I. Translate the following sentences from the text:
1. She probed into his character, and he felt himself pierced. 2. "Naturally," he said, summoning all his latent powers of diplomacy. 3. "You don't look as if you could say 'Booh!' to a goose;" she said. "I think I can say 'Booh!' to a goose," he said. 4. I do hate the horrid velvety feeling of these chairs. It's most creepy. 5. She obediently extended it to dimensions which must be described as august ... 6. "Surely a body can decide whether she'll have a tooth out or not!" 7. And at length, when he could delay the fatal essay no longer, he said...
II. Give the principal forms of the following verbs?
to find; to speed; to stroke; to lay; to drive; to lie; to laugh; to withdraw; to arise; to deal; to hurt; to swim; to hold; to ring; to fan
III. Find in the text English equivalents for the following Russian phrases and sentences and use them in situations based on the text:.
в дверь позвонили опять; ее рука поглаживала левую щеку; вы кажетесь таким тихоней; я очень страдаю (мне очень больно); я хочу удалить этот зуб; какое вам до этого дело; это был критический момент; принять все меры предосторожности; он был в панике; его нервы были напряжены до предела; его тошнило (он почувствовал тошноту); он ухватился за; вы должны крепко держаться за стул
IV. Respond to the following questions or statements and correct them if necessary (see Unit One, Ex. IV, p. 22):
1. Mr. Cowlishaw's second visitor came half an hour after his first one. 2. Mrs. Clowes wasn't suffering from toothache when she came to Mr. Cowlishaw. 3. Mrs. Clowes wanted to have her tooth filled, did she not? 4. Dentists try to avoid extraction, don't they?
5. Mr. Cowlishaw had had a lot of experience in extracting teeth, had he? 6. Mrs. Clowes was a woman of strong character, wasn't she? 7. Mrs. Clowes insisted on having her tooth out, didn't she? 8. Mrs. Clowes didn't object to being given gas, did she? 9. Having made up his mind what he would do, Mr. Cowlishaw was calm and self-possessed. 10. It wouldn't have mattered if Mr. Cowlishaw had failed to extract the tooth, would it? 11. What the attendant saw when he rushed into the surgery didn't surprise him at all. 12. Mr.Cowlishaw failed to extract the tooth, didn't he? 13. Mrs. Clowes fainted from nervous excitement.
V. Answer the following questions:
1. Why did Mr. Cowlishaw find himself in a double difficulty? 2. Who was his second visitor? What was she like? 3. Did Mr. Cowlishaw impress Mrs. Clowes as an experienced dentist? 4. What did she demand that Mr. Cowlishaw should do? Do you think Mrs. Clowes was a brave woman? 5. Why did Mr. Cowlishaw feel troubled as he examined the mayoress teeth? 6. How did Mrs. Clowes take the proposal Mr. Cowlishaw made to fill her tooth? 7. Did Mr. Cowlishaw flatly refuse to take out Mrs. Clowes's tooth or did he argue with her for some time? 8. Was Mrs. Clowes afraid of pain? What did she demand? 9. Why was poor Mr. Cowlishaw in panic as he was getting ready for the operation? 10. Do you think Mrs. Clowes noticed his state of mind? 11. What instructions did Mr. Cowlishaw give to the lady? 12. What did the attendant see when he rushed into the room? 13. What did Mrs. Clowes say to the attendant? 14. Which of the two had more self-possession: the dentist or the patient?
VI Find evidence in the text to support the following statements:
1. Mrs. Clowes was in the habit of bossing everybody about. 2. Mr. Cowlishaw was glad to have Mrs. Clowes as his patient and tried to please her in every possible way. 3. Mr. Cowlishaw was in panic at the prospect of the operation. 4. Mr. Cowlishaw was a brave young man. 5. The spectacle the attendant saw when he rushed into the surgery was indeed unique.
VII Make up stories as they might have been told by:
a) Mr. Cowlishaw, who does what he can to please Mrs. Clowes, as he realizes that his career depends on it.
b) Mrs. Clowes, who is resolved to persuade the young dentist to take her tooth out.
c) The attendant, who is really glad that Mr. Cowlishaw has such remarkable patients but is shocked by what he sees in the surgery.
