the garden, to see how much had been achieved about the place during my illness. 10. She was wearing something white and her hair was loose, tied behind with a piece of ribbon. It shook me,


it surprised me that she should look so young. 11. The wig was a triumph. I had tried it on after breakfast and was amazed at the transformation. I looked quite attractive, quite different altogether.

XX. Read the following sentences paying careful attention to the words and word combinations in bold type. Suggest their Russian equivalents:

1. "I am sorry," she said, "I couldn't help but overhear what you said." 2. I can see her now standing at the foot of the stairs on the night of the ball, shaking hands with everybody. 3. I felt she was fighting hard to control herself. 4. "He (Joseph) is very kind and good, but he scarcely ever speaks to me; I think he loves his pipe a great deal better than his..." but here Amelia checked herself, for why should she speak ill of her brother? 5. I suggested she should go to bed as she was tired, but she wouldn't hear of it. 6. One day we went to an exhibition where certain objects of art were being offered for sale. 7. Jane suggested a brandy and soda to pull me together but I refused. 8. There was no doubt Joliffe had a gift with children. He never looked down on them... He didn't treat them as children; he could enter into a game as an equal. 9. So I learned that I must follow meekly like a humble shadow in the footsteps of my father. 10. Stop behaving like a child, Philip, and have some understanding. 11. Our meals were taken in my bedroom, Rachel waiting upon me and caring for me like a nurse with a child. 12. "Is it going to start again? Am I doomed to sit here as a nurse to all eternity?" 13. Mr. Morton had once spoken of him as an outcast, and now I had seen him treated as one. 14. They could not continue to treat me as a newly arrived guest for ever. 15. His first impulse was to dismiss Jose at once, to get rid of him for ever. 16. If they (the reporters) don't get the story, the editor will probably sack them. 17. Conway often visited him in the late evening and stayed long after the servants... had been dismissed for the night. 18. I used to write poetry myself when I was his age. 19. "I don't think she has any intention of returning," I replied. 20. I could feel their anxious eyes upon me waiting for me to say something. 21. No one could help being pleased with the way Nora took the news. 22. Philip pulled himself together to receive her without any sign of what he was feeling. 23. He was shaken by the news of Morgan's return.

XXI. Translate the following situations paying careful attention to the words and word combinations in bold type:.

1. Бекки не могла не расплакаться, когда узнала, что они заблудились в пещере. "Зачем только я пошла с тобой, Том!" - сказала она плача.--"Возьми себя в руки, Бекки! Нас скоро найдут. Должно быть, они уже ищут нас".

На третий день, когда дети потеряли всякую надежду выбраться из пещеры, Том увидел дневной свет.

Тетя Полли не могла не гордиться Томом. Это он спас Бекки.

2. Когда миссис Пирс ввела Элизу в кабинет, Хиггинс очень удивился: он не ожидал увидеть цветочницу, с которой


разговаривал накануне. "Интересно, зачем она пришла? Она, должно быть, решила брать у меня уроки английского языка!" Эта мысль так поразила его, что он не мог не рассмеяться.

3. Пикеринг предложил Хиггинсу научить Злизу правильно говорить по-английски. Он даже вызвался оплатить все расходы, связанные с ее обучением.

4. Миссис Хиггинс не могла не посочувствовать Элизе, когда узнала, что случилось в доме Хиггинса. "Не плачьте, Элиза, - сказала она. - Возьмите себя в руки. Вспомните, бывало вы полагались только на себя (to rely on oneself). А теперь, когда вы хорошо говорите по-английски, у вас есть все возможности опять стать независимой и зарабатывать себе на жизнь больше, чем когда-либо (to earn a better living)".

5. Отец Карди (Father Cardi) поздоровался с Артуром (Arthur) за руку и начал расспрашивать его о занятиях в университете. "Я уверен, что вы оправдаете рекомендацию Монтанелли, - сказал Карди. - Теперь, когда он уехал, мы с вами часто будем встречаться. Надеюсь, мы станем друзьями. Приходите в следующую пятницу. Я вас буду ждать". С этими словами он отпустил Артура.

XXII. Make up short dialogues using the following structural patterns:

now that; I wish; can't have done; may be doing

XXIII. Read the text and retell it following the points in the outline given below. Make a list of the words and word combinations in the text which you could use to develop each point:

Joseph Conrad wrote to a friend to this effect: that life made him feel like a cornered blind rat waiting to be clubbed. This simile could well describe the appalling circumstances of sour family; nevertheless, some of us had a stroke of luck, and this is what happened to me.

I had been a newsboy, printer, toymaker, glass blower, doctor's boy, etc, but changing from one job to another I never lost sight of my ultimate aim to become an actor. So between jobs I would polish my shoes, brush my clothes, put on a clean collar and make periodical calls at Blackmore's theatrical agency in Bedford Street off the Strand. I did this until the state of my clothes forbade any further visits.

One day I was standing in a far corner near the door of the agency, painfully shy, trying to conceal my weatherworn suit and shoes slightly budding at the toes, when the clerk saw me. He stopped abruptly and asked: "What do you want?"