VIII Make up dialogues between:
1. Mrs. Clowes and a lady-friend of hers (about Mrs. Clowes's visit to the young dentist).
2. The attendant and one of his family (about his first day with Mr. Cowlishaw).
Use (he following colloquial expressions wherever possible:
How could you!; Well, ...; That depends ...; Naturally; I really couldn't; I do hate...; That's my affair, isn't it?; Certainly; Not a bit; You don't say so.
IX. Write down the words from the text which describe Mr. Cowlishaw and make up a character sketch.
X. Write down the words from the text which describe the mayoress of Hanbridge and make up a character sketch.
XI. Suggest a title for the text and give reasons for your choice.
XII. Convert the following nouns into verbs and verbs into nouns. Comment on (he semantic relations within the conversion pairs. Use them in short sentences:
Nouns: a doctor, a voice, a fan, an eye, a finger, a referee, a hand, water
Verbs: to drink, to look, to knock, to ring, to pull, to grasp, to find, to shriek
XIII. Make a list of all derived and compound nouns and adjectives in the text of Units Two and Three. Analyse their structure.
XIV. Translate the following sentences using the structural patterns:
1. Я, пожалуй, пойду на станцию, не дожидаясь Виктора. До отхода поезда осталось всего 15 минут. 2. Вы бы лучше обратились к зубному врачу немедленно, пока нет осложнений. 3. Я плохо себя чувствую сегодня. Я бы остался дома. Поезжай без меня. 4. Ему бы лучше позвонить им сейчас же, а то будет поздно. 5. "Вы не будете возражать, если я закурю здесь?" - "Вы бы лучше покурили в коридоре". 6. Я, пожалуй, подожду следующего автобуса. Этот автобус переполнен. 7. Мне лучше уйти, если вы собираетесь разговаривать со мной таким образом. 8. Нам лучше не говорить на эту тему, иначе мы поссоримся. 9. Профессор Фокс, руководитель лаборатории, был известным физиком, лауреатом Нобелевской премии. 10. Вам лучше спросить об этом товарища Петрова. Он был председателем комиссии, которая занималась этим вопросом. 11. "Разрешите вам представить - доктор Ларин, руководитель нашей делегации". - "Очень приятно. Познакомьтесь с моими коллегами. Мистер Смит, председатель общества дружбы. Миссис Харпер, секретарь подготовительного комитета". 12. "Как ты думаешь, кто будет председателем собрания?" - "Не имею понятия. Я знаю только, что доклад сделает директор нашего предприятия".
XV. Respond to the following statements, questions or requests using had better or would rather. Give two variants wherever possible. Add a sentence or two to make the situation clear:
a) Will you come to the cinema with me tonight? I'd better stay at home. I've got a lot of work to do for tomorrow or I'd rather stay at home. I'm in the middle of a very interesting book.
b) I want to go to the South in July this summer. You'd better not. You have a weak heart and ths summer is going to be very hot this year.
1. Why don't you answer the telephone? 2. Shall I call for y6u at your work and we'll go to the theatre together? 3. I think I shall ask him to translate this article for me. 4. Do you want me to tell your father about our plans? 5. I wonder if I should take the children to the seaside in July. 6. We are planning to drive to Leningrad this weekend. 7. Would you like to come to the football match with me? 8. Do you think he is a good dentist? Would you recommend him? 9. I'm running a temperature. Can you give me something for it, Mary?