  • I felt like Oliver Twist asking for more.
  • "Have you any boys' parts?" I gulped.
  • "Have you registered?"
  • I shook my head.

To my surprise he ushered me into the adjoining office and took my name and address and all particulars, saying that if anything


came up he would let me know. I left with a pleasant sense of having performed a duty, but also rather thankful that nothing had come of it.

A month later I received a postcard. It read: "Would you call at Blackmore's Agency, Bedford Street, Strand?"

In my new suit (Sidney had outfitted me with new clothes) I was ushered into the very presence of Mr. Blackmore himself, who was all smiles and amiability. Mr. Blackmore, whom I had imagined to be almighty and scrutinizing, was most kindly and gave me a note to deliver to Mr. Hamilton at the office.

Mr. Hamilton read it and was amused and surprised to see how small I was. Of course I lied about my age, telling him I was fourteen - I was twelve and a half. He explained that I was to play Billie, the pageboy in Sherlock Holmes, for a tour of forty weeks, which was to start in autumn.

"In the meantime," said Mr. Hamilton, "there is an exceptionally good boy's part in a new play, Jim, The Romance of a Cockney written by Mr. H. A. Saintsbury, the gentleman who is to play the title role in Sherlock Holmes on the forthcoming tour."

The salary was two pounds ten shillings a week, the same as I would get for Sherlock Holmes.

Although the sum was a windfall I never batted an eye.

"I must consult my brother about the terms," I said solemnly. Mr. Hamilton laughed and seemed highly amused, then brought out the whole office staff to have a look at me.

"This is our Billie! What do you think of him?"

Everybody was delighted and smiled beamingly at me. What had happened? It seemed the world had suddenly changed, had laken me into its fond embrace and adopted me. Mr. Hamilton gave me a note to Mr. Saintsbury, whom he said I would find at the Green Room Club in Leicester Square, and I left, walking on clouds.

The same thing happened at the Green Room Club, Mr. Saints bury calling out other members to have a look at me. Then and there he handed me the part of Sammy, saying that it was one of the important characters in his play. I was a little' nervous for fear he might ask me to read on the spot, which would have been embarrassing as I was almost unable to read; fortunately he told me to take it home and read it at leisure, as they would not be starting rehearsals for another week.

I went home on the bus dazed with happiness, and began to get the full realization of what had happened to me. I had suddenly left behind a life of poverty and was entering a long-desired dream - a dream my mother had often spoken about. I was to become an actor! It had all come so suddenly, so unexpectedly. I kept thumbing the pages of my part - the most important document I had ever held in my life. During the ride on the bus I realized I had crossed an important threshold. No longer was I a nondescript of the slums; now I was a personage of the theatre. I wanted to weep.


Sidney's eyes were filmy when I told him what had happened. He sat crouched on the bed, thoughtfully looking out of the window, shaking and nodding his head, then said gravely:

"This is the turning pcdnt of our lives. If only Mother was here to enjoy it with us."

The rehearsals of Jim took place in the upstairs foyer of the Driiry Lane Theatre. Those first rehearsals were a revelation. They opened up a new world of technique. I had no idгa that there was such a thing as stagecraft - timing, pausing, a cue to turn, to sit - but it came naturally to me. Only one fault Mr. Saintsbury corrected: I moved my head and mugged too much when I talked.

After rehearsing a few scenes he was astonished and wanted to know if I had acted before. What a glow of satisfaction, pleasing Mr. Saintsbury and the rest of the cast! However, I accepted their enthusiasm as though it were my natural birthright.

Jim was not a success. The reviewers criticized the play unmercifully. Nevertheless, I received favourable notices. One, which Mr. Charles Rock, a member of our company, showed me, was exceptionally good. "Young man," said he solemnly, "don't get a swollen head when you read this." And after lecturing me about modesty and graciousness he read the review of the London Topical Times, which I remember word for word. After writing disparagingly of the play it continued: "But there is one redeeming feature, the part of Sammy, a newspaper boy, a smart London street Arab, much responsible for the comic part. Although hackneyed and old-fashioned, Sammy was made vastly amusing by Master Charles Chaplin, a bright and vigorous child actor. I have never heard of the boy before, but I hope to hear great things of him in the near future."

Sidney bought a dozen copies.

(From "My Autobiography", by Charles Chaplin)


  1. Charlie Chaplin and his brother live in extreme poverty.
  2. Charlie's only wish is to become an actor.
  3. Charlie at last registers at Blackmore's theatrical agency.
  4. Charlie is invited to the agency for an interview. He is lucky to get a small part in a new play.
  5. Charlie is dazed with happiness as he walks home. His dream is coming true.
  6. The rehearsals open up a new world for Charlie.
  7. The play is not a success, but Charlie's acting is highly praised in the press.

XXIV. Make up situations based on the episode from the autobiography of Charlie Chaplin using the following word combinations and structural patterns:

must have done; used to; not to lose hope of; to have no intention of; to clear one's throat; to show smb in; to expect; to wait for smb; to shake hands with smb; to be amazed to see; to offer; to sug-


gest; to make a good impression; to dismiss; couldn't help doing; I wish...; to get into conversation; to check oneself; now that; to live up to one's expectations


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