XVI. Give English equivalents for the following short sentences (see Vocabulary and Ex. Ill):
1. Я с трудом разбирал ее почерк. 2. Она, конечно, не одобряла такого рода критику. Ей был оказан радушный прием. Вы всегда желанный гость в нашем доме. Сегодня моя машина в вашем распоряжении. 3. Результаты эксперимента превзошли все мои ожидания. 4. В дверь опять позвонили. Раздался стук в дверь. 5. Я что-нибудь могу для вас сделать? Вам помочь? 6. "Ты пойдешь туда со мной?" - "Все зависит от обстоятельств". 7. У вас есть опыт перевода таких текстов? 8. Интересно, почему он здесь. Он не мог не удивиться собственной смелости. Я не удивлюсь (неудивительно), если у нее заболит голова: здесь очень душно. Она потеряла сознание (упала в обморок). Ничего удивительного, она не ела целый день. 9. Ты поняла, на что он намекал? 10. Она навела о нем справки. 11. Он решил запломбировать зуб немедленно. 12. Они не сомкнули глаз всю ночь. 13. Они опять заняли свои места. Он возобновил рассказ. 14. Эта книга об истории Англии. С Еленой трудно иметь дело, а ее сестра очень легкий человек. 15. Я не согласна, что твой план лучше. Ты никогда не согласна со мной. Вы согласны с нашими условиями? Нет, я не могу пойти на эти условия. Они договорились ехать в Ленинград на машине. Она не согласилась ехать туда на поезде. 16. Он твердо решил довести работу до конца. Он окончил перевод в два часа ночи. 17. Мальчик потерял сознание и долго не приходил в себя. Она почувствовала слабость от голода и усталости. Мне дурно, дайте воды, пожалуйста. 18. Вы выглядите так, как будто очень страдаете от боли (как будто вам очень больно). Какое вам до этого дело? Если бы вы приняли их предложение, вы бы уже закончили работу. Они приняли все меры предосторожности, чтобы не дать Невидимке осуществить свои планы (to realize one's plans). Я никогда не видела ее в панике: она прекрасно владеет собой. Ночью он не сомкнул глаз: нервы его были напряжены до предела. Держись крепче, иначе упадешь!
XVII. Read the following sentences paying careful attention to the words and word combinations in bold type and suggest their Russian equivalents:
1. Mor had great difficulty in persuading his wife to accompany him to his principal's dinners. 2. He had had himself introduced, made guarded inquiries, discovered that she was poor... 3. "I think you'd better let me speak to the girl properly in private," said Mrs.
Pearce. 4. "What name did you say?" - "She said you'd know her when you saw her." - "That's odd," I said. "Perhaps you'd better show her up." 5. Lunch was a welcome break to the long morning. 6. We had to come forward and welcome the unexpected guests. 7. We have a guest-room in this house. She is welcome to it until her plans are formed. 8. Had I been accepted in this house, I would have offered to assist in the kitchen... But I knew that Mrs. Crawford would not welcome my help. 9. I wondered what they would say if I suddenly announced my intention of running the whole affair. 10. I cannot but wonder what it is they have been discussing. 11. I've always wondered about country life in England. 12. I woke at three wondering for a moment where I was. 13. "Will you be late?" - "I don't know. It all depends. Don't wait up for me." 14. We were wondering, sir, if you would mind assisting us again. 15... he wondered whether by an unluckly chance she had seen him with Mildred.
XVIII.Analyse the use of the tenses in the following sentences. Translate them .into Russian:.
1. As I climbed again up the back way to the house, I heard the laughter and the chatter of the men as they went home from work. 2. He caught a taxi on the corner. "London airport," he told the driver. As the taxi moved away, the phone in his flat began to ring. 3. He began to speak clearly and precisely. As he spoke, some of the phrases drifted through the window and were heard by the boys. 4. It was two hours later, as he was shaving on a borrowed electric razor, that the girl phoned back. 5. The plane from London glided into the airport as the dusk deepened into night. Near the tail of the plane a blond Englishman lay back in his seat near the window and gazed out at the lights as they flashed past the sinking aircraft. 6. As dusk was falling the tourists entered a little town in the Alps. 7. George at once placed another call with his sister. As he put the phone (receiver) down, it rang again. 8. They talked rugby for a while as they walked slowly on the terrace. 9. All along the road the trees had been illuminated. It was charming and we were exclaiming in wonder as we rode along.
XIX. Translate the following situations. Use the active vocabulary of Unit Three for the words and word combinations in bold type;
1. Мартин больше не мог читать. У него кружилась голова от усталости. Он потушил свет и погрузился в тяжелый сон. 2. Том и Гек спрятались за кустами и ждали, когда откроется дверь таверны. Наконец, дверь отворилась, и оттуда вышел никто иной, как Индеец Джо (Injun Joe). Это была удача! Наконец-то они узнали, где Джо скрывался все это время! 3. То, что мальчики увидели в старом доме, превзошло все их ожидания. Оказалось, что сокровище (treasure), которое они искали уже целую неделю, лежало у них под носом (right under one's very nose). 4. Наконец,: Давид добрался до дома своей тетки, мисс Бетси Тротвуд (Miss Betsy .Trptwoqd). У него кружилась голова от голода и усталости.
5. Крейн учил Катрин пению, и его всегда хорошо принимали в доме Ван Тассла. 6. Хотя у Крейна было много соперников, он не терял надежды. Старый Ван Тассел был добрым человеком, и с ним легко было иметь дело. Крейну казалось, что ему будет не трудно уговорить старика отдать за него свою дочь. 7. Крейн никогда не был храбрым. Не удивительно, что он упал в обморок, когда увидел перед собой всадника без головы. Когда он пришел в себя, вокруг никого не было. "Неужели мне это все показалось?" - подумал незадачливый учитель. 8. "Я надеюсь, что вы пробудете в Лондоне еще некоторое время?" - спросил сэр Роберт. "Все зависит от обстоятельств", - ответила миссис Чивли (Mrs. Cheve-ley) - "Я знаю, что в вашем доме я не являюсь желанным гостем, но я не уеду, пока не уговорю вас поддержать мой план". 9. Лорд Горинг (Lord Goring) посоветовал сэру Роберту навести справки о миссис Чивли. "Мы должны принять все меры предосторожности, чтобы не дать миссис Чивли опубликовать это письмо".
XX. Read the story and retell it Following the outline given below. Make a list of the words in the text which you could use to develop each point:.
The trouble began in a gambling house. Greaser, a hot-blooded youth quarrelled with his neighbour, whose nickname was the Kid, and the latter shot him on the spot.
A minute later Greaser's friends were at the Kid's heels. They overtook him at the station, but the young man turned and raised his revolver. He was a good shot. Seeing his revolver, the pursuers stopped, turned and vanished.
The same afternoon the Kid got on a passenger train, and three days later he was sailing to Buenas Tierras, coast of South America.
Thacker, the United States consul at Buenas Tierras, was not yet drunk. It was eleven o'clock in the morning and he was never drunk until the middle of the afternoon. On hearing a slight noise he looked up and saw the Kid standing at the door.
"Good morning," said the young man. "They told me it was customary to call on you before having a look at the town. I have just come on a ship from Texas."
"Glad to see you, Mr. - ?" said the consul.
The young man laughed. "Dalton," he said. "But it sounds funny to me to hear it. They simply call me the Kid."
"I'm Thacker," said the consul, motioning the young man to a chair. "I suppose you want somebody to advise you. And, besides, they speak Spanish here and you'll need an interpreter. If there is anything I can do for you, I'll be delighted. If you are buying fruit lands or looking for a concession, you will want somebody to help you."
"I speak Spanish," said the Kid, "about nine times better than I speak English. Everybody speaks Spanish on the ranch where I come from. And I am not buying anything."
"You speak Spanish?" said Thacker thoughtfully. He looked at the young man in silence. "You look like a Spaniard, too," he continued, "and you are from Texas. And you can't be more than twenty or twenty-one. I wonder if you are game enough..."
"What do you mean?" asked the Kid, suddenly rising and approaching the consul.
"Are you ready to undertake any kind of job?" asked Thacker.
"What's the use of denying it," said the young man. "I got into a little trouble in my country and killed a man, I was afraid that some of his friends might try to get even with me, so I thought I'd better leave the place and come here. So you see that I'm game for any kind of work."
Thacker got up and closed the door.
"Come here," said the consul. Through the window he pointed to a two-story white house. "In that house," said Thacker, "an old Castilian gentleman and his wife are waiting to embrace you and fill your pockets with money. Old Santos Urique lives there. He owns half the gold mines in the country."
"You're not drunk, are you?" said the Kid.
"Sit down," said Thacker, "and I'll tell you. Twelve years ago the old gentleman and his wife lost their only child. He was a wild little devil and but eight years old. Some Americans who were looking for gold called on Don Urique and made much of the boy. They filled his head with wonderful stories about the United States; and a month after they left, the boy disappeared. It was said he was seen once afterwards in Texas, but they never heard anything more of him. Old Urique sent men to look for him. He spent thousands of dollars, but in vain. The mother was quite broken. The child was her life. She still wears mourning. They say she believes that her son will come back to her some day, and never gives up hope. On the back of the boy's left hand was tattooed a flying eagle."
The Kid looked at the consul, but said nothing.
"I can help you," continued Thacker. "In a week you'll have an eagle tattooed on your left hand, and then I'll send for old Urique, and when he finds that you have the tattoo mark, both parents will fall on your neck. The rest is very simple. Old Urique keeps from $50,000 to $100,000 in his house in a little safe that a child can open. Get the money. Then we shall catch a ship going to Rio Janeiro and let the consulate go to the dogs. What do you say?"
"It sounds all right," answered the Kid.
In a week's time the tattooed design on the young man's left hand was ready and the wound had healed, and then Thacker sent for the Uriques.
Half an hour later an old-fashioned carriage drove up to the door of the consulate. A lady and a tall man with a white moustache got off and hurried in.
By the consul's desk stood a slender young man with a sunburnt face and black hair. Donna Urique cast a long look upon the young man. Then her black eyes turned, and her gaze rested upon his left
hand, and then with a sob, not loud, but seeming to shake the room, she cried: . "Oh, my son," and folded the Kid in her arms.
A month later the Kid came to the consulate in response to a message from Thacker. He looked a young caballero. His clothes were of the latest fashion and a big diamond shone on his finger,
"Well," asked Thacker, "How are you getting on? It's time you began acting," said Thacker. "What's the trouble? Can't you find where Don Urique keeps his money?"
"Oh, he's very rich," said the young man, admiring his diamond. "There's plenty of money in the house. I've seen it with my own eyes, But you are not going to get it," the Kid said, cheerfully. "And I'll tell you why. The first night when I was in my bedroom at Don Urique's house, my artificial mother came in and bent over me. "My boy," she said, "my boy!" And down comes a drop or two, and hits me on the nose. You see, I had very little to do with mothers in my life and I think that this old artificial mother of mine mustn't be disappointed. She stood it once, but she will not stand it twice. That is why things are going to stay just as they are..."
"I'll expose you today, you ... traitor," stammered Thacker.
The Kid rose and, without violence, took Thacker by the throat with a hand of steel. Then with his left hand, he drew out his revolver and pointed it at the consul.
"There is one more reason," he said slowly, "why things have to stay as they are. The fellow I killed had an eagle tattooed on his left hand."
From the outside came a sound of wheels and the old-fashioned carriage of Don Urique stopped at the door of the consulate.
"Where are you, my dear son?" cried Donna Urique.
"I am coming, mother," answered the Kid.
(After O'Henry)
1. The Kid is compelled to run away from his native country.
2. The Kid arrives in South America and pays a visit to the United States consul at Buenas Tierras.
3. The consul, Mr. Thacker, gives him a warm welcome and makes a proposal to him.
4. The young man falls in with the consul's little game.
5. The Kid has a flying eagle tattooed on his hand.
6. The Uriques take the young man for their lost son.
7. Thacker grows impatient because the Kid is slow in going through with his plan.
8. The young man gives reasons why he refuses to go through with the consul's plan.
XXI. Make up situations based on the story "The Tattoo" using the following word combinations and structural patterns:
to welcome a plan; to agree to smth; to agree with smb; 'to be driving at; to. deal with smb; to be easy (hard) to get on with; to receive a hearty welcome; to have very little experience in doing smth; to go through with; to take every precaution; to control oneself; to make inquiries about; to wonder why...; to resume one's seat; to get to sleep; to fall asleep; not to have a wink of sleep; had better; would rather; must have done; can't have done; I wish I could
XXII. Make up sentences based on the story "The Tattoo" using clauses of unreal condition.